Australian Forces

Last-modified: 2007-12-31 (月) 03:34:36


公式 Battlefield 2: Australian Forces




songhuastalemate (Songhua Stalemate)

Australian forces advance from the Russian plains into the territories of the People’s Republic of China
where rapidly deployed Chinese forces mass to counter the assault.
The stalemated situation along the Songhua River has deteriorated into reciprocal assaults by both sides,
each seeking to capture this vital transportation artery.
Stakes are high in this double assault that involves control of a main gateway to Southern Manchuria.


glowingpass (FuShe Pass)

China’s rich mining areas in the northeastern highland have become contested by rapidly deploying Australian and Chinese forces.
The narrow canyons carved into this region channel both forces into inevitable head-on confrontations as each seeks
to secure the prized uranium mines with their advancing forces.
In the context of this double assault, success will favor the bold, given the constrained nature of this rugged battlefield.


dragonvalley (Dragon Valley)

Ancient legends of this "fairyland on earth," tell of a yellow dragon that helped a king channel flood waters into the sea.
Currently, Australian military forces are converging upon this idyllic valley, to secure a foothold in the Minshan mountain range.
Elements of the ADF are on the offensive in this sector, while the forces of the People's Republic of China are called upon to defend ancient ancestral lands,
in what promises to be a bitter engagement.


daqingoilfields (Daqing Oilfields)

Australian forces striking south are now poised to seize this crucial logistic component in
China’s ongoing war effort, seeking to both divert petroleum resources while simultaneously
hindering PLA mechanized efforts in this sector. The stakes are high in this head-on collision
between advancing Australian forces and the defending Chinese forces, with both sides advised to
cautiously advance through this volatile landscape.


dalianplant (Dalian Plant)

Australian forces are advancing to capture the Dalian Plant nuclear facility and force disruptions to the electrical grid in northern China.
Elements of the Second Army of the People’s Republic of China have moved forward to serve as an improvised defensive force.
This location is of vital strategic importance to both sides, for a major reduction of the generating capacity
of the PLA forces would allow rapid consolidation of US units dispersed throughout this vast region.


hinganhills (未実装)

Military planners for both the ADF and the People’s Republic of China quickly realized that this sector contains key strategic bridges
that provide easy armored access to the Manchurian heartland and deployed accordingly.
To secure possession of these vital lines of advance elements of both nations are racing to meet head-on amidst the scattered farms,
villages and industrial areas of this ancient, remote landscape.


mashtuurcity (Mashtuur City)

Leading elements of the Australian ground force must capture Mashtuur City, a primary Middle East axis of advance.
In response, MEC units are rushing forward to hold the city at all costs.
In this double assault upon a key urban asset, all elements of modern warfare are likely to be deployed,
attempting to secure vital CPs that dot the city.
Victory will go to the side that controls the majority of Mashtuur when hostilities cease.


zatarwetlands (Zatar Wetlands)

The Zatar Wetlands along the Red Sea coastline possess vital natural gas resources, but create a difficult battlefield for US and MEC forces.
Small tributaries break the landscape into isolated islands whose soggy marshes inhibit heavy vehicles.
As Australian forces advance, MEC forces possess an initial advantage in the air.
Control of an abandoned airfield is crucial early in the battle,
after which supply line protection will become an additional consideration.


strikeatkarkand (Strike At Karkand)

Control of the industrial facility and harbor at Karkand motivate this assault by Australian forces,
where they find MEC forces marshalling to defend the industrial city and determined to meet this attack with stiff resistance.
The terrain surrounding Karkand sufficiently opens to allow for sweeping fields of fire
but the open ground increases the danger posed by anti-vehicle missiles and sniping.
It is thus vital for both sides to secure firebases in Karkand’s sheltered city center.


sharqipeninsula (Sharqi Peninsula)

This vital position on the Persian Gulf possesses a TV station with a powerful transmitter,
allowing it to aid propaganda support for the ongoing MEC campaign.
Australian forces have captured this coastal position and now face a determined counterattack by converging MEC forces.
This lazy seaside resort of villas, markets and beach houses is about to become a modern battlefield as Australian forces
attempt to hold on to their newly-captured communications prize.


gulfofoman (Gulf Of Oman)

An Australian unit has landed on this Persian Gulf beach during the night in the hopes of quickly seizing the nearby MEC airbase.
The stakes are high for both sides.
The ADF face possibly being driven into the sea and destroyed.
The MEC forces could lose a key airbase and open the door for Australian forces to take strategic oilfields.
Both sides have been using the morning to prepare for a final assault.


operationcleansweep (Operation Clean Sweep)

This vital entrance to the Persian Gulf is held by local MEC forces who have established a strong defensive presence
on the scattered islands of the waterway.
For the Australian force to clear the waterway they must first deploy air assets to disable a key MEC power station,
after which the Australian force must enter the channel and capture the islands defended by these determined MEC fighters.


kubradam (Kubra Dam)

Australian forces are deploying toward a key dam site in the Saudi desert, intent upon control of this strategic location.
To counter the threat, MEC forces are advancing their own mobile brigades to blunt the Australian spearhead.
This rough desert terrain contains a mix of terrain types, requiring the utmost in tactical flexibility by both ADF and MEC soldiers.
The ultimate objective of both sides in this battle is to gain control of the entire Kubra Dam sector.


dragonvalleynight (未実装)

Ancient legends of this "fairyland on earth," tell of a yellow dragon that helped a king channel flood waters into the sea.
Currently, Australian military forces are converging upon this idyllic valley under the cover of darkness,
to secure a foothold in the Minshan mountain range.
Elements of the ADF are on the offensive in this sector, while the forces of the People's Republic of China are called upon to defend ancient ancestral lands,
in what promises to be a bitter engagement.


strikeatkarkandnight (未実装)

Control of the industrial facility and harbor at Karkand motivate this night assault by Australian forces,
where they find MEC forces marshalling to defend the industrial city and determined to meet this attack with stiff resistance.
The terrain surrounding Karkand sufficiently opens to allow for sweeping fields of fire
but the open ground increases the danger posed by anti-vehicle missiles and sniping.
It is thus vital for both sides to secure firebases in Karkand’s sheltered city center.


wakeislandnight2007 (Wake Island)

In a surprise move, forces of the People's Liberation Army have attacked and captured Wake Island in a bid to threaten ADF lines of supply.
Australian forces have been short-stopped from their deployment in Manchuria to respond to this new threat.
The airbase on Wake Island is the lynchpin of the Chinese air threat,
however it is highly susceptible to ground attack from either the northern or southern approaches of the island.
Australian forces will use the cover of darkness to recapture Wake Island.


Battle_for_Termez (Battle for Termez)

Australian forces have entered from southern Uzbekistan in order to engage and destroy MEC military facilities in the territory
near the Afghanistan border.
Reconnaissance by Coalition forces in the region has revealed a significant armoured presence in the mountains.
Map created by Vando.

オーストラリア軍は、ウズベキスタンとアフガニスタンの国境付近にあるMECの軍事施設を破壊するために南へ進軍している。連合軍の偵察によると、付近には装甲師団がいるとのことだ。Map created by Vando.

kubaysahcementfactory (Kubaysah Cement Factory)

Australian forces entered an Iraqi cement factory in Kubaysah to search for weapons and insurgent activity.
The factory was earlier identified by intelligence sources as a possible stronghold for insurgent activity.
One reason for the search was the possibility of insurgents using the towers for sniper attacks or as observation posts.
Map created by Vando.

オーストラリア軍は武器および反政府活動を探索するため、イラクのKubaysahにあるセメント工場に進軍した。偵察部隊により、その工場は反乱軍の拠点であることが分かっている。攻撃の理由は、反乱軍が狙撃や監視に塔を使用している可能性があるからである。Map created by Vando.

kubaysahcementfactorynight (未実装)

Under the cover of darkness, Australian forces entered an Iraqi cement factory in Kubaysah to search for weapons and insurgent activity.
The factory was earlier identified by intelligence sources as a possible stronghold for insurgent activity.
One reason for the search was the possibility of insurgents using the towers for sniper attacks or as observation posts.
Map created by Vando.

オーストラリア軍は、闇夜に紛れ武器および反政府活動を探索するため、イラクのKubaysahにあるセメント工場に進軍した。諜報機関により、その工場は反乱軍の拠点であることが分かっている。攻撃の理由は、反乱軍が狙撃や監視に塔を使用している可能性があるからである。Map created by Vando.

sahlalabbah (Sahl Al Abbah)

Responding to numerous fatal rocket attacks and improvised explosive devices aimed at disrupting Allied convoys
on the highway passing through Sahl Al Abbah, Australian forces have been deployed to a remote village south of the town.
Intent upon regaining strategic control of the region,
the ADF must negotiate both the volatile streets of Sahl Al Abbah, the unforgiving desert surroundings,
and a determined and unrelenting MEC presence.
Map created by Vando.

Sahl Al Abbahを通る主要道路上で、連合軍の警護を混乱させるロケットや簡易爆弾による攻撃が相次いでいるため、オーストラリア軍は町から南に遠く離れた村に配備された。付近を再制圧するため、オーストラリア国防軍は厳しい砂漠と全く動かないMECを切り抜けなければならない。

al_Asad_Airfield (al Asad Airfield)

Australian forces have been tasked with recapturing the Al Asad Airfield, the second largest airbase in Iraq.
Imperative to Coalition operations in the region, the ADF must seize control of this vast airfield.
Riddled with bunkers and broken aircraft, the Australian forces will need to use mixed tactics to defeat the determined MEC defenders.
Map created by Vando.

オーストラリア軍(ADF)は、イラクで2番目に大きい空軍基地のAl Asad飛行場の制圧を任された。この飛行場は連合軍の作戦に必要なため、ADFはこの広大な地域を制圧しなければならない。MEC防衛部隊の多数のバンカーと破壊された航空機に、ADFが勝利するには色々と戦術を用いなければならないだろう。Map created by Vando.
