
Last-modified: 2016-09-08 (木) 19:06:55


30mm Air Bomb*2
Increases fighter damage by 10%.戦闘機の攻撃力を10%増加させる。-James Johnson
31-Knot Burke
Grants a 25% chance to increase disguise by 9% and max ship speed by 4 knots when ship speed reaches 31 knots or above. Lasts 30 seconds.速度が31ノット以上の時に30秒間、25%の確率で9%の偽装効果と船速を4ノット向上させる。-Arleigh Burke
Abyssal Hunter
Increases torpedo damage by 8% when assigned as Captain魚雷の攻撃力を8%増加させる。 (艦長任命時)-Karl Doenitz*3
Accelerated Dive
Increases submersion speed by 3 knots, but also increases submarine oxygen consumption by 10%. Lasts for 30 seconds. Effect will be canceled when surfacing. This skill is only available during submersion.30秒間、潜航速度が3ノット増加するが、酸素使用量が10%増加する。 (水面に浮上すると効果が切れる。)☆3Max Horton
Admiral's Chosen
Only available when ship magazines haven't been damaged. Use overloaded ramming to reduce reload time of all weapons by 10%, increase damage by 10%, and reduce flight deck reload time by 15%. Lasts for 45 seconds.45秒間、全ての武器の装填時間を10%減少、10%攻撃力を増加させ、更に発艦準備時間を15%減少させる。 (弾薬庫に被害がない時のみ使用可能。)☆5Yamamoto Yisoroku
Advanced Equipment
Increases the durability of radar and radio by 10% when assigned as your Comms. Specialist.レーダーと無線の耐久性を10%増加させる。 (通信士任命時)-Kimura Kazuo
Kobayashi Yuta
Wolf Hoffenstein
Increases MG hit rate of allied vessels within 1 kilometer by 2%, increases MG damage by 10%, and reduces AA Gun reload time by 10%. Lasts 30 seconds.30秒間、1km以内の味方の機銃の命中率を2%、攻撃力を10%増加させ、対空砲の装填時間を10%短縮させる。☆4Arleigh Burke
Aerial Circus
Increases the dodge rate of aircraft by 20% after use. Lasts 60 seconds. This skill can only be used by aircraft carriers.60秒間、航空機の回避率を20%増加させる。 (空母のみ使用可能)☆2James Johnson
Reduces all reload times by 10% for 45 sec when the battle reaches 6 min and every 3 min after that.戦闘開始の6分後から3分毎に45秒間、全ての装填時間を10%減少させる。-Frank Macauley
Chester Nimitz
Grants an 80% chance to increase main artillery aiming speed by 15% and decrease its accuracy by 10% when firing. Lasts 30 seconds.30秒間、射撃時に80%の確率で主砲の照準速度を15%向上させ、精度を10%低下させる。-Elton Grey
Air Alert
Increases MG hit rate by 1% and damage by 10% when assigned as your Gunner.機銃の攻撃力を10%、命中率を1%向上させます。 (砲手任命時)-Bruce Brad
Air Attack Warning
Grants a 45% chance to increase the speed of all aircraft that take off within 30 seconds by 8% when an enemy is hit by dive bombers.急降下爆撃機による攻撃命中時に45%の確率で、30秒以内に離陸する全ての航空機の速度を8%増加する。-John Clarkson
James Doolittle
Mark Mitscher
Alloy Deck
Increases side and bridge armor by 5%, but decreases acceleration by 4%.舷側と艦橋の装甲を5%増加させるが、加速が4%低下する。-Nicolay Kuznetsov
Grants a 30% chance to reduce reload time by 30% when switching ammo. Lasts 30 seconds. This effect will be removed if you switch again while it is active.弾薬切り替えの際に30%の確率で30秒間、装填時間を30%短縮する。(効果発動中に再度切り替えた場合無効となる。)-Takeo Kurita
Anti-air Barrage
Increases AA Gun and MG damage by 15% when assigned as your Gunner.対空砲と機銃の攻撃力を15%増加させる。 (砲手任命時)-Matsuda Chiaki
Anti-air Commander
When assigned as your Gunner, your MG will prioritize loaded enemy fighters within range.機銃が射程内の搭載された敵機に対し優先順位をつけます。(砲手任命時)-Arturo Riccardi
Artillery Expert
Improves aiming correction of your main artillery by 0.5% and reduces the influence of turret rotation on artillery accuracy by 5% when assigned as your Gunner.主砲の精度を0.5%改善し、砲塔旋回時の精度に対する影響を5%低減する。 (砲手任命時)-Francois Darlan
Increases artillery aiming speed by 20% when in effect. Lasts for 30 seconds.30秒間、砲の照準速度を20%増加させる。☆3Andrew Cunningham
Bernhard Rogge
Dudly Pound
Inoguchi Toshihira
Thomas Kincaid
Willis Lee
Wolf Hoffenstein
Baron of North Cape
Reduces the influence of turret rotation on main artillery accuracy by 5% and increase gun damage by 5%.-Bruce Fraser
Battle Instinct
After using, an alarm will be triggered when detected by the enemy. Lasts for 45 seconds.☆2Kasper Mass
Stephen Beattie
Kobayashi Yuta
Battleship Elite
Increases max durability by 10% when assigned as a battleship Captain.-Gunther Lutjens
Bismarck's Sprit
Increases ship acceleration and steering by 8% when your ship's weapons hit an enemy. Lasts 15 seconds.-Gunther Lutjens
Black Flag
Increases torpedo speed by 3% and depth charge damage by 5%.-Max Horton
Bomb Aiming Device
Increases dive bomber accuracy by 10%-John Clarkson
Mark Mitscher
Raymond Spruance
Yamamoto Yisoroku
Bullheaded Attack
Increases all of your ship's weapon damage by 8% when ship speed reaches 26 knots or higher and you open fire with artillery. Lasts 10 seconds.-William Halsey
Increases main artillery accuracy by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds.☆2Louis Mountbatten
Bruce Brad
Carpet Bombing
After using, the damage of Dive Bombers that take off within 60 seconds will be increased by 10%. This skill is only available on aircraft carriers.☆2James Doolittle
Onishi Takijiro
Circling Training
IIncreases the steering performance of all types of shipboard aircraft by ( )%.1%-James Johnson
II2%-Arnauld Shelby
Chuichi Nagumo
Futida Mitsuo
III3%-Frank Fletcher
IV5%-James Jonson
Increases the max speed of your vessel by 1 knot, acceleration performance by 8%, and steering performance by 8%.-Kasper Mass
Grants a 55% chance to reduce the influence of turret rotation on main artillery accuracy by 15% when firing.-Alan Macmillan
Inoguchi Toshihira
Matsuda Chiaki
Thomas Kincaid
Grants a 30% chance to increase artillery penetration by 10% when firing. Lasts 30 seconds.-Wolf Hoffenstein
Inoguchi Toshihira
Grants a 60% chance to reduce the influence of steering on main artillery accuracy by 15% when hit. Lasts 30 seconds.-Alfred von Tirpitz
Bruce Fraser
Mikawa Gunyichi
Willis Lee
Coup de Main
Increases maneuverability performance of all aircraft by 3% and flying speed by 3%.-Chuichi Nagumo
Cross-island Attack
Grants a 20% chance to increase the shooting range of artillery and torpedoes by 10% and decrease flight deck reload time by 10% when your ship's weapons hit an enemy. Lasts 20 seconds.-Onishi Takijiro
Cross-ocean Bombardment
Increases the durability of bombers by 5% and aiming speed by 8%.-Shigeyoshi Inoue
Cross-shot Calibrator
Increases main artillery aiming correction by 0.5% and reduces the influence of turret rotation on main artillery accuracy by when assigned to a heavy cruiser or battleship.-Bernhard Rogge
Otto Lindeman
Increases the range and accuracy of all artillery weapons by 5%.-Matsuda Chiaki
Grants a 55% chance to decrease disguise loss by 15% when you fire with artillery. Lasts 30 seconds.-Francois Darlan
Kimura Kazuo
Mikasa Shotaro
Increases gun damage by 50% and decreases aiming speed by 100%. Lasts 20 seconds.-Willis Yang
Deep Breaths
-Erich Raeder
Fujiwara Makoto
Joachim Schepke
Deep Sea Dweller
Deep Sea Fishing
Downthrust Training
Elite CV Captain
Emergency Dispatch
EMP Disruption
Enhanced Armor
Enhanced DC
Enhanced Disguise
Enhanced Engine
Enhanced Keel
Enhanced Main Aim
Enhanced Main Penetration
Enhanced Main Reload

Enhanced Main Stability 1
Enhanced Main Stability 2
Enhanced Main Stability 3
Enhanced MG Attack 1
Enhanced MG Attack 2
Enhanced MG Attack 4
Enhanced Power Defense 1
Enhanced Power Defense 2
Enhanced Power Repair 2
Enhanced Radar 1
Enhanced Radar 2
Enhanced Radar 3
Enhanced Radar 4
Enhanced Radio 2
Enhanced Radio 3
Enhanced Rudder 1
Enhanced Rudder 2
Enhanced Rudder 3
Enhanced Rudder 4
Enhanced Torpedo Speed 1
Enhanced Torpedo Speed 2
Enhanced Torpedo Speed 3
Enhanced Torpedo Speed 4
Enhanced Water Storage 1
Enhanced Water Storage 2
Fast Dive
Final Defense
Fleet Cruise
Fleet Defensive Line
Fuel Efficiency
General Nimitz's Inspiration
Giant Killer
Goddess of Vengeance
Good Listener
Ground Service Training 1
Ground Service Training 2
Ground Service Training 3
Heavy-loaded Bomb
Hi-Power Sonar
Hi-Speed Assault
High Velocity Impact
High-explosive DC
Immelmann Turn
Indirect Attack
Intensive Fire
Interpid Charge
Iron will
Italian Air Defense
Jade Shard
Krupp Craft
Leningrad Walls
Low Level Barrage
Main Artillery Accuracy Boost 1
Main Artillery Accuracy Boost 2
Main Artillery Accuracy Boost 3
Main Artillery Accuracy Boost 4
Main Artillery Adjustment Boost
Marine Knight
Master Fisher
Master Fixer
Master Steearsman
Mobile Beacon
Multi-frequency Sonar
Naval Artillery
Naval Commander
Naval Gunner
Naval Teuton
New Air Tank
New Engine
Ocean Fleet
Oceanic Fortress
Oriental Blitzkrieg
Oxygen Torpedo
Pearl Harbor Hawk
Perfect Column
Performance Gyroscope
Prussian Will
Quick Load
Quick Reload
Rhine Exercise
Rush From the Depths
Sea Flight 3
Seawolf Torpedo
Silent Cruiser
Soul of the Fleet
Soul of the Royal Navy
State of War
Stealth Cruiser
Steel Deck
Steel Waltz
Submarine Hunter
Survival Instincts
Tealth Cruiser
The Bull of Scapa Flow
The Lone Battleship
The Phantom of Saint-Nazaire
Tokyo Express
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Torpedo Compartment
Torpedo Quick Reload
Torpedo Ready
Torpedo Reloader 1
Torpedo Reloader 2
Torpedo Reloader 3
Torpedo Reloader 4
Toughness 1
Toughness 2
Toughness 3
Turkey Hunter
Type 3 Expanding Shell
Underwater King
Vanguard Fleet
Ventilation System
Weakness Recognition
Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack Tactics
Working Class Hero


*1 対象のスキルがキャプテンスキルであった場合発動時に消費するCP(コマンダーポイント)の数を☆で表記します。そうでない場合は横棒を表記しています。
*2 「30mm航炮」の誤訳。
*3 初期から所持している者を黒字、Legendary(☆5)で発現する者を緑字で表記しています