翻訳/2701-2800 page/2708

Last-modified: 2009-01-18 (日) 22:12:20

KEY: {upper}<%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> has printed a selection of letters showing that <%team#1> fans are unhappy with recent criticism of <%male#3>.\n\nThe overwhelming question being asked by the fans appears to be why manager <%person#1> has chosen to criticise the <%position#1-lowercase> at a time when his performances are at last beginning to improve.
STR-277467: <%male#3> に対する最近の批判を受けて そのことに不満を覚えている <%team#1> サポーターたちの手紙が {upper}<%string#1 Comment - newspaper name> に掲載されました \n\n <%position#1-lowercase> がようやく調子を上げつつあるこのときに なぜあえて <%person#1> は彼を批判するのか 大方のサポーターは疑問に思っています

STR-277468: <%team#1> の <%person#1> 新監督に対するサポーターの反応は複雑でした \n\n就任当初の成績は明らかにサポーターを失望させ またスター選手の <%male#3> を賞賛したことで多くのサポーターが当惑しています \n\n <%position#1-lowercase> の彼がクラブにとって重要な存在であることを <%person#1-surname> が認識しているのはもちろん歓迎すべきことですが <%male#3-surname> は現在 不調で 本来の実力が発揮できていないことが <%team#1> の熱心なファンを悩ませているからです \n\nとはいえ 新しい監督のこれまでの采配に サポーターはおおむね満足していますし 前任者の <%male#5> より有能であることも明らかです

KEY: <%male#1> has caused controversy among <%team#1> fans with his praise of the out-of-form <%position#1-lowercase> <%male#3>.\n\nWhilst <%male#3-surname> is a popular figure among the supporters at <%stadium#1>, it is clear to many that his recent indifferent performances have not been satisfactory.\n\nFortunately for <%male#1-surname> it appears that these remarks have not altered his standing with the <%team#1-short> faithful, who still consider him a superior manager to his predecessor.
STR-277469: <%male#1> は <%male#3> の <%position#1-lowercase> について <%team#1> との間で論争を起こしました \n\n <%male#3-surname> は <%stadium#1> のサポーターに人気があるものの 最近の振るわない成績には不満があがっています \n\n幸運なことに 素晴らしい監督であると考える <%team#1-short> ファンのおかげで <%male#1-surname> が地位を失うことは ありませんでした
STR-277469: A local newspaper reports that <%team#1> fans are confused by their new manager <%male#1>{s} recent praise of out-of-sorts <%position#1-lowercase> <%male#3>.\n\nA straw poll of fans in the article seemed to state that whilst the supporters were right behind <%male#3-surname>, his recent performances have not been up to the standard they have come to expect.\n\nMany fans now believe that the manager's praise was either totally misguided or a clever attempt to bolster the player's fragile confidence.
STR-277469: A spokesperson speaking on behalf of <%team#1> fans told local radio that supporters were hopeful the club's fortunes would be on the up with the appointment of <%male#1>.\n\nHowever, regarding comments in the press by <%male#1-surname> praising <%male#3>, he did say that the boss must have been watching different matches to the crowd as there was no way the player deserved praise for his such inept performances.

KEY: Recent appointee <%male#1> is considered to be an improvement on previous boss <%male#5> by <%team#1> fans, but the new man has had a far from easy introduction to the job.\n\nEarly results have been disappointing, whilst <%male#1>{s} praise of <%male#3> has mystified many supporters who question why the manager is taking time out to pay tribute to a player who clearly isn't delivering the goods.
STR-277470: A recent <%team#1-short> supporters' club meeting has ended with fans showing support for new manager <%male#1>, but also expecting a lot more.\n\nIn a local radio interview, a spokesperson for the supporters' club stated that whilst the new manager is a vast improvement on <%male#5>, they feel that the club's lack of form in recent games and some odd decisions, like the recent praise of an obviously out of form <%male#3>, are undermining the good start he has made at the club.
STR-277470: 最近 <%team#1> の新監督に就任した <%male#1> は <%male#5> 前監督より良い仕事をするだろうとファン達に期待されていますが 最初の仕事ではうまく証明することができませんでした \n\n就任してすぐの試合は残念な結果に終わり ファンからは <%male#3> のパフォーマンスを賞賛した <%male#1> の態度に 疑問の声が挙がり始めました 彼らの多くは その選手がいつものプレイの良さを出せていないと感じたからです
STR-277470: The general feeling amongst <%team#1> fans is that <%male#3> may well be the catalyst the team need to start winning silverware, but a recent radio phone-in was jammed by callers who couldn’t believe the new manager was singing the praises of <%male#3>{s} recent performances when they left so much to be desired.