Last-modified: 2021-07-31 (土) 18:41:33




  • 曲の長さが6分と結構長いため、最後まで集中力を切らさないことが大事。
  • [HARD]同時押しが主体であり、簡単に4桁コンボを叩き出せる曲でもある。



Go a long, long way to her homeland,
They took, took you but I'm married for long.
Dance, dance all other memories, (yes...)
I look from the wish I calmed down. (wrong!)
They went stuck with the eyes of twilight.
They rest, rest until the end of twilought.
And he chained me up to the last blow.
I look strong, I wish I've grown blasters.
Deep, my heart blown that leaf you didn't love.
It then ran in CD, didn't we?
Again, we eat our very scared little lunch.
And then, let's hold on one anyway to you and me.

None of these dreams rhyme on this strange language, "Pilchana".
None of my minds in this darn Instagram. Inside, these are lies, uh...
Try to hear me, try to reach for invent our memories.
We need a dream in this outroduction.

Disaster... Yeah...Yeah...

Too lost? Call that a fan? There with me,
Just stood, stood here as Eskimos.
Dance, to dance to, I'll buy your permifume oh...
I keep my fill hostile...
How's shots raise the ends our fly low?
I, I'll give you realm zones start to choose.
Read, read out to the last dome...mmm...
I would from mine, my sugar blaster.
Oh, my heart knows my life, your life!
Oh, the valid seaweed, they're real!
That's not okay! Our brand is a little lost!
And then, we hold on one anyway to you and me.

None of these dreams rhyme on this strange language, "Pilchana".
None of my minds in this darn Instagram. Inside, these are lies, uh...
Try to hear me, try to reach for invent our memories.
We need a dream in this outroduction.

And in my dream, and in my drum rock the blues, "Pilchana".
None of my minds in this darn Instagram. Inside, these are lies, uh...
Try to hear me, try to reach for invent our memories.
We need a dream in this outroduction.

  • 最初どうしても「ノーラン」って入ってるように見える (^^; (^^; (^^;
  • これ歌詞書いてくれる人いるかなー [hatena]
  • じ、じゃあウイルスって途中に出てくる絵のひともかかってたのかなぁ… (--; (OO;
  • 突然変異したウイルスは人々を死に追いやり、又これを治す術は見つけられなかった。又、文明崩壊して1000年の経過も出てきている。一応これらはオペレーターズの前の出来事かな?歴史を語っている感じ
  • operatorsとセット聴くと気づかないうちに曲がdisasterになる
  • Cytus2にある終焉ウイルスのこと?Disaster=災害だし。実はHard一発MM達成!V.の1083コンボというベスト記録塗り替えて、1138コンボ!!
  • 「最大の敵は時間」わかる
  • 最大の敵は時間
  • 最後の文は怪しいけど、だいたいこんなでしょうかね
  • 突然変異し甚だしい感染力を持ったウィルスが、その病に対する治療薬が全くない間に、途轍もない勢いで全世界に広がり、何千年もの歴史をもつ諸文明がそのウィルスの危険に晒されている。 青白い月明かりの下、壊滅的な大災害がもたらされている。