
Last-modified: 2009-08-23 (日) 00:20:47

KEY: DP[COMMENT - abbreviation for Designated player contract; used in MLS for players on Designated player contracts]
STR-289567: DP[COMMENT - abbreviation for Designated player contract; used in MLS for players on Designated player contracts]

KEY: {upper}<%person#1-surname>{s} main task will be to help develop the country's top young players with the aim of providing the senior team with a good source of talent for years to come.[COMMENT: international_manager_appointed_news]
STR-289568: {upper}<%person#1-surname>{s} main task will be to help develop the country's top young players with the aim of providing the senior team with a good source of talent for years to come.[COMMENT: international_manager_appointed_news]

KEY: Record Transfers[COMMENT: transfers section; a list of record-breaking transfers]
STR-289569: 記録的な移籍[COMMENT: transfers section; a list of record-breaking transfers]

KEY: FM 2008 Right[COMMENT: skin for FM 2008]
STR-289571: FM 2008 Right[COMMENT: skin for FM 2008]

KEY: Arsenal[COMMENT: skin for FM 2008]
STR-289573: Arsenal[COMMENT: skin for FM 2008]

KEY: Arsenal Widgets[COMMENT: skin for FM 2009]
STR-289574: Arsenal Widgets[COMMENT: skin for FM 2009]

KEY: [%team#1] boss [%person#1] has asked [%male#2] to stop hitting free kicks so powerfully.
STR-289576: [%team#1] の監督 [%person#1] は [%male#2] にフリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう要求しました
STR-289576: [%team#1] の監督 [%person#1] は [%female#2] にフリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう要求しました

KEY: It is thought that [%person#1-surname] believes [%male#2-surname] is more wasteful than anything else and would prefer a more subtle approach.
STR-289577: It is thought that [%person#1-surname] believes [%male#2-surname] is more wasteful than anything else and would prefer a more subtle approach.

KEY: [%male#2-surname] asked to stop hitting free-kicks with power
STR-289578: [%male#2-surname] はフリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう要求されました

KEY: After being asked to stop hitting free-kicks with power by [%person#2], [%team#1-short]{s} [%player_description#1] [%male#1] responded in a positive manner.
STR-289579: [%team#1-short] の [%player_description#1] [%male#1] は [%person#2] のフリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう言われ 前向きな姿勢を示しました

KEY: After being asked to stop hitting free-kicks with power by [%person#2], [%team#1-short]{s} [%player_description#1] [%male#1] responded in a negative manner.
STR-289580: [%team#1-short] の [%player_description#1] [%male#1] は [%person#2] のフリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう言われ 否定的な姿勢を示しました

KEY: [%person#1-surname] requests [%male#2-surname] stops hitting free-kicks with power
STR-289581: [%person#1-surname] は [%male#2-surname] に フリーキックを強く蹴るのをやめるよう求めました

KEY: System Information[COMMENT:Title of area displaying information about the computer operating system and power sources]
STR-289582: システム情報[COMMENT:Title of area displaying information about the computer operating system and power sources]

KEY: Current Power Status[COMMENT:Label for telling the user whether they're using mains or battery power]
STR-289583: 電力状況[COMMENT:Label for telling the user whether they're using mains or battery power]

KEY: Current Power Scheme[COMMENT:Label for telling the user which power scheme they are using]
STR-289584: 電力プラン[COMMENT:Label for telling the user which power scheme they are using]

KEY: Number Of Processors[COMMENT:Label for telling the user how many processors their computer has]
STR-289585: CPUコア数[COMMENT:Label for telling the user how many processors their computer has]

KEY: Processor Usage[COMMENT:Label for showing the user how much work is being done by each processor]
STR-289586: CPU使用率[COMMENT:Label for showing the user how much work is being done by each processor]

KEY: Unknown[COMMENT:Power supply source: We don't know the power supply.]
STR-289587: 不明[COMMENT:Power supply source: We don't know the power supply.]

KEY: Fully Charged Battery[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is fully charged (with mains power plugged in).]
STR-289588: フル充電[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is fully charged (with mains power plugged in).]

KEY: Battery Charging[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is charging (with mains power plugged in).]
STR-289589: 充電中[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is charging (with mains power plugged in).]

KEY: Battery[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is being drained (no mains power plugged in).]
STR-289590: バッテリー[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a battery, which is being drained (no mains power plugged in).]

KEY: Mains[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a permanent power connection.]
STR-289591: 主電源[COMMENT:Power supply source: We have a permanent power connection.]

KEY: Unknown[COMMENT:We don't know what power scheme we are using.]
STR-289592: 不明[COMMENT:We don't know what power scheme we are using.]

KEY: Performance[COMMENT:Power scheme - No throttling: No processor performance control is applied.]
STR-289593: パフォーマンス[COMMENT:Power scheme - No throttling: No processor performance control is applied.]

KEY: Balanced[COMMENT:Power scheme - Adaptive: Attempts to match processor performance to the current demand.]
STR-289594: バランス[COMMENT:Power scheme - Adaptive: Attempts to match processor performance to the current demand.]

KEY: Power Save[COMMENT:Power scheme - Throttled: Processor performance control is applied.]
STR-289595: 省電力[COMMENT:Power scheme - Throttled: Processor performance control is applied.]

KEY: Custom[COMMENT:Power scheme - Custom scheme.]
STR-289596: カスタム[COMMENT:Power scheme - Custom scheme.]

KEY: <%number#1> Processor[COMMENT: One processor present]
STR-289597: <%number#1> コア[COMMENT: One processor present]

KEY: <%number#1> Processors[COMMENT: Number of processors present]
STR-289598: <%number#1> コア[COMMENT: Number of processors present]

KEY: Battery Power: <%number#1>%[COMMENT:percentage of battery power remaining]
STR-289599: バッテリー残量: <%number#1>%[COMMENT:percentage of battery power remaining]

KEY: Score at half time: <%number#1>:<%number#2>
STR-289600: ハーフタイムのスコア: <%number#1>:<%number#2>

KEY: HT <%number#1>:<%number#2>
STR-289601: HT <%number#1>:<%number#2>

KEY: / FT <%number#1>:<%number#2> ET <%number#3>:<%number#4>
STR-289602: / FT <%number#1>:<%number#2> ET <%number#3>:<%number#4>

KEY: FT <%number#1>:<%number#2>
STR-289603: FT <%number#1>:<%number#2>

KEY: 35yd <%number#1>:<%number#2>
STR-289604: 35yd <%number#1>:<%number#2>

KEY: Pens <%number#1>:<%number#2>
STR-289605: PK <%number#1>:<%number#2>

KEY: Long Distance[COMMENT - preferences screen; long distance unit of measurement option - kilometres or miles]
STR-289607: 移動距離の表記[COMMENT - preferences screen; long distance unit of measurement option - kilometres or miles]

KEY: Kilometres[COMMENT - long distance option on preferences screen]
STR-289608: キロメートル[COMMENT - long distance option on preferences screen]

KEY: Miles[COMMENT - long distance option on preferences screen]
STR-289609: マイル[COMMENT - long distance option on preferences screen]