翻訳/0901-1000 page/0960

Last-modified: 2009-01-24 (土) 21:12:37

KEY: There is known to be a lot of mutual respect between the <%player_description#1> and manager <%person#1-surname> which goes back to when the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> boss took over at the club.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259707: <%player_description#1>同選手と <%person#1-surname> の両者は この監督が <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の監督に就任して以来 お互いに深く敬意を払っている と知られています

KEY: The <%player_description#1> was at the club before <%person#1-surname> arrived but spent <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> playing under the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> boss before moving on.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259709: <%player_description#1>同選手は <%person#1-surname> が監督に就任する以前から <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> に所属しておりましたが この監督の下で <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> 間 プレイしました

KEY: There is known to be a mutual respect between the <%player_description#1> and manager <%person#1-surname> from their <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> working together after the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> manager brought him to the club.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259710: <%player_description#1>同選手は <%person#1-surname> の両者は この監督が同選手を <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> に引き入れて以来 <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> 間にわたって共に活動したため お互いに 深く敬意を払っています

KEY: There is not much love lost between the <%player_description#1> and manager <%person#1-surname>, despite only having worked together for <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> after he was brought to the club by the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> manager.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259711: <%player_description#1>同選手と <%person#1-surname> の両者は この監督が彼を <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> に引き入れて以来 <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> 間しか 共に活動しなかったにも関わらず お互いの愛着は さほど失われていません

KEY: There is not much love lost between the <%player_description#1> and manager <%person#1-surname>, despite the player only being part of the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> manager's squad for a fairly short period.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259712: <%player_description#1>同選手は <%player_description#1> が指揮する <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> で わずかな期間しか所属していなかったにもかかわらず お互いのの愛着は さほど失われていません

KEY: The <%player_description#1> was at the club before <%person#1-surname> arrived and only spent <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> playing under the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> boss before moving on, but there is expected to be a good feeling about the meeting.[COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_FORMER_PLAYERS_CONFRONTATION_NEWS; news_item]
STR-259713: <%player_description#1>同選手は <%person#1-surname> が <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の監督に就任する以前から このチームに所属しており この監督の下でプレイした期間は わずか <%string#2 COMMENT: length of time> 間でした

KEY: <%team#2-short> fans have travelled some <%number#1-miles> miles from their native <%city#2> to <%city#1> in <%nation#1> ahead of their <%fixture_name#1> match against <%team#1-short>, a match they are expecting to lose heavily but will nonetheless dream of a famous victory for their team.[COMMENT: fans_view_of_match; news_item]
STR-259718: <%team#2-short> のファンたちは <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#1-short> との対戦に先立ち 地元である <%city#2> から <%nation#1> の <%city#1> まで 約 <%number#1-kilometres> キロの距離を移動しました この試合では 彼らのチームの大敗が予想されていますが それでも チームが見事な勝利を 願っているでしょう