:Loading Tips

Last-modified: 2014-11-29 (土) 21:53:21


Torn Banner謹製の戦闘、武器について役立つ豆知識です。





During windup you can feint your attack with Q to make your enemy block early or to cancel your attack so you can parry instead.
Release phase is indicated by the four innner triangles appearing on your crosshair.Your weapon is able to deal damage during this phase.
Recovery phase is the period after you swing if you do not combo. You cannot attack or block during this state.


Throw your opponents off or hit them sooner by attacking left-to-right instead (default: hold ALT or press Mouse4 or Mouse5)


Remember that during your attacks you can still adjust the movement of your weapon with the mouse. Think of your WASD keys as your feet and your mouse as your hips.


Dragging: Turn into attacks to speed them up, or turn away from attacks to slow them down! This throws off your opponent's block timing.


Start a combo by attacking or parrying during your release(damage-dealing) state.Comboring lets you skip the recover stage of your attacks.


There are two types of kicks in the game: tap F to do a fast kick, or hold F to do a heavy kick. Heavy kicks stagger opponents who have a raised shield.


Do not slash into a team fight, you will often end up hitting your teammates. Use stabs and overheads for better precision in group fights.


After you successfully parry an opponent you can immediately attack to perform a riposte,a fast counter-attack that allows you to skip the windup stage of your next attack.



Keep an eye on your opponent's body orientation when he swings,he could be trying to accelerate or delay his attack with body movement.
While fighting heavier classes, force misses by backpedaling and strafing, and then quickly strike during thier recovery phase.


Don't panic block when an enemy is rushing towards you! It gives them an easy opportunity to hit you during your block recovery.
You can be staggered if you attempt to block an attack without enough stamina remaining,or if you are heavy kicked while your shield is up.



Pay attention to the crosshair to determine your current combat state!
Feint,kicks,blocks,class abilitie,jumping and missed attacks all consume stamina.
If you are out of stamina,you can't combo,kick,or use class abilities.It also allows your opponet to stagger you when you try to block him.


It is important to adjust your field of view to a setting that makes you feel comfortable and allows good peripheral vision to anticipate incoming strikes.
Be sure to set mouse sensitivity to a level that allows you to control Chivalry's real-time strikes as well as possible.


A flinch occurs when you are struck during the windup phase.There's a short delay before you can attack again.


If you wish to avoid trading hits, you can feint during your windup and instantly parry instead.
Hit trade:When attacks reach the release phase, they are unable to be interrupted. Two players striking each other while in release phase will trade hits.
Remenber you can crouch and look up or down to bend your body to get out of the way of an enemy attack.


Chase Mechanic: When you are sprinting behind an enemy that is sprinting away you speed up and eventually overtake them. Stand your ground!


Blunt weapons are more effective against heavily armoured classes while slashing weapons are more effective agains lighter classes.