翻訳/2701-2800 page/2717

Last-modified: 2009-01-01 (木) 20:46:41

KEY: <%person#1-surname> criticises <%male#3-surname> again<COMMENT - player praise/criticise news item>
STR-277523: <%person#1-surname>、 <%male#3-surname> を再び戦犯扱い<COMMENT - player praise/criticise news item>

KEY: <%person#1-surname> praises <%male#3-surname> again<COMMENT - player praise/criticise news item>
STR-277524: <%person#1-surname>、 <%male#3-surname> を再び賞賛する<COMMENT - player praise/criticise news item>

KEY: <%team#1> chairman <%person#2> has publicly denounced manager <%person#1> today, declaring that <%person#1-he> had demonstrated <%person#1-himself> to be a person of extremely dubious morals.\n\nKnowing <%person#1-he> was about to take charge at <%team#2-short>, <%person#1-surname>{s} attempts to jeopardise the club as a parting gesture were, in <%person#2-surname>{s} view, about as low as it gets.<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>
STR-277525: <%team#1> の <%person#2> 会長は <%person#1> 監督が 問題のある振る舞いをしていたと述べ 彼を非難しました \n\n <%team#2-short> の監督に就くことが確定していた <%person#1-surname> は 置き土産として <%team#1> をめちゃくちゃにしようと企てたと <%person#2-surname> は指摘し これは卑劣きわまりない行為だと 彼を糾弾しました<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>

KEY: An internal investigation is underway at <%team#1> today after it was revealed that parting manager <%person#1> had tried to conduct transactions which would have damaged the club.\n\nSpeaking to <%string#1 - Comment: Newspaper name>, <%team#1-short>{s} chairman <%person#2> declared himself exceedingly angry, remarking that <%person#2-he> was extremely thankful that <%person#1-surname> was leaving the club.<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>
STR-277526: 退団することになっている <%person#1> 監督が クラブに損害を与えるよう依頼されていたことが 明らかになったことを受け 今日 <%team#1> では内部調査が行われました \n\n <%string#1 - Comment: Newspaper name> に対するコメントの中で <%team#1-short> の <%person#2> 会長は はらわたが煮えくりかえる思いだと 怒りをあらわにし <%person#1-surname> がクラブを離れてくれて 本当に良かったと語りました<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>

KEY: <%male#1>{s} move to <%club#1> has bewildered <%club#2> favourite <%male#10>.\n\n<%number#1-Text COMMENT: player's age> year-old <%male#1-surname> was considered one of the club's top talents and <%male#10-surname> stated that <%male#10-he> doesn't understand why the club let the <%position#1-lowercase> leave so cheaply.<COMMENT: FANS_FEEL_YOUNGSTER_SHOULD_HAVE_GONE_FOR_MORE>
STR-277528: <%male#1> の <%club#1> への移籍が <%club#2> のファンである <%male#10> を当惑させています\n\n<%number#1-Text COMMENT: player's age> 歳の <%male#1-surname> は クラブでもトップクラスの選手と考えられており <%male#10-surname> は なぜクラブが この <%position#1-lowercase> をこれほど少額の移籍金で手放したのか理解できない と語りました<COMMENT: FANS_FEEL_YOUNGSTER_SHOULD_HAVE_GONE_FOR_MORE>

KEY: <%male#1>{s} <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> move to <%club#1> bewildered <%club#2> favourite <%male#10>.\n\n<%number#1-Text COMMENT: player's age> year-old <%male#1-surname> was considered to be one of the club's better players and <%male#10-surname> is confused as to why the management has allowed the <%position#1-lowercase> leave for a such a low transfer fee.<COMMENT: FANS_FEEL_YOUNGSTER_SHOULD_HAVE_GONE_FOR_MORE>
STR-277529: <%person#1> が <%cash#1-roundlarge-short> という金額で <%club#1> へ移籍したことに <%club#2> のファンである <%male#10> は当惑しています\n\n<%number#1-Text COMMENT: player's age> 歳の <%male#1-surname> は クラブでも指折りの選手と考えられており <%male#10-surname> は 経営陣が この <%position#1-lowercase> をこれほど少額の移籍金で手放したことに困惑しています<COMMENT: FANS_FEEL_YOUNGSTER_SHOULD_HAVE_GONE_FOR_MORE>