
Last-modified: 2013-04-01 (月) 18:25:32


Buffs are effects that can't do damage but alter the target's stats, be it your own or the enemy's. Some skills create buffs, but they are not buffs themselves.

The passive skills which increase buff effect apply to all visible buffs (but not debuffs or charges) placed on your character - if it brings up one of those little squares in the upper left and it's good for you, then it will be affected. This includes such things as the buffs created by casting blood rage, phase run, and immortal call.

The passive skills which increase buff and debuff duration apply not to buffs on you but to buffs (including debuffs) you create, either on yourself or other entities. This includes all the above as well as such things as the debuffs placed on cursed monsters.


Buff とは一定期間キャラクターの能力を高める事ができるスキルや魔法の総称でステータスアップ、
Buffの反対語にDebuffがあるが、Path of Exile では Debuff の考え方がなく敵を弱体化させても
キャラクターの強化となり Buff と表現される。
Buff 自体単体ではダメージを与えることはできないが、