
Last-modified: 2014-12-05 (金) 09:38:28


バニラとMind Games以降ではチュートリアルの内容が変わっています。
現在載せているのはThe Pit Gold 1.5.3時点での会話ログの適当な和訳のみです。


Sergeant Gunny: Move it or lose it, ape!


Press "Enter" to continue.


Sergeant Gunny: とっとと動け、この猿!


"Enter" を押して続ける。
Sergeant Gunny: Movement keys are WASD, just like good old days!
Now haul that ass before i kick it!


Sergeant Gunny: 移動キーはWASDだ、もはやお馴染みだな!
Sergeant Gunny: Be a gentleman and open that door for sergeant gunny?
It isn't locked. Just walk right up to it, it'll open.


Sergeant Gunny: そのドアを開けてくれるか?優しくな。


Sergeant Gunny: Some goodies on the floor for you, ape!


Sergeant Gunny: その部屋にあるのは全部お前のモンだ、猿!
Sergeant Gunny: Press "G" to pick up an item and stick in it your back pack.


Sergeant Gunny: Press "I" to view your inventory if you ever need to lighten your load.


Sergeant Gunny: "G" を押せばアイテムを拾って、バックパックに放り込める。


Sergeant Gunny: "I" を押せばインベントリを開いて、欲しいモンが見れるだろうよ。
Sergeant Gunny: That the door on other side of the room is locked.
Try using the keycard you just picked up to open it.


Sergeant Gunny: 部屋の反対側にあるドアは鍵が掛かってるぞ。


Sergeant Gunny: You'll be needing some gear.


Sergeant Gunny: Walk up to a locker and press 'Space' to open it.


Sergeant Gunny: 何か装備が要るな。


Sergeant Gunny: ロッカーまで行って 'Space' を押して開けてみろ。


Sergeant Gunny: Time to learn some survival skills. There on the floor
you got some Tarka Warbread and a piece of Cooked Meat. Pick it up now, Ape.
Waste not, want not.


Sergeant Gunny: お料理の時間だ。その辺にTarka WarbreadとCooked Meatなんかが落ちてるな。
Sergeant Gunny: Go on over to that Cooker in the corner and open it up.


Sergeant Gunny: 角にあるCookerまで行って触ってみろ。
Sergeant Gunny: Take your bread and your meat and put it in the cooker.
Once you got em in there, hit Craft


A cooking unit that uses various heating techs to cook foods.


Sergeant Gunny: 持ってるパンと肉をCookerに突っ込め。そうしたらCraftを押せ。


Sergeant Gunny: Now this is what we call a good old-fashioned sotswich.
Thats good eatin, ape! Out in the field, you can find all kinds of machines
that make all kinds a useful stuff. Weapons, gizmos, food, you name it.


Sergeant Gunny: さあこれこそ我らが食卓の要Sotswichだ。割とイケるんだぞ、猿!
Sergeant Gunny: Many recipes can be found by decoding messages from data consoles


Sergeant Gunny: レシピはデータ端末なんかからメッセージを解読すれば見つかる。
Sergeant Gunny: We did not feed you before you started this exercise, ape.


Sergeant Gunny: Look over on the left hand side of your hud.


Sergeant Gunny: The blue display tells you how hungry you are.


Sergeant Gunny: この運動をするまでメシはやらんぞ、猿。


Sergeant Gunny: 画面の左側を見てみろ。


Sergeant Gunny: 青く表示されてる所はお前がどれくらい腹を空かしてるか教えてくれる。
Sergeant Gunny: Looks to me like you're feeling a little peckish!


Sergeant Gunny: Press "I" to view inventory,
right-click the rations, and select "Eat".


Sergeant Gunny: ちょっとばかり腹が減ってきたようだな!


Sergeant Gunny: "I" を押してインベントリを開いて、


Sergeant Gunny: Let's try a little combat training.


Sergeant Gunny: We've got some nice,
harmless target dummies over there against the wall.


Sergeant Gunny: よし、戦闘訓練と行くか。


Sergeant Gunny: いいモンがあるな、壁際にある練習用ダミーだ。
Sergeant Gunny: Put on your war face and show me your best melee attack!


Press "Tab" to change weapons.
Press "F" to fire/attack the nearest target.
Using arrow keys allows you to select a specific target.


Sergeant Gunny: アホ面してないで思いっきりブン殴ってみろ!


"Tab" を押すと武器の変更。
"F" を押すと近くの敵を攻撃。
Sergeant Gunny: I said melee attack, you dumb space monkey.
Hit 'Tab' to cycle your weapons to a melee weapon.


Sergeant Gunny: 殴れって言っただろうが、この猿。
'Tab' を押して武器を近接武器に変えろ。
Sergeant Gunny: All right, ape! You smacked that dummy good!


Now i want to see a ranged attack on those target dummies.


Sergeant Gunny: いいぞ、猿!ぶちのめしてやったな!


Sergeant Gunny: 次は練習用ダミーを撃ってみろ。
Sergeant Gunny: Good shooting, ape.
That is one target dummy that will never threaten the galaxy again.


Sergeant Gunny: よく当てたな、猿。
Sergeant Gunny: All right, ape.
It's time to play with some of the fancier toys!


Sergeant Gunny: よーし、猿。
Sergeant Gunny: Take a grenade out of your backpack and throw it over there,
at that group of dummies.


Sergeant Gunny: 手榴弾を取り出して、ダミーの群れの中に放り投げてみろ。
Sergeant Gunny: Grenades get thrown to a location, instead of a target.
They'll blow up everything around the square where they land.
Keep this in mind, before you decide to throw one on the a crowded bus.


Sergeant Gunny: 手榴弾はターゲットに対して投げるだけじゃなく、地面にも投げられる。
Sergeant Gunny: Use the arrow keys to move your target reticle,
and press 'F' to throw.


Sergeant Gunny: 矢印キーで照準を移動して、'F' を押して投げてみろ。
Sergeant Gunny: Now switch to your assault rifle, ape.
Let's try some real rock 'n' rollin!


Sergeant Gunny: よしアサルトライフルに持ち替えろ、猿。
Sergeant Gunny: Take a shot at those dummies over there. you see how you can
take three shots for the price of one? You can put all three shots into the
same target, or pick three different targets. that's some good firepower
right there! Careful, though. That gun burns ammo quick.


Sergeant Gunny: そこのダミーを撃ってみろ。一度に3発撃てるのがわかるな?
Sergeant Gunny: While holding 'Leftcontrol',
use arrow keys and press 'F' to lock on targets.


Sergeant Gunny: 'Leftcontrol' を押しながら矢印キーを使って 'F' を押せば標的をロックオンできる。
Sergeant Gunny: All right, let's try one more thing before we go.
Switch to the shotgun and take a shot at that cluster of robots.


Sergeant Gunny: それじゃあ、最後にもう一ついくぞ。
Sergeant Gunny: See that? When you use a shotgun, your main target
takes a hard hit, but he shares the pain with all his neighbours.
It won't hurt them as bad, but it'll still hurt.


Sergeant Gunny: わかったか?ショットガンは狙った奴をボロ雑巾みたいにしてくれるが、
Sergeant Gunny: Great gun for taking out a big swarm of weaker targets.
You do not want to be nibbled to death by baby zuul, space monkey.


Sergeant Gunny: 雑魚共の大群を蹴散らすにはもってこいの得物だな。
Sergeant Gunny: You've got a locked door. You can't open it
with a key card. You're going to have to pick the lock by hand.


Press 'Space' to pick the lock and you'll be able to move on.


Sergeant Gunny: 鍵の掛かったドアだな。こいつはキーカードじゃ開けられん。




Sergeant Gunny: Well lookie there! More toys for you.
Pick up that up and put it in your inventory.


Sergeant Gunny: おら見てみろ!新しいおもちゃがあるぞ。
Sergeant Gunny: This is a Bio-Mod. Our buddies from the Liir alliance
cooked these up. These pill-shaped ones are for weapons. once you break
the seal, you can attach these to your gear.
Press "I" to view inventory, right-click the Bio-Mod, and select "Add".


Sergeant Gunny: こいつはBio-Modだ。お友達のLiir謹製のな。
"I" を押してインベントリを開き、Bio-Modを右クリックして "Add" を選択しろ。
Sergeant Gunny: *sigh* Close enough.


Sergeant Gunny: ふぅ、まあ悪くはねえか。
Sergeant Gunny: This Bio-Mod is a good one it makes your gun more accurate.
But Bio-Mods dont always do nice things, out in the world. sometimes
Liir tech will bite you on the tail, hard.


Sergeant Gunny: このBio-Modは武器の命中精度を良くするモンだな。
Sergeant Gunny: Bio-Mods do random stuff. sometimes good, sometimes bad.
The Liir make mods to fit armor, guns, they even make mutation juice
that you can drink. they don't write the labels in monkey-speak, though.
All you get is a color code, and its random. Always make note of colors!


Sergeant Gunny: Bio-Modは使ってみるまで効果が解らん。良い時もあれば悪い時もある。


Sergeant Gunny: Moving targets now! These robots are going to pretend
that they are real enemies. Just like the creatures you are bound to
meet in combat.


Look lively! They'll hurt you if they can!


Sergeant Gunny: 今度は移動目標だ!このロボット共は本物の敵に似せて作ってある。


Sergeant Gunny: 3 Combat drones left.


Sergeant Gunny: 戦闘用ドローン残り3体。


Sergeant Gunny: 2 Combat drones left.


Sergeant Gunny: 戦闘用ドローン残り2体。


Sergeant Gunny: 1 Combat drone remains.


Sergeant Gunny: 戦闘用ドローンは後1体。
Sergeant Gunny: Good work, space monkey. Those robots are down for the count.


Sergeant Gunny: よくやった、猿。 もうロボット共は動けんようだ。
Sergeant Gunny: When you take some real damage, look over at the red display
on the far left side of your hud to check your health.


Press "I" to view inventory, right-click on the medkit,
and select "Use" to heal yourself.


Sergeant Gunny: 深手を負ったなら、画面左端に赤く表示されている所で


"I" を押してインベントリを開き、メディキットを右クリックして
"Use" を選択すれば自分を治療できます。


Sergeant Gunny: Of course son, you don't always have to fight alone.


Sergeant Gunny: それとだな、戦う時は常に一人って訳じゃあない。
Sergeant Gunny: If you get lucky and you are feeling all heroic an stuff,
you can free a prisoner and maybe, just maybe they will be dumb and
grateful enough to help you out.


Sergeant Gunny: もし運良くモノを見つけて助けるつもりがあるんなら
Sergeant Gunny: Go over there and let that poor volunteer out.


Sergeant Gunny: そこに入ってるかわいそうな奴を出してやれ。
Herbert: Thank you! I'm here to give you some help.


Herbert: ありがとさん!助けにきてやったぜ。
Will you allow Herbert to help you?


Sergeant Gunny: Herbert has been kind enough to join up for a moment or two.


Sergeant Gunny: Herbertの奴はちょっと迷ってたみたいだが、手伝ってくれるとさ。
Herbert is now your ally.


Sergeant Gunny: Head on out and notice how Herbert here
follows at a polite distance.


Sergeant Gunny: Herbertが飛び出してきた後は、
Sergeant Gunny: This is all you really need to do when everythings
all quiet. But you can figure that ain't how things stay.


Sergeant Gunny: ひとまず周りが静かな間はそれだけ確認しとけばいい。
Sergeant Gunny: Go on through those doors and make another friend.


Sergeant Gunny: その先のドアを抜けて、他のお友達にも会ってこい。


Sergeant Gunny: Now you notice with trouble about,
Herbert here gets a l'il needy for input.


Sergeant Gunny: さて、面倒な事になったな。
Sergeant Gunny: When monsters are around you will alternate control
between yourself an then your ally, back and forth, till its all clear.


Sergeant Gunny: 化け物共が近くにいる時は自分と味方を
Sergeant Gunny: Once the danger is clear,
your ally will go back to following your lead.


Sergeant Gunny: 周りが安全になったら、
Sergeant Gunny: There ya go. Now give Pvt Herbert a big hand here...
He's gotta get back to painting tanks for groundpounders!


Sergeant Gunny: 終わったな。さあHerbert二等兵に拍手をしてやれ...


Sergeant Gunny: Ok mento the magnificent. The brass says you need
get a grip on your crazy mind powers. Personally i don't think
they mean squat against an assault rifle, but what the heck...
If ol' gunny was always right you'd be callin me 'Director Gunny' 
now wouldn't ya?


Sergeant Gunny: フォースにバランスをもたらす者よ。お偉いさん方が言うには、
お前、オレの事を 'マスターGunny' とか呼ぶつもりじゃねえだろうな?
Sergeant Gunny: Now psionics come in 3 basic forms:


Things you change about yourself like heals or extra armor.


Things you do to other folks like paralyzin' them or takin' control
of their minds with yer crazy eyes!


And finally there is just blastin' them with fire or shrapnel or
blessed space goddess who knows what else you freaks can do!


Sergeant Gunny: とりあえず超能力は大雑把に3種類ある:






Sergeant Gunny: Don't get me wrong though, my uncle Ted was psychic
and i loved him dearly.


Even after he married that tarkodile!


Sergeant Gunny: 勘違いすんなよ、オレの身内にもTedおじさんって


Sergeant Gunny: Psi powers come in 7 disciplines...
Empathy, Telekinesis, Warmind, Redaction, Manifestation,
Mechaempathy and Resistance.


Sergeant Gunny: 超能力には7つの分野がある...
Sergeant Gunny: And each of those disciplines give you access to
4 powers based on how high yer discipline skill is.


Sergeant Gunny: それぞれの分野ごとに4つの能力が使えるが、
Sergeant Gunny: Now first of you seem to have picked up another boo boo.
Select Heal from your Redaction bar and use it on yerself.


Sergeant Gunny: さて、なんだかどっかでまたヘマこいたみたいだな。
Sergeant Gunny: Press P to see psi powers list.


Select Redaction discipline icon at the top.


Right-click Heal, and select 'Add Shortcut'


To activate, click the psi power from the shortcut bar.


Sergeant Gunny: P を押して超能力のリストを出せ。




それからHealを右クリックして'Add Shortcut'を選択しろ。


Sergeant Gunny: Very good...Now see if you can't work some
dark war-mind mojo on that poor diseased rat and drain its life to
heal yourself up some more.


Sergeant Gunny: できたな...じゃあ次はこのヤバそうな呪術で
Sergeant Gunny: Press P to see psi powers list.


Select War Mind discipline icon at the top.


Right-click Lifedrain, and select 'Add Shortcut'


To activate, use arrow keys to select target,
and click the psi power from the shortcut bar.


Sergeant Gunny: また P を押して超能力のリストを出せ。


次に上の方にあるWar Mindのアイコンを選択しろ。


それからLifedrainを右クリックして'Add Shortcut'を選択しろ。


Sergeant Gunny: Gah! Thats damn creepy...
But good work there space cadet!


Sergeant Gunny: おおう!気味悪りぃなお前...まあよくやったぞ我が弟子よ!
Sergeant Gunny: Now finally let's just look at turning your mind
into a big old direct fire weapon.


Sergeant Gunny: それじゃあ最後はお前の力をドデカい火炎放射器に変えてみるか。
Sergeant Gunny: Select Fire from your Manifestation list and
blast those target dummies to cinder for ol' gunny.


Sergeant Gunny: ManifestationからFireを選んで、そこのダミーを消し炭にしてやれ。
Sergeant Gunny: Press P to see psi powers list.


Select Manifestation discipline icon at the top.


Right-click Fire, and select 'Add Shortcut'


To activate, use arrow keys to select target,
and click the psi power from the shortcut bar.


Sergeant Gunny: P を押して超能力のリストを出せ。




それからFireを右クリックして'Add Shortcut'を選択しろ。


Sergeant Gunny: Nice work son! Maybe a bit too good.
Better get yer rear in gear before the fire suppression units
get here and ask who started it!


Sergeant Gunny: やるじゃないか!いや、ちょっとやりすぎなんじゃないか。


Sergeant Gunny: Looks like you just found out how a door trap works.


Aliens seem to like door traps like this one. And keep in mind,
different colors of trap seem to do different things.
Sometimes they even do good things... But no, not this one.


Sergeant Gunny: ドアのトラップの仕組みが分かったみたいだな。




Sergeant Gunny: What we got here is a scale model of some of
the technology that we've managed to recover from an alien facility.


These machines are alien med-bays.
You activate them and they heal up some damage


Sergeant Gunny: ここにあるのは異星人の施設から拝借したモンのレプリカだ。


Sergeant Gunny: Press "Space" to activate the Med-Bay.


Sergeant Gunny: "Space" を押して Med-Bayを起動してみろ。
Sergeant Gunny: Be careful about using every alien device you see.
Some of these machines can be pretty nasty. And if you dont have
the Skills to activate them correctly, you might get burned.


Sergeant Gunny: 異星人の設備を使う時は注意しとけ。物によっちゃ酷い目に遭うぞ。
Sergeant Gunny: All right, ape. One last things. There's a little icon
right beside your health and hunger on the hud. it looks like a little
data assistant. That is your SotSdex.


Sergeant Gunny: よし、猿。最後の助言だ。ヘルスと空腹具合が表示されてる所の右側に
Sergeant Gunny: He's your little digital buddy. He'll keep track of all
your kills, weapons, items, and any decoded messages or recipes
that you happen to figure out. Click on it and have a look.


Sergeant Gunny: 要は機械仕掛けの相棒だ。お前が倒した相手、見つけた武器、アイテム、
Sergeant Gunny: Slick tech, eh? Also, it acts like a black box,
recording a whole lot of other data for SolForce to review,
should anything... You know, happen to you.


Sergeant Gunny: 中々お利口さんだろ?ついでに、そいつはブラックボックスみてえな


Sergeant Gunny: Looks like we're about done here.


Sergeant Gunny: もうやる事は全部やったな。
Sergeant Gunny: Just remember when clearing out enemy bases
that they are divide up into floors.


When you feel like you're secured a floor and there are no more hostiles,
head on down to the next level by walking up to the exit.


Move between levels by standing on the exits and pressing 'Space'.


Sergeant Gunny: 敵の基地は幾つもの階層に分かれてる事も覚えとく事だ。


次の階へ移動するには出口の上に立って 'Space' を押すんだ。
Sergeant Gunny: All right, space monkey. I've told you everything i can.
You're looking good, head on out there and do us proud.


Sergeant Gunny: よーし、猿。オレが教えられることは全部教えた。
Tutorial Complete


Start a New Game to test your skills.




Start から New Game で腕試しと行きましょう。