翻訳/2701-2800 page/2703

Last-modified: 2009-01-18 (日) 22:08:04

KEY: The <%team#1> fans are clearly upset with recent comments made about <%male#3> by manager <%person#1>.\n\nSupporters interviewed outside the ground by <%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> were mystified by <%person#1>{s} condemnation of one of the few players performing consistently well at a time when the team's disappointing form is under the spotlight.
STR-277448: 近頃 <%person#1> 監督が <%male#3> について行った発言に対して <%team#1> サポーターは憤りをあらわにしています \n\nグラウンドの外で <%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> のインタビューに答えたサポーターは 同選手に対する <%person#1> の非難に首をかしげています チームのふがいない戦いぶりばかりが目立っているときに 彼を含む数少ない選手だけが 一貫してすばらしいプレイを披露しているからです

KEY: <%male#1>{s} derogatory remarks about <%male#3> have clearly disappointed some <%team#1> fans.\n\nMessageboards at <%string#2> illustrated the supporters' displeasure at the criticism of a player who many feel is currently performing well.
STR-277449: <%male#1> の <%male#3> についての中傷的な発言は <%team#1> ファンを失望させました \n\n <%string#2> 刻一刻と増える掲示板への書込みは 多くの人が成功していると考える選手を 批判したことに対する不満を 浮き彫りにしました
STR-277449: A spokesperson for the <%team#1> supporters' club has backed <%male#3> by saying that <%male#1>{s} comments were totally unfounded as <%male#3-surname> has been showing excellent form of late and contributing well to team performances.
STR-277449: Disgruntled <%team#1> fans have been chatting on the official website, complaining about manager <%male#1>{s} criticism of <%male#3>.\n\nMost fans feel that <%male#3-surname> has been a key player for the club this season and that the criticism levelled at the player was poorly judged.

KEY: New boss <%male#1> has not earned the unanimous approval of the <%team#1> faithful.\n\nWhilst most freely concede that he is an improvement on ex-manager <%male#5>, a local radio phone-in showed that supporters are deeply concerned about recent form.\n\nA number of callers also expressed anger at <%male#1>{s} criticism of <%male#3>, pointing out that the form of the popular <%position#1-lowercase> has in fact improved significantly in recent games.
STR-277450: {upper}{an}<%team#1> supporters' club spokesman has voiced fans concerns over certain recent events at the club.\n\nWhilst the fans recognise that new boss <%male#1> is making every effort to improve the general well-being of the team and that he has made progress since taking the helm, supporters feel recent form has been poor compared to the standard fans have come to expect.\n\nFans also feel the manager's recent public rebuke of <%male#3> was unnecessary with many feeling that <%male#3-surname> has worked very hard to improve his performances of late, something that the manager has singularly failed to give the player any sort of recognition for.
STR-277450: まだ <%team#1> の <%male#1> 新監督は チームの熱狂的なサポーター達から満場一致の支持を得られていません \n\nほとんどのサポーター達が前監督の <%male#5> よりは良い仕事をしていると認めていますが 地元のラジオ番組は 最近のチームの低迷ぶりをサポーターたちがとても心配していると紹介しました \n\n番組に電話をかけた人達は <%position#1-lowercase> の <%male#3> が最近の試合で調子を上げていると主張し 人気選手を <%male#1> が批判したことに 怒りをあらわにしました
STR-277450: On a local radio phone-in, <%team#1> fans accepted that one of their heroes, <%male#3>, hasn’t been playing as well as he can recently but that the criticism heaped on him by <%male#1> wasn’t helpful.\n\nA significant number of callers did however accept that the new manager was a breath of fresh air for the club after the reign of <%male#5>.

KEY: <%person#1>{s} criticism of the popular <%male#3> has not gone down well with the loyal <%team#1-short> support.\n\nA fans' debate featured in a local newspaper revealed that many were outraged with <%person#1>{s} criticism of one of their favourite sons so soon after taking charge, especially since <%male#3> has shown signs of returning to top form in recent matches.\n\nDespite making these disparaging remarks however, the supporters still seem to consider <%person#1-surname> an improvement on previous manager <%male#5>.<COMMENT: media_news_items; VIEWPOINT_FANS_DISAPOINTED_WITH_CRITICISM_OF_IMPROV_FAV_PLAYER_BUT_BETTER_THAN_PREVIOUS_BOSS__MJJ>
STR-277451: <%person#1> が 人気選手 <%male#3> を批判したことは <%team#1-short> の忠実なサポーターたちに 受け入れられませんでした \n\nファンたちの議論が地方新聞の記事になり 監督になってすぐに 自分たちのお気に入りの選手を批判した <%person#1> に 多くのファンが激怒したことが明らかになりました とくに <%male#3> は最近の試合で 絶好調を取り戻しつつある様子を見せていました \n\n しかし そのように軽蔑の言葉を口にしながらも サポーターたちはまだ <%person#1-surname> を前の監督 <%male#5> よりはましだと考えているようです<COMMENT: media_news_items; VIEWPOINT_FANS_DISAPOINTED_WITH_CRITICISM_OF_IMPROV_FAV_PLAYER_BUT_BETTER_THAN_PREVIOUS_BOSS__MJJ>