翻訳/2301-2400 page/2392

Last-modified: 2008-12-23 (火) 10:28:07

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has indicated that his team must beat rivals <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to continue their title challenge.\n\nThe <%player_description#1> knows that his <%team#1-short> side are currently top of the table but with other teams still very much in contention, the title race remains on a knife-edge as the season enters its final <%number#2-text> games.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269432: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は タイトル争いに絡み続けるためには <%date#1-day> の試合で ライバル <%team#2> に勝たなくてはならない と指摘しました\n\nこの <%player_description#1> は <%team#1-short> が今は順位表のトップであっても 他のチームと接戦を繰り広げている最中であり シーズンが終盤に入っても タイトル争いは予断を許さないと思っています

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has indicated that his team must beat <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to continue their title challenge.\n\nThe <%player_description#1> knows that his <%team#1-short> side are currently top of the table but with <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> still very much in contention, the title race remains on a knife-edge as the season enters its final <%number#2-text> games.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269433: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は タイトル争いに絡み続けるためには <%date#1-day> の試合で <%team#2> に勝たなくてはならない と指摘しました\n\nこの <%player_description#1> は <%team#1-short> が今は順位表のトップであっても <%string#3 COMMENT: list_of_teams_below_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> との接戦が繰り広げられている最中であり シーズンが終盤に入っても タイトル争いは予断を許さないと思っています

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has indicated that his team must beat rivals <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to stand a chance of claiming the title with <%number#2-text> games remaining.\n\nThe <%player_description#1> knows that his <%team#1-short> side may be top of the table but, with the end of the season nearing fast, they are still not guaranteed the title.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269434: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は 残り <%number#2-text> 試合という状況で タイトル獲得の望みをつなぐには <%date#1-day> の試合でライバル <%team#2> を倒さなくてはならない と指摘しました\n\nこの <%player_description#1> は <%team#1-short> が順位表のトップであっても シーズンの終了が間近に迫る中 自分たちのタイトル獲得がまだ確実ではないと思っています

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has indicated that his team must beat <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> to stand a chance of claiming the title with <%number#2-text> games remaining.\n\nThe <%player_description#1> knows that his <%team#1-short> side may be top of the table but, with the end of the season nearing fast, they are still not guaranteed the title.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269435: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は 残り <%number#2-text> 試合という状況で タイトル獲得の望みをつなぐには <%date#1-day> の試合で <%team#2> を倒さなくてはならない と指摘しました\n\nこの <%player_description#1> は <%team#1-short> が順位表のトップであっても シーズンの終了が間近に迫る中 自分たちのタイトル獲得がまだ確実ではないと思っています

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has stated that <%team#1-nickname> must beat league-rivals <%team#2-short> on the last day of the season if the club is to stand any chance of claiming the title.\n\n{upper}<%male#1-surname> admitted that it now looked as if <%string#2 COMMENT: list_of_teams_above_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> had the upper hand in the race for the title but it was imperative <%team#1-short> did their best by seeing off <%team#2-short>.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269436: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は もしクラブがタイトルへの望みを少しでもつないでおきたいなら シーズン最終日のリーグライバル <%team#2-short> との戦いに勝たなければならない と発言しました\n\n<%male#1-surname> は <%string#2 COMMENT: list_of_teams_above_current_team_in_league e.g. Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle> がタイトル争いに優勢であるように見えることを認めていますが <%team#1-short> が とにかく <%team#2-short> を叩きのめすことが大事だと思っています

KEY: <%team#1>{s} <%male#1> has admitted that the club need to beat <%team#2> on <%date#1-day> and hope results elsewhere go their way.\n\nWith <%string#2 COMMENT: team_above_them_in_league e.g. Arsenal> holding the upper hand on the final day of the season, the <%number#3-text COMMENT: player's age> year-old <%position#1-lowercase> stated that <%team#1-short> still needed to give themselves an outside chance of lifting the title by ensuring they beat <%team#2-short>.<COMMENT; PRE_MATCH_RALLY_TROOPS_MUST_WIN_NEWS>
STR-269437: <%team#1> の <%male#1> は クラブは とにかく<%date#1-day> に <%team#2> に勝って よその結果に望みをつなぐしかないと 認めました\n\nシーズン最終日に <%string#2 COMMENT: team_above_them_in_league e.g. Arsenal> が優位を保っている状況で この <%number#3-text COMMENT: player's age> 歳の <%position#1-lowercase> は <%team#1-short> は <%team#2-short> を打ち倒して 万に一つの可能性に賭けるべきだ と発言しました