翻訳/0901-1000 page/0943

Last-modified: 2009-01-24 (土) 21:07:12

KEY: (Currently reduced by <%number#3>)[COMMENT: team_information_panel; displayinging the status of the team's stadium]
STR-259366: (現在 <%number#3> 日経過)

KEY: Length: <%string#1>, Width: <%string#2>[COMMENT: team info panel; max pitch dimensions]
STR-259367: 長さ: <%string#1>, 幅: <%string#2>

KEY: Remove Scout Reports[COMMENT: person actions; remove all scout reports for player]
STR-259368: スカウトレポートを削除

KEY: Request Physio Report[comment - menu item to get a report from a physio]
STR-259370: フィジカルコーチのレポートを入手

KEY: Resolve Issue (Club)[COMMENT: player_action; please ensure that this is short enough to fit on the actions_area]
STR-259371: 問題を解決する (クラブ)

KEY: Player Interaction (Club)[COMMENT: person action menu item; talking to player by a club manager]
STR-259372: 選手への働きかけ (クラブ)

KEY: Player Interaction (Int)[COMMENT: person action menu item; Int short for International; talking to player by an international manager]
STR-259373: 選手への働きかけ (代表)

KEY: No Action[COMMENT:Fine player menu; when there is nothing to fine them for]
STR-259375: 何もしない

KEY: Create Note[COMMENT: Create Note menu item in menu when right-clicking person, team, etc]
STR-259376: ノートを作成

KEY: Remove all scout reports[COMMENT: remove all scout reports dialog title; person action]
STR-259377: スカウトレポートを全て削除する

KEY: Do you want to remove all the scout reports for this player?[COMMENT: remove all scout reports dialog; person action]
STR-259378: この選手に関する スカウトレポートを 全て削除しますか?

KEY: Do you want to remove all the scout reports for <%number#1> players?[COMMENT: remove all scout reports dialog; person action]
STR-259379: この <%number#1> 名の選手に関する スカウトレポートを 全て削除しますか?

KEY: Do you want to remove the <%number#1> selected players from your National Pool?[COMMENT: person actions; dialog text for removing players from national shortlist]
STR-259384: 選択した <%number#1> 名の選手を 代表候補から外しますか?