翻訳/FIRST Sporting Code/7.Penalties

Last-modified: 2010-09-10 (金) 19:15:35

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7. Penalties

7.1. Penalties

Any breach of this Official Sporting Code, or the Appendices thereto, or any Supplementary Regulations by any member of iRacing may result in a penalty for said member. Penalties may be determined by the FIRST Chief Steward, which will always be an iRacing official and will be appointed by FIRST. The decisions of the FIRST Chief Steward become immediately binding regardless of pending appeals. The penalty will remain in effect until the appeal process has concluded. All appeals are to be made according to the procedure, and will be subject to the limitations, set forth in Section 9 of this document (Appeals).

7.2. Breach of Rules

Any of the following offenses in addition to any offenses referred to previously, shall be deemed to be a breach of rules:
Any attempt, direct or indirect, to bribe any person having official duties in relation to a competition or being employed in any manner in connection with iRacing or FIRST in connection with a competition and the acceptance of, or offer to accept, any bribe by such employee or official.
Any action having as its object to illegally alter the simulation, content, cars, tracks or any aspects of the software to gain unfair competitive advantage.
Any fraudulent conduct or any act prejudicial to the interests of any competition or to the interests of internet racing in general.

7.3. Application of Penalties

Penalties may be applied as follows:
Warning. (May not be appealed)
Racing time penalty, including in-session penalties (e.g., stop-and-go), as well as post-event timing and scoring adjustments. (May not be appealed)
Race Disqualification: (May not be appealed)
Suspension from competition and/or communications with other members within the service for a specific period of time; includes racing, open practice, qualifying sessions, open chat and forums. (May be appealed in accordance with Section 9)
Suspension of membership for a specific period of time. May be appealed in accordance with Section 9)
Permanent revocation of membership. (May be appealed in accordance with Section 9)
Any other penalty deemed appropriate by the FIRST Competition Board. (May be appealed in accordance with Section 9)
If a member is assessed a probation or suspension, he or she must serve the full term of the penalty while his or her iRacing membership is active.
Regardless of any Protests, Appeals or Penalties assessed, iRatings, ttRatings and Safety Ratings will not be adjusted.

7.4. Loss of Awards

Any competitor or member penalized in any way may lose the right to receive awards granted for a racing or driving competition, series competition or club competition at the sole discretion of iRacing and/or FIRST.
iRacing and/or FIRST retains the right to withhold monetary awards from competitors if found that he/she has violated the Terms of Service, The end User License Agreement, Code of Conduct, and/or This Official FIRST Sporting Code.

7.5. Publication of Penalties

iRacing and/or FIRST shall have the right to publish the name of any member assessed a penalty, as well as the nature of the infraction or violation and any associated penalties, on its member website or any other affiliated public forum.

7.6. Remission of Penalties

iRacing or FIRST shall have the right to remit the unexpired period of disqualification, suspension or revocation.