Weekly Challenge

Last-modified: 2023-06-08 (木) 12:39:12

難易度は4段階。簡単な順にPrimary, Stretch, Jeb level, Val level でそれぞれ達成目標が異なる。

Land on the Mun

Land on Dres2023/5/13~

Primary: Land on Dres
Stretch: Land in one of Dres' canyons and return safely to Kerbin
Jeb: Land a rover on one side of the Dres canyon and jump the canyon. (You can use rockets to hop and cushion impact, but use wheels to gain speed)
Val: Place a satellite in orbit within the outer gap in Dres' rings

Land on Moho2023/5/20~

🏆Primary goal: do a Moho flyby and take some screenshots from orbit!
🏆Stretch goal: land on Moho and return to Kerbin!
🏆Jeb-level goal: land a Kerbal in the Mohole... and then return them to Kerbin!
🏆Val-level goal: all of the above, but get your Moho intercept by using a gravity assist from Eve!

Build a space station2023/5/27~

Primary: Build a station by docking at least two Wayfarer habitat modules together in orbit around Kerbin.
Secondary: Add a deployable solar panel truss and a fuel depot tank to your station.
Jeb: Dock a transfer tug to your station and send it to orbit another planet.
Val: Send a lander to your station that is reusable on the body the station is now orbiting.

Dock with Gilly2023/6/3~

Primary: Dock with Gilly.
Stretch: ̴L̴a̴n̴d̴ ̴o̴n̴ Dock with Gilly, plant a flag, and return safely to Kerbin.
Jeb: With just a jetpack, de-orbit, dock with Gilly, plant a flag, and return to your orbiting spaceship, then return to Kerbin.
Val: As above, but capture into the Eve system by aerobraking.