翻訳/0101-0200 page/0125

Last-modified: 2008-12-04 (木) 00:23:13

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> <%continent#1-continentality> Major Cups<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231505: <%team#1-short> の <%continent#1-continentality>内メジャー大会: <%number#1><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> <%continent#1-continentality> Minor Cup<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231506: <%team#1-short> の <%continent#1-continentality>内マイナー大会: <%number#2><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> <%continent#1-continentality> Minor Cups<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231507: <%team#1-short> の <%continent#1-continentality>内マイナー大会: <%number#2><COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> World Cup<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231508: <%team#1-short>: ワールドカップ優勝回数 <%number#1>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#1> World Cups<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231509: <%team#1-short>: ワールドカップ優勝回数 <%number#1>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> Minor International Competition<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231510: <%team#1-short>: 小規模の国際大会優勝回数 <%number#2>

KEY: <%team#1-short>: <%number#2> Minor International Competitions<COMMENT - hall of fame screen hint text>
STR-231511: <%team#1-short>: 小規模の国際大会優勝回数 <%number#2>

KEY: In match
STR-231512: 試合中に

KEY: In training
STR-231513: 練習中

KEY: Exhausted and in need of a long rest
STR-231514: 疲労が 溜まっているため 長期休暇が 必要です

KEY: Needs to take a rest from competitive football and work harder in training
STR-231515: 試合には出場せず もっと練習を積むべきです

KEY: Needs a rest from playing to continue training hard
STR-231516: ハードな練習を続けるには 試合からの休息が必要です

KEY: Needs a rest from competitive football so he may concentrate on training
STR-231517: 試合は欠場させて トレーニングに 集中させるべきです

KEY: Jaded and in need of a rest
STR-231518: 疲労が溜まっているので休みが必要です

KEY: In superb condition
STR-231519: 最高のコンディション

KEY: Fully fit
STR-231520: 万全の状態