翻訳/3201-3300 page/3263

Last-modified: 2009-09-19 (土) 21:14:19

KEY: Awaiting paperwork[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]
STR-284131: 事務処理待ち[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]

KEY: Sees no benefit[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]
STR-284132: 利点が見えない[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]

KEY: Wants to wait[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]
STR-284133: 思案中[COMMENT:person screen; gain nationality status]

KEY: Increase: <%string#1 - attribute>, Decrease: <%string#2 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Inc' is an abbreviation of 'Increase', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]
STR-284134: 上昇: <%string#1 - attribute>, 下降: <%string#2 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Inc' is an abbreviation of 'Increase', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]

KEY: Increase: <%string#1 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Inc' is an abbreviation of 'Increase', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]
STR-284135: 上昇: <%string#1 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Inc' is an abbreviation of 'Increase', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]

KEY: Decrease: <%string#2 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Dec' is an abbreviation of 'Decrease', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]
STR-284136: 下降: <%string#2 - attribute>[COMMENT: scout reports panel header; 'Dec' is an abbreviation of 'Decrease', here used to indicate which attributes have decreased]

KEY: <%number#1>% of current workload[COMMENT: player training string; percentage]
STR-284137: 現在のトレーニング量の<%number#1>%[COMMENT: player training string; percentage]

KEY: There is currently no training information available for this player.[COMMENT: training section for player]
STR-284138: 今のところ この選手のトレーニングに関する情報はありません[COMMENT: training section for player]

KEY: Numerous clubs including: [COMMENT: player transfer details panel, precedes a list of teams]
STR-284139: Numerous clubs including: [COMMENT: player transfer details panel, precedes a list of teams]

KEY: <%club#1-short> (Loan)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]
STR-284140: <%club#1-short> (期限付)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]

KEY: <%club#1-short> (Transfer)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]
STR-284141: <%club#1-short> (移籍)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]

KEY: <%club#1-short> (End of contract)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]
STR-284142: <%club#1-short> (契約満了)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]

KEY: <%club#1-short> (Exchange)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]
STR-284143: <%club#1-short> (交換)[COMMENT: non_player transfer panel; indicates which club is interested in the person and what job they want him to do]