翻訳/0901-1000 page/0922

Last-modified: 2009-01-24 (土) 20:59:28

KEY: A category with the name '<%string#1>' already exists.[COMMENT: Information text for warning dialog when user creats a category/tag with a title that already exists]
STR-258849: '<%string#1>' というカテゴリーは すでに存在しています

KEY: No categories[COMMENT: Text in list of tags if there are no tags to be displayed]
STR-258850: カテゴリーなし

KEY: Current categories for: '<%string#1>'[COMMENT: Heading in dialog for editing tags/categories for a note]
STR-258851: 現在のカテゴリー : '<%string#1>'

KEY: Tick boxes in the list to assign categories to this note.[COMMENT: Help text displayed when in the 'edit note tags' dialog when a note has no tags/categories assigned to it]
STR-258852: チェックボックスにチェックを入れて このノートへカテゴリーを割り振ってください

KEY: Commercial Link[COMMENT: Feeder Clubs; purpose of intended feeder club]
STR-258853: 営利目的の提携

KEY: International Loan / First Option[COMMENT: Feeder Clubs; purpose of intended feeder club]
STR-258854: 外国籍選手の期限付移籍 / 優先交渉権

KEY: Work Permit[COMMENT: Feeder Clubs; purpose of intended feeder club]
STR-258855: 労働許可

KEY: National Loan / First Option[COMMENT: Feeder Clubs; purpose of intended feeder club]
STR-258856: 国内選手の期限付移籍 / 優先交渉権

KEY: Any Type[COMMENT: Feeder Clubs; purpose of intended feeder club]
STR-258857: 全て

KEY: Winner[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258858: 優勝する

KEY: Promotion[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258859: 昇格する

KEY: Top half finish[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258860: 中位より上の順位でシーズンを終える

KEY: Attempt to avoid relegation[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258861: 降格を避ける努力をする

KEY: Avoid relegation[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258862: 降格を避ける

KEY: Mid-table finish[COMMENT: start of season expectations news item; manager selects expected performance]
STR-258863: 中位でシーズンを終える