
Last-modified: 2011-04-01 (金) 05:02:59



  • Role type: Support role, especially as a 'Trof-of-all-trades!
  • Hit Strength: Average. Good range, but lacks punch.
  • Flexibility: Impeccable. Atypical areas of effect which can be useful in all combat situations.
  • Cooperation: Good.
  • Fighting Position: Close to the loot...
  • Easy Target: An opponent who's not too rough and can be badly affected by States.
  • Difficult Target: Very fast enemies.


エレメンタル スペル

704.pngKamagmaThe Enutrof takes a Kama in his hand and sets his fist on fire to hit his target. Very practical for cauterising a wound.
691.pngGiving someone a SmackerA shovel thrown like a boomerang will hit everything in its path, before coming back to the caster.
709.pngDrhell or no DrhellThe Drhellzerker spits a fireball at its target.
705.pngGhostly ShovelA summoned shovel which dissipates the effects on the target.
706.pngDrhellcryThe Drhellzerker has such an enormous cry that all those around him are affected. He petrifies his enemies and inflicts them with terrible tremblings that slow them down considerably.
792.pngCoin ThrowingAn Enutrof throwing Kamas at an enemy? No, you're not hallucinating. It's a fun way of getting rid of counterfeit money, while inflicting a few damages!
713.pngFreezing GelThe Enutrof transforms a Kama into a ball of ice, which he then throws at his opponent.
1775.pngPhrozenpickAn ice stalactite which will crush the targeted area.
700.pngMassacring ShovelThe Enutrof summons an ice shovel in the air that explodes over the targets hurling fragments all over the police.
1776.pngGeyserkerThe Drhellzerker uses its knowledge of the earth to find a water source. At the end of a turn, this will release a powerful jeezer, injurying targets in the area.
693.pngClumsinessA column of earth comes up from under the target's feet to injure them.
791.pngStone ThrowingThe Enutrof throws a Kama at its target, but it transforms into a stone just before it hits...
710.pngRock DenThe Enutrof Drhezerker scratches at the ground and disappears under a cloud of dust.
692.pngShovel of JudgementAn Earth attack which could remove MP from the target.
690.pngSeismic DrhellstormThe Drhellzerker hits the ground, releasing a wave of energy which splits the ground in a zig zag in front of him.


703.pngDrhellzerkerAs a final resort, the Enutrof can call upon animal brutality: summoning the power of a Drheller, he becomes a Drhellzerker and transforms into a real fighting machine.
689.pngSplatterThe Enutrof transforms a Kama into dung and throws it in his opponent's eyes.
696.pngMass ClumsinessAll enemies lose MP.
1089.pngPocket DrhellerSummons a little drheller that digs trenches to slow down the enemies.
716.pngTunnelThe Enutrof creates an underground passage that he can use to move around underground when he is in Drhezerker form.
1090.pngTreasure TrackerThanks to his knowledge of objects, the Enutrof is most likely to find any drops left at the end of battles.
687.pngCharcoal TalismanEnutrof often helps his disciples to find treasures. The Charcoal Talisman increases the chances that monsters will leave drops, but also makes them more dangerous.
702.pngGreedWinning is a powerful bait to lure anyone, but, for an Enutrof, it can take on impressive proportions...
699.pngMuddy HandThanks to his applied knowledge of the earth, the Enutrof improves his chances of applying MP losses.
794.pngCorruptionKnowing how to show himself in a most pertinent manner, the Enutrof also knows how to get a client to expose himself too, allowing him to take advantage of the slightest weakness.