翻訳/2301-2400 page/2372

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 17:17:35

KEY: <%male#1> has been left to rue his penalty miss after <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>.\n\nA <%male#1-surname> told the press that he was gutted to miss a penalty at such an important stage of the match but would still take another one should he be asked to do so.<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS>
STR-269130: <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> のあと <%male#1> は自分がペナルティーキックに失敗したことを後悔しました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は 疲れていて試合のあれほど大事な場面でのペナルティーをはずしてしまったが それでも命じられれば次は決めるだろうと記者団に語りました

KEY: <%male#1> has spoken of his disappointment at missing from the penalty spot during <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>, but insists he would take another one.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the post-match press conference that he was determined to put the miss behind him and was confident he could step up and take one again if need be.<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS>
STR-269131: <%male#1> は <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> のあと ペナルティーキックに失敗してがっかりしていると話しましたが 次は決めるだろうと言いました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は試合後の記者会見でこの失敗を忘れることにしたと言い もっと上達して 必要ならば次は決めてみせる自信があると語りました

KEY: <%male#1> has vowed to carry on taking penalties after his crucial miss in <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the press after the match that all players feel the pressure when asked to take a penalty but he was determined to carry on and rise to the challenge if asked to take another one.<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS>
STR-269132: <%male#1> は <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> での大きなミスのあとも ペナルティーキックをやり続けると誓いました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は試合後 選手は誰でもペナルティーキックを命じられるとプレッシャーを感じるが 自分はやり続けるし もう1度やれと言われたらうまくやってのける決心をしていると記者団に語りました

KEY: <%male#1> says he is happy to carry on taking penalties, despite his crucial miss in <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the press that he was disappointed to miss but would still step forward and take another one if he was asked to.<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS>
STR-269133: <%male#1> は <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> で大きな失敗をしたにもかかわらず ペナルティーキックをやり続けることができて嬉しいと言います\n\n<%male#1-surname> は 失敗したことは残念だが もっと上達して 次にやれと言われたときには決めてみせると記者団に語りました

KEY: <%male#1-surname> penalty agony<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS; headline>
STR-269134: <%male#1-surname> ペナルティーに失敗

KEY: <%male#1-surname> still ready to put himself on the spot<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS; headline>
STR-269135: <%male#1-surname> はまだ挑戦を続ける

KEY: Upbeat <%male#1-surname> to keep putting himself on the spot<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS; headline>
STR-269136: <%male#1-surname> はやり続ける

KEY: <%male#1-surname>{s} penalty promise<COMMENT: post_match_news; MEDIA_PENALTY_MISS_NEWS; headline>
STR-269137: <%male#1-surname> ペナルティーキックの約束