翻訳/3401-3500 page/3457

Last-modified: 2009-05-29 (金) 18:38:40

KEY: [%person#1-surname] feeling the nerves
STR-286802: [%person#1-surname] がナーバスに

KEY: [%person#1-surname] slightly nervous
STR-286803: [%person#1-surname] が若干ナーバスに

KEY: [%person#1-surname] looking forward to rival clash
STR-286804: [%person#1-surname] はライバル対決を心待ちに

KEY: [%person#1-I] really don't have anything to say about the [%team#2-short] match
STR-286805: 特に [%team#2-short] との試合について言うことはありません

KEY: This is not the first rivals match [%person#1-you] have had to deal with, so [%person#1-you] must be getting the hang of them now. Even so, are [%person#1-you] at all nervous about the game?
STR-286806: ライバルとの対戦は、 あなたにとってこれが初めてではなく、 すでにコツを飲みこまれていることでしょう。\nとはいえ、かえって試合にむけてナーバスになってらっしゃるのでは?

KEY: [%person#1-Your] upcoming match against [%team#2-short] will present [%person#1-you] with a chance to get one over [%person#2]. Is this something that [%person#1-you] will be thinking about going into the match?
STR-286807: 来たる [%team#2-short] との対戦は、あなたにとっては [%person#2] に一歩先んじるチャンスでもあります。\n試合に臨むにあたって、こうしたことが頭によぎることはありますか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] eager to beat [%person#2-surname]
STR-286808: [%person#1-surname] は打倒 [%person#2-surname] に燃える

KEY: [%person#1-surname] wants to get one over [%person#2-surname]
STR-286809: [%person#1-surname] は [%person#2-surname] 打倒に意欲

KEY: [%person#1-surname] concentrates on matches not managers
STR-286810: [%person#1-surname] はライバル監督よりも試合に集中

KEY: [%person#1-surname] only thinks of [%team#1-short]
STR-286811: [%person#1-surname] の胸中には [%team#1-short] のみ

KEY: [%person#1-I] am not going to comment on that
STR-286812: それについてはコメントしません

KEY: Considering what [%person#1-you] have said in the past about other teams' managers, do [%person#1-you] enjoy the prospect of getting one over rival manager [%person#2]?
STR-286813: 他チームの監督についての、あなたの過去の発言をふまえてお聞きします。\nライバル監督である [%person#2] の打倒に、 期待を抱いてらっしゃいますか?

KEY: [%team#2-short] are likely to be confident that they know how [%person#1-you] are going to play. Will [%person#1-you] be looking to spring a tactical surprise or two?
STR-286814: [%team#2-short] には、 あなたの試合への臨み方について、 熟知しているという自信があるようです。\n何らかの戦術上の奇策を用いてみるつもりはありますか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] leaves [%team#2-short] uncertain
STR-286815: [%person#1-surname] は [%team#2-short] を不安に陥れる

KEY: [%person#1-surname] could spring surprise
STR-286816: [%person#1-surname] に奇策あり

KEY: [%person#1-surname] doesn't expect to be surprising
STR-286817: [%person#1-surname] には奇策なしか?