
Last-modified: 2017-02-09 (木) 01:33:24











3301年1月30日-連邦、Banki星系、BD+03 2338星系へ締め付け



 当該星系からの報告によれば、連邦海軍の担当官がバンキ(Banki)星系およびBD+03 2338星系を連邦に引き戻すために派遣されているとのことです。

 また連邦との友好関係を築きたいと考えている独立パイロットに対して、バンキ星系のゴールドアドバンスパートナー(Gold Advanced Partners)およびBD+03 2338星系のプログレッシブ党(Progressive Party)を支援する依頼が出されています。両グループは連邦海軍によって相当額の軍資金が与えられているようです。



3301年1月30日-Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Piracy in Istanu reached unsurpassed levels as miners were forced to leave the troubled region. One anonymous worker said:


"It's out of control! These pirates won't let an honest miner do a day's job without gettin' shot at. We need more independent pilots to come help clean up this mess."


Bounty hunters have been spotting the 'Silver Comet' in Quiness. The last reported sighting was made by pilot Johanna Meister who has since disappeared, reinforcing the myth that 'anyone who sees the Silver Comet will die.'


A coalition of pilots of French origin (a country from ancient Earth, whose descendants still speak an archaic dialect) were planning to launch a violent coup aimed at gaining control of Lave station. Lord Ryan of Ugain was the first to reply about the threat.


"My family emigrated from Lave to the Empire back in the days of Walden! We won't let the system succumb to tyranny again!"


Huge discounts were offered in the Durius System. It is hoped that the sale will generate some much needed capital for the impoverished region, although how many credits will be directly spent on the Durius system remains unknown.


The Empire's Realm Keepers are a small, secretive group that has ambitious goals and a desire to increase its numbers. Based in Liaedin, a system deep in Federation space, the ERK want to turn more Federal space over to Imperial control. A representative said:


"We will help defend the citizens of the Empire. We need your skill and cunning toward the growth of the Empire. We are looking to develop skills in stealth combat. We will align ourselves with other Imperial factions or guilds. We will fight against Federation and Alliance scum."


 デュリウス(Durius)星系での戦争の終戦に従って、市民管理チームがパトレウス議員の代理として不要となった軍事品の処分を行うと発表しました。このセールによってデュリウス星系の貧困地域を潤すための資金が得られると見込まれていますが、具体的な金額は未だ不明です。パトレウス議員のオフィスは、公正な弁済スケジュールは決められているとしています。また得られた資金のほとんどは、デュリウス星系の復興に尽力しているシチズン・オブ・トラディション(Citizen of Tradition)の手に委ねられるとのことです。この金額が弁済額を満たすことが出来るかどうかは不明です。

 非帝国艦船のアップグレードを安価で入手したいと考えているパイロットはデュリウス星系のスピークプロスペクトアウトポスト(Speke Prospect Outpost)に向かうと良いでしょう。セールは在庫品限りです!

3301年1月28日-Vive la Révolution de Lave

Word circulated recently on the GalNet boards that a coalition of pilots of French origin (a country from ancient Earth, whose descendants still speak an archaic dialect) were planning to launch a violent coup aimed at gaining control of Lave station.


As home to one of the galaxy's finest flight schools, Lave holds deep sentimental value to many pilots from all walks of life.


Lord Ryan of Ugain was the first to hit back:


"My family emigrated from Lave to the Empire back in the days of Walden! We won't let the system succumb to tyranny again!"


Commander Ulysses Wolf, an Imperial Explorer, also hit back:


"We won't just stand by and let it happen!"


Many other pilots also voiced their discontent, suggesting that if a French Coalition did attempt a takeover they'd have more than just local Alliance Forces to deal with. President James Gibson of Lave couldn't be reached for comment.






















 先週末、リンカーン(Lincoln)ステーションに選りすぐりの科学者集団が集まりました。コマンダー:エリマス・カムゼル('Erimus' Kamzel)氏が、銀河系外縁部への長きにわたる旅路から帰還したという知らせが届いたからです。太陽系を出て再び戻ってくるというコマンダー:エリマス氏の旅は、なんと144,000光年のとてつもない距離を移動したことになります。

 エリマス氏は旅の中で銀河の中心を通過し、そこではグリーア・フィオ・ステラーフォージ(Greae Phio Stellar Forg)やフィポエア星雲(Phipoea Nebula)、ドライアド・クレア・ステラーレムナント(Dryad Chrea Stellar Remnant)などの重要な星々の星系データを数多く収集できたようです。

 また、同氏にとって最も感動したことは、たて・ケンタウルス腕(Scutum-Centaurus arm)上の広大な未踏宙域を描き出せたことだと語っています。人類活動圏内にある連邦属、帝国属および独立系星系属の各種科学研究機関の科学者達のあいだでは、誰が最初にエリマス氏の記録を獲得するかについて熱い入札合戦が繰り広げられています。

 エリマス氏は自身の発見は全ての人間が自由に共有できるようにすべきだとしています。その趣旨に沿うかたちで彼はローカルビデオネットワークに探検行の模様を録画したビデオログを公開しました。"ディスタント・サン(Distant Suns)"というキーワードでを検索すれば手軽にアクセスできます。



 先週、LHS3447星系には前代未聞の数の船が訪れました。報告によれば得られた利益は全体で通常の500%に上るとのこと。とりわけ大きな利益を上げたのはダルトンゲートウェイ(Dalton Gateway)のシップヤードでした。5日間の間に2364隻を売上、その利益はこれまでの65倍にあたるようです。恐らく当然のことながら、この利益はラコン・タイプ9ヘビーおよびその姉妹機のラコン・タイプ7の前代未聞の販売数によるものだと思われます。






























3301年1月23日-Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Commanders from all over the galaxy are making their mark. Many different Commander groups are beginning to form to show their faction allegiance, demonstrate against decisions made by the Galactic Super Powers, or calling for support of their cause.


Communism Interstellar is an emerging group with the stated aim 'to give all sentient beings a better life and a chance for immortality'. Once Communism Interstellar gathers enough members its ten step plan involves taking on every communism mission possible, trading between communist systems and inserting spies within every major community group.


The Elite Diplomatic Corps aims to pool its efforts to favour Alliance interests across the galaxy. In a statement, the group said:


"We are calling every Alliance pilot from AEDC (or other organisations that sympathise with the cause) in the STF 1774 region to help our fellow comrades."


Independent pilots' actions were also credited by Senator Patreus in helping to bring an early end to the hostilities in the Durius system as they came to a close and reducing the number of casualties suffered by both sides. The Senator's civic management teams are now in the process of taking over control of the system's government in preparation for its new status as an Imperial world.


The recent slide of Banki and BD+03 2338 into states of lawless anarchy caused some to accuse President Jasmina Halsey of completely mishandling the socioeconomic climate. Some claimed her missteps have left the Federation weaker than it has ever been before.


The Imperial wedding was delayed due to Hengist Duval's sickness. The markets did not notably change in reaction to this news, suggesting that the true state of the Emperor's health has come as no surprise to those in power.


Traders operating in systems across the galaxy have complained of an increase in illegal racing activity. A representative declared:


"These speeding ships are a menace! They perform dangerous manoeuvres at ridiculous speeds and that puts honest traders like us in danger."


The Buckyball Run continues despite the outcry.











 政治専門家は彼女の演説には中身がなく、今日連邦が直面している脅威に対してほとんど言及できていないという点を即座に指摘しました。最近起きたバンキ(Banki)星系およびBD+03 2338星系の無政府状態への転落を大統領の大きな失敗の一例として挙げて、彼女の現在の社会経済に対する管理の失敗は連邦を史上最弱に成らしめているとさえ論じる者もいるようです。
























3301年1月18日-Emperor in Coma

Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval, has made a statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace.


"It is with regret I have to announce that his grace, Emperor Hengist Duval's sickness has worsened, and he has fallen into a coma. His life is not in danger, he is stable, and his doctors are hopeful of a recovery. In the mean time, I will of course continue in my role as Chancellor, and the Empire will continue to run under my day-to-day control as it has done for the past decades, so nothing will change."


Rumours from anonymous Imperial staff are that Emperor Hengist is on a life support machine and perhaps unlikely to recover.


Shares in Imperial corporations have continued to fall on the news.

3301年1月18日-Boom Time in LHS 3447

The Future of LHS 3447 party are celebrating an economic boom in their system. They have announced that they will share that good fortune as part of their future development initiatives.


"The success of LHS 3447 is in large part due to the numbers of independent pilots who pass through and trade in this system. In fact, Trevithick Dock is known for being the starting point for many pilots’ careers.


In recognition of this we are subsidising a 10% discount for all pilots using the shipyards and outfitting facilities in Trevithick Dock, Dalton Gateway and Worlidge Terminal."

3301年1月17日-Emperor Seriously Unwell

Rumours are circulating that the Emperor's condition is far worse than is being admitted. One source even claimed that he has died, but that hasn't been confirmed. A senior palace source informed us that Chancellor Blaine would announce his death if it happened. We believe it likely that his sickness has merely worsened.


Following the rumours, there is also speculation that his wedding to Florence Lavigny might be delayed. Imperial stock markets have dropped further on this news.

3301年1月17日-Onionhead Now Wiped Out

Admiral Vincent, the Federal Admiral of the Fleet, has announced that the Federal Navy has now practically eliminated the narcotic 'onionhead' from Panem in Kappa Fornacis.


"Our systematic destruction of the crop has now paid off, and I am pleased to say we have destroyed all the crops without the loss of a single life since the unfortunate incident a few weeks ago."


Despite continued pockets of resistance the Admiral also announced a civic aid package to help rebuild the farms to produce less controversial crops, a move that has earned praise from commentators for its political shrewdness.


In a follow up statement an aide requested that independent pilots provide Agri Medicines, Crop Harvesters, Land Enrichment Systems and Biowaste to meet the increased demand generated by the package.

3301年1月16日-Pomp and Circumstance of the Royal Wedding

Foreign dignitaries are beginning to gather on Capitol in Achenar, in preparation for the royal wedding. Senators from throughout Imperial space have begun arriving, and many leaders from friendly independent systems too.


Red carpets have been laid in local starports, and for the full length of the Imperial Avenue. Gilded open-topped speeders can be seen ferrying them to their ornate quarters at the Imperial Palace. For the ceremony itself, special wheeled gilded carriages pulled by horses.


The route is already being prepared with arrays of brightly coloured flower arrangements flanking the red carpets on the tree-lined route. Huge banners carrying the Imperial Crest are being raised between the trees, and on the faces of key buildings. Many have said it is this sort of thing that shows the grandeur of the Empire at its best.

3301年1月16日-Investigation into VP Death Inconclusive

Despite the suspicious circumstances that have been widely reported, no further information has come to light. Social media is alleging a high level cover-up, and it seems large amounts of data have disappeared due to system failures.


President Halsey is said to be devastated, and gave a brief statement offering her sympathy to the family. It is understood there are a great many discussions going on behind the scenes to appoint a new VP, which under Federal Law must be completed within 30 days of the VP's loss.


Alder Simons has given an emotional interview on the chat show 'Jenkinson':


"It's big business behind his murder. Those evil people - the military industrial complex of old - they've always been against my dear Nigel's government and its policies. Who else could launch such a big cover-up without attracting attention?"

3301年1月16日-Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Player faction The Mercs of Mikunn had humble beginnings, with two members working to spread the influence of The Dukes of Mikunn to nearby systems. By trading in slaves, the two brothers quickly managed to strengthen their hold on the system. Not content with their gains, the Dukes have turned to HR 7327 as their next target. The Commanders are rallying others to their cause, saying:


"The Dukes want your help. If cash is your thing, come to Mikunn for some Merc work. I don't call the shots, but I will be your liaison between you and the Dukes, serving only to coordinate. There are some serious credits to be made."


In recent days players flying through Kappa Tucanae have been turned away by Commanders claiming allegiance with player faction Emperor's Grace. Those refusing to leave were promptly destroyed. In a statement on their online channel, Emperor's Grace warned:


"A surge in Federal scum and Alliance cowards has become unbearable within our borders. It is your duty to protect all that our Emperor has fought so hard to provide us. Join now and show your love for our Emperor's Grace!"


The Purple Netcoms Holdings Corporation has declared itself as independent, and has called on Commanders to help the Sugrivik system secede from the Federation.


Call Hagen, the leader of the League of Nabatean Defence Party, called for a zero tax policy for citizens of the Nabatean system at an impromptu rally.


The slave revolt in Ongkuma was crushed thanks to Commanders' support for Senator Torval. The remaining rebels have been killed or captured, and the slave rebellion is over.


Financial forecasters are astounded at the volume of trading by the Crimson State Group in the Lugh system and are now predicting a boom for the group. This can only come as more bad news for the beleaguered system owners.


Despite the continuing 'Oniongate' protest on the steps of Congress, Admiral Vincent announced that surface bombing of Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system would resume, but this time with targeted, genetically engineered biocides to destroy the Onionhead crop.


Vice President Smeaton's death has been noted as suspicious, with the revelation that he had completed a clean full medical scan in his private scanner only an hour before his death.

3301年1月15日-Aisling Duval Objects to Grandfather's Marriage

Aisling Duval has lodged an objection to the marriage of her grandfather, the Emperor, to Florence Lavigny. Coming out of the Office for Marriage with her Lawyer she read a prepared statement from a cue.


"I have lodged a formal objection to my grandfather marrying his fancy woman not for love, not for marriage itself, but to change the succession without having to appear in the Senate. That's all I've got to say at this time."


This unusual action will trigger a hearing of the Marriage Council in the next few days. They will review and make a decision on the validity of her objection. Experts we have spoken to believe it is unlikely to succeed.

3301年1月15日-Major Corporation Declares Independence

In a shock move the Purple Netcoms Holdings Corporation has declared itself as independent and have called on commanders to help it to withdraw the Sugrivik system from the Federation.


The CEO of the company angrily denounced the recent tax rises by President Halsey and claiming that her actions are a direct blow to the viability of the corporation and the well-being of its population.


"These tax rises put people's jobs on the line and we are not going to let a President without any working knowledge of the economy ruin our lives or livelihood!"


Responding to the statement a representative of Sugrivik Labour condemned the declaration and affirmed their support for the President, without explicitly supporting the tax rises.

3301年1月15日-Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy

Call Hagen, the leader of the League of Nabatean Defence Party, today called for a zero tax policy for citizens of the system of Nabatean at an impromptu rally.


"We citizens of the Federation are treated poorly compared to the progressive policies evident within the Empire. The Federation is older and stronger but our heritage is weighed down with the bondage of taxation. Let us learn from the strong leadership of Senator Patreus and his Imperial colleagues and ensure that our own society is not a burden upon our families."


A spokesperson for the Workers of Nabatean refused to comment on what he described 'the ravings of a mad man'. Ignoring the speech may be a mistake for the current ruling party as the opposition received a massive swing in support after the speech.

3301年1月14日-Slave Revolt in Ongkuma Crushed

Following a surprise move from the Ongkuma Progressive Party withdrawing their support for the slave rebellion, the last of the rebels have been killed or captured. In a statement Senator Torval declared:


"Once again the machinations of Federal agitators have been defeated. They will never learn. They deceived some of our loyal citizens into supporting their actions, but now they have publicly admitted their fault, in this instance we will be magnanimous."


She also praised the actions of the many independent pilots who once again supported her campaign.


Commentators have expressed their support for the Senator's merciful action. The Ongkuma Progressive Party has long been a part of the system's political landscape and their survival - even in a reduced form it continues the traditions of this system.

3301年1月14日-Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News

In contrasting news reports from the Sanna and Dulos systems, reporters revealed the latest on the independence movements in those systems.


The Federal-supporting factions in the Sanna system are comfortably holding their ground and local commentators believe that their efforts to leave the Federation will soon collapse.


In Dulos, the independence movement has gained more traction thanks to the efforts of the Dulos Defence Party and their supporters. It is reported that independent pilots from around the region are providing support for both sides in the struggle.


We've received reports from the Lugh system of the Federal-backed Lugh for Equality faction losing ground in the political struggle with the rising Crimson State Group. According to opinion polls, support for the Crimson State Group independence movement has risen to over 66%. The staggering increase in influence has seen them victorious in a civil war against the Lugh Defence Force and thereby gaining control of the Balandin Gateway starport. Observers indicate that the group's success is due to a huge level of support from independent pilots.


Financial forecasters are also astounded at the volume of trading by the Crimson State Group and are now predicting an economic boom for them. This can only come as more bad news for the beleaguered system owners. The question on everyone's lips is how will the Federation respond to this? Especially considering rumours of other Federal systems seeking independence.



3301年1月13日-Suspicions Raised over VP Death

Fresh revelations have added uncertainty to reports that Vice President Smeaton's death was due to a suspected heart attack.


Retrieved data from the security systems at his apartment indicate they were not functioning at the time. It's also been revealed that he completed a clean full medical scan in his private scanner only an hour before his death.


His partner Alder Simons, who was not there at the time, believes Smeaton was murdered. He explained there were other irregularities such as the apartment appearing to have just been cleaned.


The mystery deepened with the revelation that six minutes of the satellite surveillance data for the area appeared to have been distorted by electromagnetic interference. This does happen from time to time, but rarely in calm weather conditions such as those on the night of the Vice President's death.

3301年1月12日-Federal Vice President Dies in Swimming Accident

In a shocking development on Mars, Federal Vice President Nigel Smeaton was discovered dead in his private swimming pool at his luxury apartment on the foothills of Mount Olympus. A heart attack is suspected, but an investigation is ongoing.


The news will come as another blow to an already beleaguered President who some pundits claim is considering resigning her post.


A new VP will have to be appointed, and several senior Congressmen have suddenly been giving doorstep speeches to get themselves in the public eye.

3301年1月11日-Federal President Clarifies Approach to Onionhead

In an attempt to quell the clamour for her resignation, President Jasmina Halsey has tried to clarify the rift between the Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral Vincent, and her office.


"Admiral Vincent runs our Navy, and I run the government. From time to time, he gives me a status report on naval operations, and we discuss issues of importance to the Federation. On the events in Kappa Fornacis the Admiral acted unilaterally, and simply reported his actions after the orders had been carried out. It is not my role to interfere with naval operations, but I do expect to be consulted when decisions of such import are made."


Political pundits are speculating that this carefully worded speech she read out must have been the result of negotiations between the Navy and Halsey's office. They are rumoured to detest each other, and the friendship between the Shadow President and Admiral Vincent has doubtless not gone unnoticed.

3301年1月10日-Fallout from Sorbago Slave Rebellion

Last night a relaxed-looking Senator Zemina Torval announced what had happened to the leaders of the Sorbago rebellion in a press conference following the return from her holiday cruise.


"We managed to fight off the Federal rabble-rousers due to excellent support from many independent pilots fighting to support the honourable tradition that is Imperial slavery, and I'd like to pass on my thanks to them.


Production has already restarted, and a small number of slaves that had succumbed to the persuasions of the foreign trouble-makers have now been punished."


She also commented on the recent uprising in Ongkuma.


"These rabble-rousers don't appear to learn very quickly. We will have the system back in working order soon."


Senator Torval has paid generous combat bonds to independent ships that have helped her in large numbers over the last few weeks. It is understood the ringleaders of the Sorbago rebellion were executed.

3301年1月10日-Bombing of Panem Resumes

Despite the continuing 'Oniongate' protest on the steps of Congress, Admiral Vincent has announced that surface bombing of Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system has resumed, but this time with targeted, genetically engineered biocides to destroy the onionhead crop.


"Automated munitions deployed from orbit release a gentle mist that then descends on the crop. It is harmless to humans and to other flora and fauna."


This time, the protests are more muted, and Shadow President Hudson claimed on the political panel show 'Face the People':


"On the contrary. Now we see the layabouts are more worried about where their next onionhead fix will come from than about the farmers on Panem!"

3301年1月9日-Preparations for the Emperor’s Wedding Gain Pace

Arissa Lavigny has shown the plans for her parents' wedding on the 22nd of this month, including a sneak peek at the bridesmaids’ dresses. It will be a grand affair with visiting dignitaries from systems around and beyond the Empire. Rumour has it that the Federal President and Shadow President will both be invited, although many expect them to politely decline.


The ceremony is to take place in the Imperial Palace, and the Emperor and his new wife will remain in specially prepared ornate travel chairs throughout as the Emperor is not expected to be fully recovered by the time of the wedding.


Markets rose dramatically after the news as it would seem that the Emperor’s illness is not as bad as many commentators have made out.

3301年1月9日-Federal President Booed

This morning during the ceremony to mark the start of term at the prestigious Olympus Village University, when President Halsey began her talk a large number of the assembled students began booing her.


The university principal apologised profusely to the President before she left. Nevertheless, the damage was done, and the event was carried on newsfeeds throughout much of human space - and her embarrassed and indecisive reaction as she attempted to proceed with her speech is now the butt of much satirical humour.

3301年1月9日-Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Dulos has joined Sanna's bid to leave the Federation, putting more pressure on President Halsey that Shadow President Hudson has been quick to exploit. Imperial Senator Patreus has of course welcomed the move.


In the ongoing war that Patreus declared on Durius, support from Commanders seem to be now swinging behind him, promoting a plea for assistance from Durius' government.


Onionhead prices have soared in Federal systems in response to the ongoing publicity surrounding the controversy, much to the anger of the Federation hierarchy.


Another slave rebellion has broken out in the Ongkuma system. Senator Torval has sent two of her Majestic class Interdictors in response to the civil war there, and Commanders seem once again to be siding with the Imperial slaver. The rebellion would be grateful for your assistance, Commanders!


Federal warships have now arrived in the Luluwala system, cranking up tensions with the Empire - and the prospect of even more combat bonds!

3301年1月8日-Federal Warship Arrives in Luluwala

Senator Torval has criticised the arrival of a Federal warship now stationed in the Luluwala system.


"They think they can throw their weight around. Stationing a warship at this small outpost can only be a distraction from their lack of enforcement of their own laws.


They think stationing a cruiser in Luluwala is a show of strength? A show of real strength would be to move against slavery in the Federation. Really they are being weak."


There has been no comment from the Federal government as yet.

3301年1月8日-Aisling Duval Talks Narcotics

In the popular show 'A Fireside Chat with Serena', the celebrity royal, Aisling Duval, surprisingly talked through tears about narcotics.


"Yes, Serena, that's my early childhood. I hate narcotics and think they should be made illegal. My mother died from them before I was old enough to remember her."


When asked about her father she replied:


"Oh, Serena. He was led astray in his youth, but Dad is a lovely man, and would make a great Emperor if his controlling father wasn't so spiteful."


Commentators have expressed outrage at her comments about our beloved Emperor, and the network cut the broadcast at that point.

3301年1月7日-Latest News on Durius Situation

It seems many private pilots have been helping Senator Patreus' warships against the government of Durius, and that the government is suffering serious losses.


Despite Senator Patreus' actions Durius has still not settled the debt. Governor Malachai gave the following interview from his governmental headquarters:


"It is heart-warming to see the support for a down-trodden system like ours from commanders of independent ships. Sadly there are those who are siding with Patreus. We hope they will see the error of their ways before it is too late."


There are reports from sources close to Senator Patreus that he is pleased with his force's progress so far. Another aide quipped that "Governor Malachai is clearly deluding himself!"

3301年1月7日-Slave Rebellion Breaks out in Ongkuma

Rumours are coming in from multiple sources that rebellion has broken out amongst slaves in Ongkuma.


This news has surprised commentators given the speed with which the Sorbago rebellion was crushed last year. Some commentators speculate that the rebel leaders are relying on intervention from independent pilots, although many consider this to be a foolish hope after the widespread support the Senator received in the Sorbago campaign.


Indirect confirmation came from a comment in social media from a lowly shipyard loader driver, who posted that the 'Cleopatra' and the 'Marlin', two of Senator Torval's Majestic Class Interdictors, were being provisioned to leave for the Ongkuma system.


Senator Torval is still on her holiday cruise on the 'Xanadu' so was unavailable for comment.

3301年1月6日-Secret Federal Anger Now That Onionhead Sales at All Time High

We have seen several off-the-record comments from unnamed Congressmen who are angry at the publicity Onionhead has received from the President's various announcements, and her criticism of the Admiral of the Fleet.


According to reports on black market pricing, the value of Onionhead has soared throughout Federal space, despite its illegality. The 'Oniongate' protests are still ongoing, seemingly paralysing the senior leadership from taking further action.

3301年1月8日-Emperor Moved to Hospital Bed

Emperor Hengist Duval was today moved to a specially prepared wing of the Imperial Palace. He is said to be quite unwell, though officially nothing has yet been announced.


Imperial markets fell due to the uncertainty that still remains in the succession.

3301年1月4日-Federal Shadow President Hudson Criticises Halsey

It seems the steps of Congress have become a venue for interviews with politicians amid the repetitive protest holos and the tenacious but now quite dishevelled protesters. Today was Shadow President Hudson's turn.


"Halsey is lurching from crisis to crisis seemingly without a plan. Look at this. 'Oniongate' it is being called. Madness. She is rudderless. Indecisive.


Do any of us have any faith in her anymore? We cannot wait until her vote of confidence in 3304 to get rid of her. We need to act now. I will raise this in Congress as we need to put some backbone back into the Federation. We need to lower taxes. Get our youth in work or in the military. Raise the voting age to 21. Stop the haemorrhage of great systems like Dulos and Sanna. That woman is driving them into the arms of that Imperial weasel Patreus."


Reports are marking this as the beginning of an election campaign for Hudson.

3301年1月4日-Patreus Announces Support for Federal Leavers

In response to yesterday's announcement from the Federal Congressman from Dulos, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus announced he will support any other systems that want to leave the Federation.


"The Federation is treating its members with contempt. Their penal tax rates support an indolent core society, and discourage entrepreneurship. I offer my assistance to any other systems that want it. Naturally I extend my offer of help to Jane Garvey."


We couldn't reach Congressman Garvey of Dulos for comment, but Patreus's words are being taken seriously by the Federal leadership.

3301年1月3日-Dulos Joins Sanna's Bid to Leave Federation

Congressman Jane Garvey for Dulos agrees with Congressman Albertson from Sanna.


In a statement this morning made outside Congress on Mars, amid some persistent 'Oniongate' protesters, she said:


"The latest round of Federal tax rises is unfair on the frontier. In Dulos, like Sanna, we only get one vote. The core systems get hundreds. They control Congress and take our money. We too would like to become independent and masters of our own destiny. Then our votes will also matter. We are supposed to be a Federation, but we are not. We have two tiers, and it is the successful frontier systems like mine in the lower tier that pay for the lethargy and luxury here in the core."


She then entered Congress amid clapping and cheers from the protesters - who seem to support anyone who speaks against the government.

3301年1月3日-Chancellor Blaine Supports Arissa

In a short interview outside his mansion on the shores of Lake Parisot on Topaz, Facece, Chancellor Anders Blaine was asked about his views on the succession, and he replied:


"I appreciated Arissa's kind words just before the New Year. She is of course absolutely right. Stability is what the Empire needs more than anything. She has been around court for much of her life and I know her well.


Emperor Hengist has made it clear to me he would wish her to be his successor. His marriage to Florence Lavigny will clear this up and Arissa will be the heir to the throne, and I support her."


This has helped quell some of the speculation caused by comments from other senior senators like Patreus and Torval. Markets have responded positively to what seems like a resolution to the succession.

3301年1月2日-Torval Celebrates Empire Day

Senator Torval has freed a further 10,000 unregulated slaves bought from private traders in the Federation to celebrate Empire Day. In a statement released this morning, she said:


"I want to see the end of unregulated slavery throughout the galaxy. Imperial slavery is a respected tradition, and not to be besmirched by the terrible practice with a similar name tolerated in the Federation by turning a blind eye to it."


Her statement seems to have ruffled a few feathers in Congress. We couldn't get a comment on record from any of the leadership, but we did get a reply from an aide trying to sneak past the few remaining 'Oniongate' demonstrators on the steps of Congress.


"That is a bit ripe coming from her. Slavery is illegal throughout the Federation. It is people like her, paying for slaves that keep the trade going, which is why we find it so hard to crack down on it!"

3301年1月2日-Emperor Issues His Traditional 'Empire Day' Message

In keeping with tradition the Emperor has declared today a national holiday celebrating the day in 2264 when Marlin Duval first landed on Capitol. He gave his traditional message from the throne room in the Imperial Palace, referring in general terms to another great year, and looking forwards to the next.


Observant commentators noticed a small mark on his ear - seen by looking at the image of his head from behind - that was also present in a clip recorded in the summer, suggesting this too was recorded in the summer.


These same commentators implied that the Emperor may be more unwell than is being reported.


No one was available from the Palace for comment, though one Senator (who did not want to be named) did point out that this had been pre-recorded to allow the Emperor and his family to have an uninterrupted Empire Day.

3301年1月2日-The Succession Struggle for the Imperial Throne Continues Apace

The Emperor's denouncement of his son Harold as mad, and announcement of his intention to marry childhood sweetheart Florence Lavigny, have served to confer legitimacy (in more ways than one) to Florence's daughter Arissa. She duly announced her intention to change her surname to Duval and appears to be positioning herself and Chancellor Anders Blaine as the continuity 'ticket'.


Aisling Duval, Harold's daughter, is meanwhile using her celebrity to court public sympathy and pick a fight with Senator Torval over the latter's slaving activities.


Imperial Senators Zemina Torval and Denton Patreus are both at large in the galaxy, Torval freeing unregulated Federal slaves over the holiday period and Patreus fighting a series of covert and overt wars in different systems (with varying degrees of success).


The Federation has had its share of problems too. President Halsey's denial of responsibility for the Onionhead farm bombings in Kappa Fornacis seems to have exposed divisions in the hierarchy that Shadow President Hudson has lost no time in exploiting.


Tensions between both Empire and Federation appear to be coming to a head over the Sanna system. Sanna wants to leave the Federation in protest over the recent tax increases, and Senator Patreus is only too willing to offer his particular brand of help.

3301年1月1日-Torval Puts Aisling Duval in Her Place

Senator Torval was secretly recorded last night at a private New Year's Eve party referring to Aisling Duval in terms not very becoming for a Senator, and her speech was a little slurred.


"That vacuous bimbo will do anything to annoy her grandfather. Especially if it is popular. She's a spoilt brat and needs a lesson in reality. She's got a vague memory of what her father believed when he still had a brain, and she parrots that back whenever she can."


We were unable to contact Senator Torval for comment, but are confident Imperial hang-over medication will be very effective.

3301年1月1日-Patreus Supports Beleaguered Sanna in Bid to Leave Federation

In his New Year's message Senator Patreus has announced he supports Sanna's bid for freedom, and will do whatever it takes to help them.


"We will make this happen as we enter a glorious new year and a historic new century. Maybe Congressman Albertson will be Senator Albertson before long!"


Seeing the broadcast on Sanna, Marcus Albertson responded via social media.


"Senator Patreus is very generous. I will of course tender my resignation from Congress before speaking to the honourable Senator about this, but freedom from tyranny is a great thing and something we all look forward to."