翻訳/3301-3400 page/3339

Last-modified: 2009-04-22 (水) 23:56:26

KEY: <%male#1> looked a bit tired going into the match.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition]
STR-285397: 試合開始ですが <%male#1>は 少々疲れているようです

KEY: Going into this game, <%male#1>{s} conditioning seemed like a major concern.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition]
STR-285398: 試合に臨むにあたって <%male#1>のコンディションが 大きく懸念されるようです

KEY: <%male#1> seemed to be a bit out of breath already going into the game.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition]
STR-285399: 試合開始ですが <%male#1>は すでに 少々息が上がっているようです

KEY: The whole team looks to be suffering from the effects of a long and tiring season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285400: 両チームとも 長く辛いシーズンのために 苦しんでいるようです

KEY: A general fatigue is affecting most of the team, picked up over the course of the season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285401: シーズン中に受けた 広範な疲労が チームの大部分に 影響を及ぼしています

KEY: The team looks to be suffering from general tiredness accumulated over the season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285402: シーズン中に蓄積された 広範な疲れに チームは苦しんでいるようです

KEY: Some of the team, notably <%male#1> and <%male#2>, are looking tired from their efforts this season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285403: チームの何人か 特に <%male#1>と <%male#2>は 今シーズン続けた努力に 疲労を感じているようです

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> are amongst a number of players in the team suffering from the effects of a large workload this season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285404: <%male#1>と <%male#2>を 始めとする チームの多くの選手は 今シーズンおこなったハードワークのために 苦しんでいます

KEY: Some of our players, including <%male#1> and <%male#2>, look a bit worn down from their accumulated workload over the season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285405: <%male#1>と <%male#2>を含む 何人かのこちらの選手は シーズンを通したハードワークに やつれ気味のように見えます

KEY: <%male#1> is looking weary from his accumulated workload this season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285406: <%male#1>は シーズンを通したハードワークに やつれきっているようです

KEY: <%male#1>{s} conditioning is causing a concern, showing heavy legs and the effects of an accumulated workload this season.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, poor condition because of jadedness]
STR-285407: <%male#1>は 脚が重そうで シーズンを通したハードワークのために コンディションが 不安視されています