翻訳/0801-0900 page/0895

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 21:52:44

KEY: <%team#1-short>{s} <%number#1-text> games without scoring from <%date#1-long> is a new record.<COMMENT: tc_records_news>
STR-258104: <%team#1-short> は <%date#1-long> 以来 <%number#1-text> 試合連続で得点を獲得できず 連続無得点記録を更新しました

KEY: The previous goalless streak was set at <%number#1-text> when they didn't score a single goal between <%date#1-long> and <%date#2-long>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258105: 以前の連続無得点記録は <%number#1-text> 試合で <%date#1-long> から <%date#2-long> の間 1点も獲得できませんでした

KEY: The <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> spent by <%team#1-short - club> on transfer fees this season is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258180: <%team#1-short - club> が 今シーズン中費やした移籍金は <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> で 過去最高額となりました

KEY: The previous record for spending in a season was set at <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258181: 以前の 1シーズンの最高移籍金支出は <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> でした

KEY: The <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> received by <%team#1-short - club> on transfer fees this season is a new record.[COMMENT: records_news; record string]
STR-258182: <%team#1-short - club> が 今シーズン中獲得した移籍金は <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> で 過去最高額となりました

KEY: The previous record for transfer income raised in a single season was previously set at <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash>.[COMMENT: records_news; previous record string]
STR-258183: 以前の 1シーズンの最高移籍金収入は <%cash#1-long-roundlarge - cash> でした

KEY: View Records[COMMENT:button links to team records screen]
STR-258187: 記録を見る

KEY: Calendar[COMMENT: manager section heading]
STR-258189: カレンダー

KEY: <%number#1-nth> Place<COMMENT: club award place identification e.g. 1st, 2nd>
STR-258190: <%number#1-nth> 位

KEY: Thank you for playing the <%string#1> Demo\n\nYour game will now be saved.[COMMENT: dialog text for demo when demo has ended]
STR-258196: <%string#1> のデモをプレイしていただき ありがとうございました \n\n ゲームのセーブを行います

KEY: <%number#1-nth> Place<COMMENT: award place identification e.g. 1st, 2nd>
STR-258200: <%number#1-nth> 位

KEY: <%award#1> Voting[COMMENT: award_voting_screen; title]
STR-258201: <%award#1> に投票する

KEY: No Voting Awards Found[COMMENT:AWARD_VOTING_SCREEN; when nothing to display]
STR-258202: 投票できる賞はありません