翻訳/2301-2400 page/2374

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 17:18:41

KEY: <%male#1> has been left to think of what might have been after gifting the opposition {an}<%number#1-nth> minute goal during <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the press that he was gutted to have made such a costly mistake but will try and put it behind him as soon as possible.<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS>
STR-269144: <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> の試合で <%number#1-nth>分頃に相手チームにゴールを許してしまったことで <%male#1> は途方に暮れているようです\n\n<%male#1-surname> はメディアに対し 致命的ミスをしてしまったのは大変残念だが 出来るだけ早く立ち直れるようにしたいとコメントしました

KEY: <%male#1> has spoken of his disappointment at gifting the opposition a goal during <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>, but insists he will bounce back.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the post-match press conference that he was determined to make up for the error and was confident he could put it behind him.<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS>
STR-269145: <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> の試合で 相手チームにゴールを許してしまったことに対し <%male#1> は大変残念に思っているものの 必ず雪辱するとコメントしました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は試合後の記者会見にて ミスした分を何が何でも取り返すつもりであり 立ち直れる自信があると主張しました

KEY: <%male#1> has been left to think of what might have been after gifting the opposition {an}<%number#1-nth> minute goal during <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece>.\n\n<%male#1-surname> told the press that he was distraught to have made such a costly mistake but will try and put it behind him as soon as possible.<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS>
STR-269146: <%scoreline#1-long e.g. England's 2-1 World Cup Qualifying Group B loss against Greece> の試合で <%number#1-nth>分頃に相手チームにゴールを許してしまったことで <%male#1> は途方に暮れているようです\n\n<%male#1-surname> はメディアに対し 致命的ミスをしてしまって落ち込んでいるが 出来るだけ早く立ち直れるようにしたいとコメントしました

KEY: <%male#1-surname> distraught at penalty error<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS>
STR-269147: <%male#1-surname> ペナルティーを伴うミスに落胆

KEY: <%male#1-surname> distraught at costly error<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS; headline>
STR-269148: <%male#1-surname> 致命的ミスに落胆

KEY: <%male#1-surname> regrets costly error<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS; headline>
STR-269149: <%male#1-surname> 致命的ミスを残念に思う

KEY: Distraught <%male#1-surname>{s} regret at error<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS; headline>
STR-269150: 「ミス残念」と <%male#1-surname> 落胆

KEY: <%male#1-surname> apologises for mistake<COMMENT: post_match_news; PLAYER_CRUCIAL_MISTAKE_NEWS; headline>
STR-269151: <%male#1-surname> がミスを謝罪