翻訳/2301-2400 page/2387

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 17:15:03

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has urged his team to beat <%team#2> on the last day of the season to win the league title.\n\nThe <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> told <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> that a win against <%team#2-nickname> would guarantee the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> the league, regardless of results among <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle>.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS; player_urging_his_team_to_win_crucial_game>
STR-269406: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は シーズン最終日に彼のチームは <%team#2> を打ち破り リーグタイトルを勝ち取るのだと 熱く語りました\n\n<%team#1-short> の この <%position#1-lowercase> は <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> に対して <%team#2-nickname> に勝利すれば <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> の結果に関わらず <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> のリーグ優勝は確実になる と発言しました

KEY: {upper}<%male#1> has urged his <%team#1> team to beat <%team#2-short> in <%date#1-day>{s} title showdown.\n\nThe <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> told <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> that the destination of the league title had come down to this last thrilling encounter and he desperately wanted it to be <%team#1-short> to lift the title.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS; player_urging_his_team_to_win_crucial_game>
STR-269407: <%male#1> は <%date#1-day> に行われる タイトルを賭けた最終決戦で <%team#1> が <%team#2-short> を打ち破ると 熱く語りました\n\n<%team#1-short> の この <%position#1-lowercase> は <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> に対して リーグタイトルの行方は このスリリングな最終試合に懸かっていると語り <%team#1-short> にタイトルをもたらす不退転の決意を表明しました

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has urged his team to beat <%team#2-short> in <%date#1-day>{s} end-of-season thriller at <%stadium#1>.\n\nThe <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> told <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> that the race for the title was in their hands and a win against <%team#2-nickname> would guarantee the title for <%team#1-nickname>.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS; player_urging_his_team_to_win_crucial_game>
STR-269408: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は <%stadium#1> で <%date#1-day> のシーズン終盤に行われる試合で <%team#2-short> を打ち負かすよう チームを刺激しました\n\nこの <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> は タイトル獲得競争でチームは有利な位置につけており <%team#2-nickname> に勝利することで <%team#1-nickname> へ タイトルをもたらすことが確実になる と <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> に語りました

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has urged his team to beat title rivals <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to maintain their advantage in the race for the title.\n\nThe <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> told <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> that with just <%number#4-text> points separating them from <%team#2-short>, <%team#1-short> could keep the pressure on <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> by securing victory.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269409: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は <%date#1-day> には ライバル <%team#2> を倒し タイトル争いのアドバンテージを守る と熱く語りました\n\n<%team#1-short> の この <%position#1-lowercase> は <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> に対して 自分たちと <%team#2-short> の差は たったの <%number#4-text> ポイントであり 勝利を手にすれば <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> にプレッシャーを掛け続けることができる と発言しました

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has urged his team to beat title rivals <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to maintain their advantage in the race for the title.\n\nThe <%team#1-short> <%position#1-lowercase> told <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> that with <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> also in the running and just <%number#2-text> games remaining, their title race would suffer a setback if they failed to secure victory.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269410: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は <%date#1-day> にライバル <%team#2> を倒し タイトル争いのアドバンテージを守る と熱く語りました\n\n<%team#1-short> の この <%position#1-lowercase> は <%string#1 COMMENT: media_source> に対して <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> もタイトルを争っている さらに残り試合は たったの <%number#2-text> ゲームだ 勝利を手にできなければ タイトル争いで大きな痛手を被ることになる と発言しました