
Last-modified: 2023-12-09 (土) 00:07:44
  • r/DotA2 - [Serious] What separates a 12k mmr player from a 7-8k mmr player? 2023-10-10
    To answer this...

    To answer this simply as an 8k player - 12k players or anyone up there simply processes and plays the game faster. They make decisions, process information, punish mistakes, etc, etc faster. Those seconds make huge differences in farm, dodging/landing ganks, and pretty much aspect of the game.
    Not to mention they are strictly better mechanically and understand the game better
    Edit: I see the question "what does understanding the game mean?". To me this entails all of Dota but can mostly be boiled down to understanding the timings and flow of the game at a higher level. Item timings, map timings, specific hero power spikes, they understand all of these better in relation to the game and how it affects their hero and team.