翻訳/0901-1000 page/0984

Last-modified: 2009-01-24 (土) 21:25:19

KEY: <%string#2 COMMENT - scoreline of game><%team#1> took full advantage of their numerical advantage as they beat <%team#2> <%scoreline#1-winner_loser> at <%stadium#1>.\n\n<%team#2-short> finished the game with <%number#1-text> men and were always likely to struggle to get anything out of the game.<COMMENT: match_summary_news_items>
STR-260088: <%string#2 COMMENT - scoreline of game> <%team#1> は <%stadium#1> で行われた試合において <%team#2> を相手に 数の利点を最大限に利用し <%scoreline#1-winner_loser> で勝利を手に入れました \n\n <%team#2-short> は <%number#1-text> 名で試合を終え 試合において 常に苦しい展開を強いられていました

KEY: <%scoreline#1-basic_news>[COMMENT: match_summary_news_items]
STR-260091: <%scoreline#1-basic_news>

KEY: <%team#2-short> triumph in goal bonanza<COMMENT: match_summary_news_items>
STR-260092: <%team#2-short>、 大量得点争いに勝利

KEY: Goals galore as <%team#1-short> and <%team#2-short> draw<COMMENT: match_summary_news_items>
STR-260093: <%team#1-short> と <%team#2-short>、 大量得点の末 引き分ける

KEY: <%team#1-short> beat <%team#2-short> in thrilling encounter<COMMENT: match_summary_news_items>
STR-260094: <%team#1-short>、 壮絶な激突の末 <%team#2-short> を破る

KEY: View Report Card<COMMENT - view scout report card screen>
STR-260104: レポートカードを表示

KEY: <%person#1> was present as <%team#1> were thrashed by <%team#2> at <%stadium#1> this <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon>.[COMMENT: RESERVE_U18_COMP_NEWS; news_item]
STR-260119: <%person#1> は 本日の <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon> <%stadium#1> で行われた <%team#1> の試合に出席し 彼らは <%team#2> に 完敗を喫しました

KEY: <%team#1> were thrashed by <%team#2> at <%stadium#1> this <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon>.[COMMENT: RESERVE_U18_COMP_NEWS; news_item]
STR-260120: <%team#1> は 本日の <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon> <%stadium#1> において <%team#2> に 完敗を喫しました

KEY: <%person#1> was present as <%team#1> suffered defeat against <%team#2> at <%stadium#1> this <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon>.[COMMENT: RESERVE_U18_COMP_NEWS; news_item]
STR-260121: <%person#1> は 本日の <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon> <%stadium#1> で行われた <%team#1> の試合に出席し 彼らは <%team#2> に 敗北を喫しました

KEY: <%team#1> suffered defeat against <%team#2> at <%stadium#1> this <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon>.[COMMENT: RESERVE_U18_COMP_NEWS; news_item]
STR-260122: <%team#1> は 本日の <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon> <%stadium#1> において <%team#2> に 敗北を喫しました

KEY: <%person#1> was present as <%team#1> managed to draw against <%team#2> at <%stadium#1> this <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon>.[COMMENT: RESERVE_U18_COMP_NEWS; news_item]
STR-260123: <%person#1> は 本日の <%conditions_description#1-time_of_day_only COMMENT: i.e. evening or afternoon> <%stadium#1> で行われた <%team#1> の試合に出席し 彼らは <%team#2> と 引き分けました