
Last-modified: 2017-08-31 (木) 21:19:10



  • 序盤の赤痢対策を残したサバイバーの手書き
    • 赤痢を治すためだけに生まれたコーンスープ。サバイバルの朝の食事に温かいコーンスープを。

    • items.xml
      <!-- dysentery can1 -->
      <item id="1541" name="survivorCornSoup1">
             <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Food/can_misoPrefab"/>
             <property name="Extends" value="canCatfood"/>
             <property name="EconomicValue" value="40"/>
             <property name="CustomIcon" value="canMiso"/>
             <property name="CustomIconTint" value="111111" />
             <property class="Action1">
                     <property name="Gain_food" value="1"/>
                     <property name="Buff" value="eatFood_3_Trigger"/>
                     <property name="Gain_water" value="2"/>
                     <property name="Gain_stamina" value="10"/>
                     <property name="Gain_wellness" value="0.2"/>
                     <property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/>
                     <property name="Debuff" value="dysentery"/>
                     <property name="DescriptionKey" value="survivorCornSoup1Desc"/>
                     <property name="Create_item" value="scrapIron"/>
      <!-- dysentery can2 -->
      <item id="1542" name="survivorCornSoup2">
             <property name="Extends" value="canCatfood"/>
             <property name="EconomicValue" value="40"/>
             <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Food/can_misoPrefab"/>
             <property name="CustomIcon" value="canMiso"/>
             <property name="CustomIconTint" value="202020" />
             <property class="Action1">
                     <property name="Gain_food" value="1"/>
                     <property name="Buff" value="eatFood_3_Trigger"/>
                     <property name="Gain_water" value="2"/>
                     <property name="Gain_stamina" value="10"/>
                     <property name="Gain_wellness" value="0.2"/>
                     <property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/>
                     <property name="Debuff" value="dysentery"/>
                     <property name="DescriptionKey" value="survivorCornSoup2Desc"/>
                     <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar"/>

    • recipes.xml
      <recipe name="survivorCornSoup1" count="1" craft_area="campfire">
             <ingredient name="plantedCorn1" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="cornMeal" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="canBoiledWater" count="1"/>
      <recipe name="survivorCornSoup2" count="1" craft_area="campfire">
             <ingredient name="plantedCorn1" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="cornMeal" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="bottledRiverWater" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="canEmpty" count="1"/>
      <recipe name="survivorCornSoup2" count="1" craft_area="campfire">
             <ingredient name="plantedCorn1" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="cornMeal" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="bottledWater" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="canEmpty" count="1"/>
      <recipe name="survivorCornSoup2" count="1" craft_area="campfire">
             <ingredient name="plantedCorn1" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="cornMeal" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="beer" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="canEmpty" count="1"/>

    • Localization.txt
      • 説明欄に入る文章

        survivorCornSoup1Desc,items,Item,KgNone,赤痢を治すためだけに生まれたコーンスープ。過去に7日間のみ試験されたコーンスープの缶詰復活。サバイバルの朝の食事に温かいコーンスープを。,Corn soup born just to cure dysentery. Warm cone soup for a survival morning meal.Soupe de maïs née juste pour guérir la dysenterie. Soupe au cône chaud pour un repas de matinée de survie.,Maissuppe geboren, um die Dysenterie zu heilen. Warme Kegelsuppe für ein Überleben Morgen Mahlzeit.,Sopa de maíz nacida sólo para curar la disentería. Sopa caliente del cono para una comida de la mañana de la supervivencia.
        survivorCornSoup2Desc,items,Item,KgNone,クッキングポットも無く、ジャングル・草原・雪原と迷い、赤痢から生き残るためにクリームを食べ続け最後に残した手書きの知恵レシピ。,There is not a cooking pot, it gets lost as jungle · meadow · snowy field, eating cream to survive from dysentery Last handwritten wisdom recipe.,Il n'y a pas de pot de cuisine, il se perd comme jungle · prairie · champ enneigé, crème pour survivre à la dysenterie Dernière recette de sagesse manuscrite.,Es gibt keinen Kochtopf, es geht verloren als Dschungel · Wiese · schneebedecktes Feld, essen Sahne, um von der Dysenterie zu überleben Letztes handgeschriebenes Weisheitsrezept.,No hay una olla de cocina, se pierde como la selva · pradera · campo de nieve, comiendo crema para sobrevivir de disentería Último manuscrito sabiduría receta.