翻訳/3701-3800 page/3752

Last-modified: 2009-01-02 (金) 15:11:55

KEY: Load Demo Game[COMMENT - button which lets you load a quick start]
STR-289484: デモゲームのロード[COMMENT - button which lets you load a quick start]

KEY: Load a demo game[COMMENT: Tooltip for mouse over the Load Demo Game button.]
STR-289485: デモゲームのロード[COMMENT: Tooltip for mouse over the Load Demo Game button.]

KEY: <%person#1-I> am extremely excited[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-289486: 非常に喜ばしいことだと思います[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]

KEY: Weakest Player<COMMENT: post_match_panel; after match summary heading>
STR-289488: 最も悪かった選手<COMMENT: post_match_panel; after match summary heading>

KEY: <%person#1> has had <%person#1-his> reputation tarnished in front of the media today, with <%string#1 - COMMENT - newspaper name> revealing that the <%team#1> boss had attempted to ruin the club after being offered the managerial post at <%team#2>.\n\nIn an interview conducted shortly afterwards, <%team#1-short> chairman <%person#2> commented that no lasting damage had been done, but that it would be a long while before <%person#1-surname> would be welcome in these parts again.<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>
STR-289489: <%team#2> に監督として就任することを打診された後 現在指揮をとっている <%team#1> をめちゃくちゃにしようとしていたことを <%string#1 - COMMENT - newspaper name> が本日付の記事の中で暴露したことにより <%team#1> の監督である <%person#1> の名声は地に落ちることになりました \n\n直後に行われたインタビューの中で <%team#1-short> の <%person#2> 会長は 我がクラブが <%person#1-surname> を歓迎することは二度とないだろう とコメントしています<COMMENT - Parting manager condemned for attempting to sabotage the club; News Item>

KEY: Other Transfer Rumours[COMMENT: news item button; links to Transfer Rumours section on competition screen]
STR-289490: その他の移籍の噂[COMMENT: news item button; links to Transfer Rumours section on competition screen]

KEY: Physio <%person#2> has reported that <%position#1-lowercase> <%male#1> has sustained <%string#2 comment - injury name> during a routine training session.<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>
STR-289491: <%male#1> の報告によると <%position#1-lowercase> である <%person#2> が通常練習中に <%string#2 comment - injury name> に見舞われました<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>

KEY: Physio <%person#2> has reported that <%male#1> picked up a knock in training and has suffered <%string#2 comment - injury name>.<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>
STR-289492: フィジカルコーチの <%person#2> の報告によると <%male#1> が練習中に強打されてしまい <%string#2 comment - injury name> に見舞われました

KEY: Physio <%person#2> has reported that <%male#1> has injured himself in training, sustaining <%string#2 comment - injury name>.<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>
STR-289493: フィジカルコーチの <%person#2> の報告によると <%male#1> が練習中に負傷し <%string#2 comment - injury name> に見舞われました<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>

KEY: Physio <%person#2> has reported that <%position#1-lowercase> <%male#1> has sustained <%string#2 comment - injury name> after an accidental collision during a training session.<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>
STR-289494: フィジカルコーチの <%person#2> の報告によると <%position#1-lowercase> である <%male#1> が練習中の接触事故により <%string#2 comment - injury name> に見舞われました<COMMENT: PHYSIO_REPORT_NEWS_ITEMS; News Item>