翻訳/3201-3300 page/3238

Last-modified: 2009-02-23 (月) 22:06:30

KEY: <%team#1-short_abb> Formation<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>
STR-283885: <%team#1-short_abb> フォーメーション<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>

KEY: <%team#1-short_abb> Team Ratings<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>
STR-283886: <%team#1-short_abb> 評価<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>

KEY: Home Formation<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>
STR-283887: ホームチームのフォーメーション<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>

KEY: Away Formation<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>
STR-283888: アウェイチームのフォーメーション<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; formation button>

KEY: Home Team Ratings<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>
STR-283889: ホームチーム評価<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>

KEY: Away Team Ratings<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>
STR-283890: アウェイチーム評価<COMMENT: match_screen; match_controls_panel; ratings button>

KEY: <%number#1 squad number>. <%string#1 - name>
STR-283891: <%number#1 squad number>. <%string#1 - name>

KEY: pen <%number#1>+<%number#2>
STR-283892: PK <%number#1>+<%number#2>

KEY: Man Of The Match<COMMENT: post_match_panel; after match summary heading>
STR-283893: マン・オブ・ザ・マッチ<COMMENT: post_match_panel; after match summary heading>

KEY: {upper}<%media_source#1>{s} Prediction[COMMENT: pre_match_panel; heading; pre-match prediction from a media source e.g. the Daily Mirror]
STR-283894: {upper}<%media_source#1> の予想[COMMENT: pre_match_panel; heading; pre-match prediction from a media source e.g. the Daily Mirror]

KEY: <%person#1-surname>{s} Feedback[COMMENT: match_screen; Assistant Manager feedback tree menu option]
STR-283895: <%person#1-surname> の意見[COMMENT: match_screen; Assistant Manager feedback tree menu option]

KEY: <%male#1-surname> has been the cleanest player in the <%comp#1> this season. Having not picked up a single yellow or red card, there is no worthier winner of the award.[COMMENT: award_news_items]
STR-283896: <%male#1-surname> は今シーズン <%comp#1> で最も反則ポイントが少なかった選手です イエローカードもレッドカードも いづれも1枚ももらうことなく この賞を受賞するのにふさわしい結果となりました[COMMENT: award_news_items]

KEY: <%male#1-surname> has been the cleanest player in the <%nation#1> this season. Having not picked up a single yellow or red card, there is no worthier winner of the award.[COMMENT: award_news_items]
STR-283897: <%male#1-surname> は今シーズン <%nation#1> で最も反則ポイントが少なかった選手です イエローカードもレッドカードも いづれも1枚ももらうことなく この賞を受賞するのにふさわしい結果となりました[COMMENT: award_news_items]

KEY: <%male#1-surname> has been the cleanest player in <%continent#1> this season. Having not picked up a single yellow or red card, there is no worthier winner of the award.[COMMENT: award_news_items]
STR-283898: <%male#1-surname> は今シーズン <%continent#1> で最も反則ポイントが少なかった選手です イエローカードもレッドカードも いづれも1枚ももらうことなく この賞を受賞するのにふさわしい結果となりました[COMMENT: award_news_items]

KEY: <%person#1>{s} contract at <%team#1-short> has now expired<COMMENT: basic_contract_expiry_news; must fit in news ticker>
STR-283899: <%team#1-short> の <%person#1> 契約が期限切れに<COMMENT: basic_contract_expiry_news; must fit in news ticker>