翻訳/2301-2400 page/2341

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 17:33:38

KEY: Leave <%male#2> to be treated by the <%team#1-short> physio?<COMMENT: physio_news_item; confirm course of action chose to deal with player injury>
STR-268436: <%male#2> の治療を <%team#1-short> のフィジカルコーチに任せますか?<COMMENT: physio_news_item; confirm course of action chose to deal with player injury>

KEY: Send <%male#2> home?\n\n{upper}<%male#2-surname> will be sent home until he is fully recovered from his illness.\n\nBy sending <%male#2-surname> home you are ensuring that the risk of him infecting other members of your squad is minimal.<COMMENT: physio_report_news_items; physio report on player injury>
STR-268437: <%male#2> を自宅療養させますか?\n\n<%male#2-surname> が全快するまで自宅療養させることで チームメイトへの感染の危険性を小さくできます<COMMENT: physio_report_news_items; physio report on player injury>

KEY: <%team#1-short> player <%male#1> has indicated that he feels he doesn't require surgery for his latest injury.\n\n<%male#1-surname> commented that with help from the club's physios and aided by his strong religious beliefs, he believes that he can recover from this set-back in a shorter space of time.<COMMENT: news_item; player refuses surgery due to his religious beliefs; marvin andrews; rangers>
STR-268517: <%team#1-short> の <%male#1> 選手は 先日の負傷に対する手術の必要性は 感じていないと表明しました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は 「クラブのフィジカルコーチの助力と 自身の強い信仰心の助けにより 短期間でこの痛手から復活できるはずだ」 とコメントしています<COMMENT: news_item; player refuses surgery due to his religious beliefs; marvin andrews; rangers>

KEY: <%male#1-surname> rejects surgery<COMMENT: news_item; player refuses surgery due to his religious beliefs; marvin andrews; rangers>
STR-268518: <%male#1-surname> が手術を拒否<COMMENT: news_item; player refuses surgery due to his religious beliefs; marvin andrews; rangers>

KEY: <%team#1-short> stalwart <%male#1-surname>, who has amassed <%number#18 COMMENT: number of appearances> appearances for <%team#1-short> over the course of his career, has already announced that he will retire at the end of the season.<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>
STR-268519: <%team#1-short> の重鎮 <%male#1-surname> は これまでの彼のキャリアで <%team#1-short> の一員として <%number#18 COMMENT: number of appearances> 回 出場しました 彼はすでに シーズン終了とともに 引退する決意を 明らかにしています<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>

KEY: Local boy <%male#1-surname> has already announced that he will be retiring from football at the end of the season.<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>
STR-268520: 地元の人である <%male#1-surname> はすでに シーズン終了とともに 引退することを 明らかにしています<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>

KEY: <%city#1>-born <%male#1-surname> has already announced that he will be retiring from football at the end of the season.<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>
STR-268521: <%city#1> 生まれの <%male#1-surname> はすでに シーズン終了とともに 引退することを 発表しました<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>

KEY: {upper}<%male#1-surname> has already announced that he will retire at the end of the season.<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>
STR-268522: {upper}<%male#1-surname> はすでに シーズン終了と同時に 引退することを 発表しています<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>

KEY: Long-serving <%male#1-surname>, who has amassed a total of <%number#18 COMMENT: number of appearances> appearances for <%team#1-short>, has spoken recently of his disillusionment with how his <%team#1-short> career is coming to an end.<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>
STR-268523: 長期間チームに所属している <%male#1-surname> は <%team#1-short> で <%number#18 COMMENT: number of appearances> 回の出場をしています 彼は最近 自身の <%team#1-short> でのキャリアが どのようにして終わるのか について考えこんでいることを 明らかにしています<COMMENT: player_bio; string that can be appended to any news item>