Agatha Knights
Function Name | |
Agatha Knights(アガサ騎士団) | |
Symbol Object | |
Cross(十字架) | |
Symbol Animal | |
Lion(ライオン) | |
Symbol Color | |
Blue & Gold(青と金) ※ 青は神々が大いなる空より我らを守ってくださるという意味を込めて ※ 金は太陽こそが生命の源であり、我らに活力を与えてくれることから | |
Leader | |
King Argon(アルゴン王) |
The Agathian Knights had full control over the continent of Agatha under the reign of King Argon before Order uprising. With the death of the King the Agathian Knights are in turmoil, with the military forces led by Feydrid Kearn who is attempting to restore power to the "rightful" heir Danum Argon, the former King's nephew. The Agathian Knights are also known as "loyalists" and are made up of mostly royalty and nobility, people who dislike change and are distraught by the war at home's effect on trade and matters of economy. The Agathian Knights believe in the concepts of nobility and being just in your actions, though greed and corruption exists it is generally swept under the carpet in efforts to keep the ruling officials in favour of the people.
- Respect your superiors
- Die with valor
- Fight with honour
- Defend the weak and innocent
- Act in the best interest of your king and countrymen
- Praise the gods for all they give us
- 目上を敬え
- 勇ましく死ね
- 名誉と共に戦え
- 弱者と無実の者を護れ
- 王と郷里の者の喜ぶ事をせよ
- 全ての恵みを与える神々を称えよ
- みんな大好きAgathaのページです。トゥミートゥミー -- 2013-02-01 (金) 03:29:03
- あぁぁぁがっさぁああああああああああ -- 2013-02-10 (日) 22:49:00
- nobilityは気高さ -- 2013-02-11 (月) 11:49:34
- 最後の3行を超意訳してみたけど気にくわなかったら好きにして -- 2013-02-24 (日) 06:32:12
- 更新!読める文章になった。 -- Yamario? 2013-02-27 (水) 21:08:26
- 何度も編集してすまん。気になって夜しか眠れなかったんだ。 -- 2013-03-02 (土) 06:38:53
- Godじゃなくてgodsだった。十字架掲げてるのに多神教なのね。 -- Yamario? 2013-03-03 (日) 00:42:43
- ローマ帝国は元々野蛮な多神教だったからな -- 2013-05-24 (金) 07:32:26