
Last-modified: 2015-12-15 (火) 02:46:45


"Hi everyone,


As you can imagine it’s been a busy week here with the run up to the Horizons and 1.5 update releases. The team has been pushing hard to get as many tweaks and changes into the game as they can. The results of which has been the substantial beta update we released earlier in the week and another is expected today. Once again I’d like to thank everyone for their feedback – it has been phenomenal! While we can’t always respond we do review the feedback and where we agree that a change needs to be made we will do so.


A good example of this was the visibility of POIs from your ship. The original intention was that your ship scanners give you an approximate location for a POI, which you would then track down with the SRV’s wave scanner. Obviously this has a continuity issue in that some of the POIs you would expect to be visible. In this case we agreed with the feedback that the continuity/persistence issue outweighed the impetus to use the SRV, so we’ve changed this in the build earlier this week.


Naturally every action has an opposite reaction and this change has made finding the POIs much too easy and so destabilising the gameplay around POIs. As I write this we’re looking into ways to ameliorate this, so we’ll have some further tweaks to balance this in a later build.


Progress has been really good, and as you may have seen, elsewhere, we are releasing next week. We’re now focusing on stability issues and any high priority issues that come up. You can still keep the feedback coming though as we still have the rest of the season to go for further tweaks and changes as well as new content and features both for Horizons and updating Season One.


Putting on my story hat for a moment the sharp eyed amongst you have noticed a story in GalNet about ‘The Missing’. In brief The Missing is an encompassing term for everyone who has disappeared without trace in deep space. This includes colonists on the ancient generation ships, lost colonies, disappeared scientific expeditions and a host of others. Some will know from our timeline that many thousands of ‘generation ships’ left the safety of Earth beginning in the 24th century onwards, and headed out into what was then largely unknown – with just some data from probes to guide them. The process was completely unregulated, and many were not as well prepared as they should have been. In those days when faster-than-light communication didn’t exist, many of these potential settlers faced terrible risks alone, travelling thousands of light years into the black, not unlike the wagon trains that set out across continental US in the 18th and 19th centuries before them. Not all were successful at founding new worlds. Most were not. Some managed to return with tails of their adventures. Some were lost in deep space, the dead hulk of their ship carrying on an almost endless trajectory ever deeper into space. Others managed to land and survived for many decades before being overtaken by some local disaster. Some may still be alive, just restricted to low power light speed communications, or no comms at all, as their equipment has failed over the centuries in between. We say they have disappeared without trace, but just maybe some will find some traces of them that are still out there…


The plight of The Missing is just one of the things that will become more prominent over the coming year and the Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be pivotal in solving these mysteries. You can expect more news on this soon!












Hi everyone,


As you can all imagine, it’s been a busy week here and I’m sure that you’re all as excited by the announcement for Elite Dangerous: Horizons as we are! We’ve been working hard on this release for some time now so it’s a good feeling to be able finally talk about it. I hope you’ll indulge me a little if I take this week’s dev update to talk more about the teaser trailer and what’s coming with the new Elite Dangerous: Horizons season, and the first expansion of that season, Planetary Landings.


This first expansion kicks off with the ability to land on airless planets and moons. It’s a great technical step forward, and more adds a huge amount of gameplay.


Gameplay extends seamlessly from space to the surface, so that you and your Wing can take a mix and match approach to tackling missions. It also adds new types of missions to engage in. Scanning planets and moons from space is used to detect signals, crashed ships, mineral deposits, outposts and fortresses. Playing alone or with friends on the ground and in the skies above, you can explore, mine and engage hostile forces as you attempt to infiltrate strongholds guarding valuable rewards.


While flying above the surface in Orbital Cruise you can discover points of interest like landed ships and surface installations. There will be star ports on the surface which can be docked at, although you can land anywhere on the surface that takes your fancy long as the terrain is appropriate, all without loading screens or breaks in gameplay.


As you approach the planet surface the effect of gravity kicks in and changes the flight model and so giving you a new set of flying skills to master. And the 1:1 scale planets and moons take our fantastic simulation to a new level, allowing you to swoop though canyons and skim mountain-tops.


For closer interaction you can deploy a Surface Recon Vehicle (SRV) and drive to locations to discover new points of interest. The SRV allows you to get to places where your ship can’t and to interact with new elements for mining, exploration, combat and missions. This really extends the scale of the game downwards to something more human-sized – and you can appreciate how big even a Sidewinder is compared to the SRV, and how truly huge the planets are.


The first SRV is the Scarab that you see at the end of the teaser trailer. The Scarab is designed to cross the roughest terrain and has some very cool features, such as thrusters to help jump gulleys and surmount obstacles. The thrusters are also very useful for pushing you down onto the surface in low gravity environments, to give you grip where you need it.


Of course its a lot of fun just to blast round, explore and just take in the views, but again it’s both a new set of skills to learn and gameplay possibilities to integrate with the rest of Elite Dangerous. SRVs are very small, and difficult to track by flying spacecraft, and enable you to tackle some of the fortifications you’ll find planetside in a different way from what you can do in a spaceship.


There is a lot for even the most experienced pilots to get their teeth into, and of course there’s also the simple joy in being on the surface and watching the sun rise above the horizon (hence the name!). I’m looking forward to seeing the incredible new screenshots people will be able to share.


As with our previous major updates, the Elite Dangerous: Horizons season of content is more than just the headline features. We will also continue to expand and build upon what is already in game. This will include missions, player roles and events in the galaxy, and many other features we have not yet discussed.


Some of these additions will be exclusive to Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ season owners (and if you have the lifetime expansion pass then you of course get it automatically). Others may be more fundamental, or are needed for the whole player-base so will be available to all players.


Throughout the season there will be major updates adding features and content. One example, which we will be talking more about in the near future, is a new loot and crafting system which again we expect to transform the gameplay experience.


For now this is just a quick dip into what’s coming. We’ll reveal more details as we progress.


We have always been very clear about our intentions for paid major gameplay updates like this as we continue to deliver on our roadmap, and so developing the game towards our long term goals. And in 2015 we still have CQC to release on PC and Mac in September alongside the full Xbox release, and a further update at the time of Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ launch that will bring our total of playable ships up to 30!


What we are doing is new in many ways, both technically and in terms of how we are realizing our long term ambitions for Elite Dangerous. As we evolve the game we are trying to give the best value we can to both existing and new players, for the long term benefit of everyone. That’s why we’ve worked hard to keep backwards compatibility for the Elite Dangerous: Horizons season, and are continuing to release updates for ‘season one’ players. Everyone will continue to fly in the same galaxy, and be impacted by, participate in and help to drive the same events.


You can discuss this dev update here.



Hi everyone,


For this week’s dev update I’m going to talk a bit about the next Xbox One GPP release and about some of what we’re working on for the CQC Update (1.4).


As we’ve already said the next big PC/Mac release is the CQC update, but as usual with these updates we’re expanding and adding to the game in other ways. Some changes coming in 1.4 will be to missions. We’re adding legal salvage missions, so you don’t need to be a smuggler to retrieve salvage – although smuggling will still be the more profitable of these type of missions.


Delivery, courier and smuggling will gain long range variants that can set destinations from tens to hundreds of light years away for long haul missions. A new variant on the massacre mission will have higher numbers and greater time for a more sustained strike against the mission target.


We’ve also heard some players wanting a bit more challenge in their scenarios so an even more hazardous extraction site has been added to provide a more dangerous environment. In dangerous systems the scenarios around the nav beacons can also be a high threat version if it has been compromised.


For Xbox One players we are currently in the submission process for the next GPP release. This will include CQC Championship as well as a host of fixes to the main game including various stability and performance issues. A change log will be posted on our forums once the updated GPP build is available.


And finally there’s only a week until our Gamescom announcement – exciting times! :-)







Hi everyone,


Last weekend was Lavecon and a group of us went there and a good time was had by all! We enjoyed meeting the fans and discussing the game both in the panel’s Q&A and one to one as we mingled. A big thank you to Karen and her team for organising the event and to everyone who made us feel welcome. We had so much fun that this update has a bit of a Lavecon theme :-)


The next major PC/Mac release (which was 1.4) is now headlined CQC Championship and will be released within as short a window as possible after the Xbox release. We’re looking at weeks, rather than months as has been speculated.


As with all of our major updates there is more than just the headline feature. There will be new ships, one of which we announced at Lavecon – the Imperial Eagle. This new ship is more of an interceptor than the original Eagle with better straight line speed and less manoeuvrability. It also sports a medium hardpoint as well as two small ones, giving it a bit more of a punch than its counterpart.


Something else that came up in conversation with fans is how vulnerable the Anaconda is to having its powerplant shot out. We’re going to change how taking out the powerplant works in the CQC update. There will still be a very small chance of powerplant destruction blowing up the ship, but it will also suffer module malfunctions like the other modules. Specifically it will lose power and will need to be rebooted. For the Anaconda we’re also making it a bit harder to hit the powerplant.


Player groups was something that came up quite a bit in conversation at Lavecon and in relation to powerplay as well. During the run up to Powerplay’s release we talked about how a player sponsored minor faction can rise to become a power. We’ve been working on the process for this and will be talking about it in more detail next week. For players already supporting a minor faction in game they will be eligible.


The Elite: Dangerous team have never been bigger, and we’re working long hours and weekends to have our major announcement ready in time for Gamescom. It’s something we’ve be building to for a long time and something we can’t wait to reveal. You’ll hear all about that when Gamescom opens to the press on August 5th.






Discuss the update by clicking here.








 前回言及したようにXBOX版の開発はCQCチャンピオンシップの追加だけでなく、多くの便益をPCやMAC版にももたらしています。現在、XBOX版開発によって得られたPC/MAC版向けの不具合修正および改善、最適化のための大規模アップデートを予定しています。CQCは先日お知らせしたとおり、まずXBOX One版、次にPC/Macへと無料のアップデートで実装されます。尚、このビルドはDavidが言及していたGamescomに出展されるそれとは異なります。そのビルドはとってもクールだよ!


(原文>https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/205 )


 初めてDevUpdateを読む方へ、私の名前はMichael Brookesand、Elite: Dangerousのエグゼクティブプロデューサーです。今週のニュースは来るXboxOne版のリリースについてと、それがPC版およびMac版プレイヤーに与える影響について話していきたいと思います。

 一番はっきりしてるニュースはCQC(Close Quarter Championship)の追加です。これは腹に来るような勢いのハイペースPvPアリーナコンバットモードで、例外的にXboxの方が適していると思ったのでPC版、Mac版より早く実装することにしました。もちろんPC版、Mac版にもこのCQCは需要があると思うので、年末までには実装する予定です。




 最も明らかな便益はXboxOne版の収益です。私たちは月額課金や「Pay to Win」の選択をしてきませんでした。しかしもちろんゲームをサポートするために収益は上げなければなりません。そして今の所その収益は新たな顧客を獲得することで得られています。従って、今の私たちの頭の中にあるのは「いかに沢山のプレイヤーに遊んでもらうか」ということです。



(原文>https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/201 )









