翻訳/0801-0900 page/0894

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 21:51:52

KEY: The previous record for highest scoring league game was the <%string#1 - score> defeat against <%team#2-short> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258092: リーグ戦における以前の最多得点試合は <%team#2-short> を相手に <%string#1 - score> で敗北した <%fixture_name#1> でした

KEY: The previous record for highest scoring league game was the <%string#1 - score> draw with <%team#2-short> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258093: リーグ戦における以前の最多得点試合は <%team#2-short> を相手に <%string#1 - score> で引き分けた <%fixture_name#1> でした

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1 - games won in row> games won in a row between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long> is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258094: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて <%number#1 - games won in row> 試合連続で勝利しており 連勝記録を更新しました

KEY: The previous winning streak was set at <%number#1-text>, achieved between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258095: 以前の連勝記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて記録しました

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1 - games lost in row> games lost in a row between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long> is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258096: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて <%number#1 - games won in row> 試合連続で敗北しており 連敗記録を更新しました

KEY: The previous losing streak was set at <%number#1>, which occurred between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258097: 以前の連敗記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて記録しました

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1-text> games unbeaten from <%date#1-long> is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258098: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> 以来 <%number#1-text> 試合連続で 無敗を続けており 無敗記録を更新しました

KEY: The previous unbeaten streak was <%number#1-text>, a run of form put together between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258099: 以前の連続無敗記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて記録しました

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1-text> games without winning from <%date#1-long> is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258100: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> 以来 <%number#1-text> 試合連続で 無勝が続いており 無勝記録を更新してしまいました

KEY: The previous winless streak was <%number#1-text> games, starting on <%date#1-long>. They didn't win again until <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258101: 以前の連続無勝記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて記録しました

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1-text> games without conceding from <%date#1-long> is a new record.<COMMENT: tc_records_news>
STR-258102: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> 以来 <%number#1-text> 試合連続で無失点を続け 連続無失点記録を更新しました

KEY: The previous clean sheet run was set at <%number#1-text>, achieved between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258103: 以前の連続無失点記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> にかけて達成しました