翻訳/2701-2800 page/2707

Last-modified: 2009-01-18 (日) 22:11:25

KEY: {upper}<%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> has included a story suggesting that the <%team#1> fans are far from happy with current events on and off the field at <%stadium#1>.\n\nThe recent sub-standard results have undoubtedly concerned many, whilst a spokesman for the supporters' club also voiced anger at manager <%person#1> for his criticism of the popular <%male#3>.\n\nThis condemnation of a fans' favourite was slammed as particularly poorly timed in the light of recent displays which have suggested that the <%position#1-lowercase> is returning to form.
STR-277464: {upper}<%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> は 近頃 <%stadium#1> のピッチ内外をにぎわしているできごとに関して <%team#1> サポーターの失望ぶりを伝える記事を掲載しました \n\nこのところのチームのだらしない成績が 多くのサポーターを悩ませていることはまちがいありませんが その一方でサポータークラブの代表は スター選手の <%male#3> を批判した <%person#1> 監督に対して怒りの声を上げました \n\n最近のプレイを見る限り <%position#1-lowercase> の彼は明らかに調子を取り戻しつつあり この時期に監督がサポーターのお気に入りを酷評したことは タイミングが悪かったようです

KEY: A new issue of a <%team#1> fanzine has slammed manager <%male#1> for his criticism of fans' favourite <%male#3>.\n\nWhilst an editorial freely acknowledged that <%male#3-surname> has suffered from poor form at times this season, it was angrily questioned why <%male#1-surname> should choose to slaughter the <%position#1-lowercase> at a time when his recent performances had been far more impressive.
STR-277465: <%team#1> manager <%male#1> received several items of mail this week from disgruntled fans unhappy at the manager's recent treatment of fan favourite <%male#3>, so reports an article in a local newspaper.\n\nUnnamed sources at the club have claimed that fans are growing unhappy with <%male#1-surname>{s} confrontational managerial style and that many supporters are unhappy at the critical treatment meted out to certain players by the manager.
STR-277465: <%team#1> のサポーター雑誌の最新号では <%male#1> 監督がサポーター達に人気のある <%male#3> を批判したことに関して糾弾されています \n\n編集部は <%male#3-surname> が今シーズンの自分のひどい出来に悩んでいたのは確かだが なぜ <%male#1-surname> が最近素晴らしい活躍をしていた この <%position#1-lowercase> を標的にしたのか問い詰めました
STR-277465: From the comments on a recent phone-in, it is clear that <%team#1-short> fans are more than a little disenchanted with <%male#1>{s} comments condemning the recent performances of hero <%male#3>.\n\nCallers obviously feel the player is showing greater consistency of late and is undeserving of his manager’s criticism.

KEY: An unofficial <%team#1> Internet site is questioning the wisdom of manager <%male#1>{s} recent comments expressing dissatisfaction with <%male#3>.\n\nConsidering that <%male#3>{s} form had improved of late, the webmaster has questioned why the <%team#1> boss singled him out for criticism and suggested that <%male#1-surname> should spend more time trying to end the unacceptable run of results instead of making such foolish remarks.
STR-277466: {upper}{an}<%team#1> supporters' liaison group spokesperson has confirmed rumours that many of the club's supporters are growing restless with current manager <%male#1>. \n\nHe confirmed that the fans are very disappointed with recent form and the manager's criticism of <%male#3>, a player who has been one of the few bright spots in an otherwise bleak period at the club recently.\n\nHe also added that they felt that <%male#1-surname> had been at the club long enough now to make a better impression and that fans wanted to see a vast improvement in results quickly.
STR-277466: <%team#1> の非公認のインターネットサイトは <%male#3> に対する不満を表した <%male#1> 監督の見識に疑問を投げかけています \n\n <%male#3> の調子が最近上がっていることを考慮すると サイトの管理者は なぜ <%team#1> の <%male#1-surname> が彼だけを批判するのか疑問視しており ばかげたコメントを発するはしないで 納得できない結果を出さずに済むような時間の使い方をすべきだ と書いていました
STR-277466: Judging by the jeers at a recent <%team#1> game, it is clear that the fans still aren’t happy with the performances of <%male#3>.\n\nAfter the game in an interview for local radio, a supporters' club spokesperson accepted the player’s form was improving but that the crowd wanted him to show more heart and work for the team.\n\nAt the same time he did say that the heavy-handed treatment of the player by manager <%male#1> wasn’t something he liked to see aired in public.