
Last-modified: 2011-04-01 (金) 04:06:54



  • Role type: Fighter.
  • Hit Strength: Two levels, according to how many pints you've consumed. Sober mode, you're more support orientated. Less sober, more offensive (fighting techniques are unblocked).
  • Flexibility: Excellent. Almost indispensable in a group.
  • Cooperation: Good for positioning and a small support panel.
  • Fighting Position: Front line, that's where the class appears to its best advantage (but can also work from behind).
  • Easy Target: Opponents who attack in groups, because they can hit several targets at the same time.
  • Difficult Target: Enemies who can remove States.


エレメンタル スペル

942.pngAlcoholic BreathA powerful alcoholic breath right in the enemy's face. This spell's almost as effective as Gobball breath.
945.pngMelancholyA Water attack to attempt to drown the target, inflicting the states Exhaustion or Curse.
946.pngCyanosisWhen a Pandawa buys a drink for his opponent, he's isn't usually looking to make a new friend! Cyanose poisons the target and inflicts damages at the start of each turn.
944.pngPandiniurasA spin kick which will send out a wave to the opponent. As well as suffering damages, he'll find himself somewhere other than where he started.
947.pngKirrhosisNo-one can hand alcohol as well as a Pandawa, especially not his enemies. Kirrhosis inflicts horrible liver pain on the target, making him much more vulnerable to attacks.
952.pngTipsy-TurvyThe Pandawa catches his opponent and throws them over his shoulder, letting them hit the ground behind him (doesn't hurt his allies if the Pandawa is sober).
956.pngBloom of MaltA skilful kick that allows a Pandawa to sweep away any nearby targets.
1416.pngNectar DropA handicapped opponent is an opponent with a much greater... handicap. A violent kick in the target's legs can be very useful for keeping an enemy in close combat.
955.pngSaki ExplosionSaki Explosion consumes one of the opponent's WP to inflict serious damages. A drunk Pandawa can't cast this spell and the target must have at least one WP.
950.pngAftertaste KickThe Pandawa knows his foot from his elbow. Very useful on the pub dancefloor when it's time to dance the pogo-gig, but also for inflicting damages on the target.
958.pngHeavenly FanThe Pandawa uses his martial arts skills to create an airwave just by using the back of his hand. This can also be useful for tidying little Pandawas' bedrooms.
962.pngCyclone PalmThe Pandawa provokes a violent, cyclonic wind. The target will suffer damages and will end up facing a random direction if the Pandawa is Drunk.
954.pngPan-DalliancePan-Dalliance is a deadly techniques that only Pandawas know how to use. The target will suffer damages which will be much more considerable if its just moved after having been affected by this spell.
960.pngTriple Karma ShotsTriple Karma Shots has to be cast three times in a row to be effective. Each consecutive attack becomes more and more painful.


943.pngChugalugThe Pandawa knows how to intoxicate himself with the good things in life, like scrapping, fighting and combat... This drunkness strengthens his damages and allows him to cast new spells.
973.pngKarchamThe Pandawa picks up his allies or his enemies and carries them. He protects one and throws the other. A spell which, strangely, only works when the Pandawa's drunk.
957.pngAqueous VulnerabilityA spell that makes the target vulnerable to the Water element. After all, who better than a Pandawa knows how to resist liquids?
959.pngStorm VulnerabilityThe Pandawa destroys the target's resistance to Air, making them more vulnerable to this element. A spell which will put the wind in your sails.
949.pngEarth Ki ConcentrationBy concentrating his energy, the Pandawa gives his target a chance to knock his opponent out with his next hit. What's more, the target will be stabilised.
978.pngBamboo MilkThis sobers the Pandawa up and removes the Drunk state.
975.pngChamrakThe Pandawa throws his carried target onto an empty cell opposite him so he can put him down as he likes. Another spell whose efficacity depends on the Pandawa's sobriety.
976.pngStone VulnerabilityWe don't know whether it's the Pandawa's potent breath or his (equally potent) magic which breaks his opponent's Earth resistance. Either way, it definitely works!
977.pngIncandescent VulnerabilityThe Pandawa destroys the target's Fire resistance. They become more vulnerable to this element.
953.pngKi TransferFor a Pandawa, it's important to be able to master both your body and your mind. Ki Transfer allows them to give their own WP to a target, be they friend or foe.