翻訳/0101-0200 page/0159

Last-modified: 2008-12-08 (月) 09:28:08

KEY: Top <%club#1-short> player distracted by personal problems<COMMENT: morale_news_items; has personal problems; headline>
STR-237645: <%club#1-short> のトップ選手にプライベートで問題あり<COMMENT: morale_news_items; has personal problems; headline>

KEY: <%club#1-short> star wants new challenge<COMMENT: morale_news_items; wants new challenge; headline>
STR-237647: <%club#1-short> のスター選手 新たな挑戦を求める<COMMENT: morale_news_items; wants new challenge; headline>

KEY: Life after professional football?
STR-237664: プロサッカー引退後の生活は?

KEY: \n\n<%number#1-Text> other players including <%string#1 - list of players> are also said to have responded favourably to their manager's man-management.<COMMENT: other players now happy that morale_problem has been resolved>
STR-237784: \n\n <%string#1 - list of players> を含む <%number#1-Text> 人のほかの選手も監督の人員配置に好意的に反応したと言われています

KEY: \n\n<%string#1 - list of players> has also expressed his satisfaction that the manager has moved to resolve the issue.<COMMENT: other player now happy that morale_problem has been resolved>
STR-237785: \n\n <%string#1 - list of players> も監督が問題解決のために動いたことに満足していると表明しました

KEY: \n\n<%string#1 - list of players> are also reportedly satisfied that this issue has been resolved.<COMMENT: other players now happy that morale_problem has been resolved>
STR-237786: \n\n 報道によると <%string#1 - list of players> もこの問題が解決されて満足しているとのことです

KEY: Harmony restored at <%stadium#1>
STR-237812: <%stadium#1> に平和なムードが戻ってくる

KEY: \nThe squad may have a maximum of 3 players over the age of 23. (Currently <%number#1>)<COMMENT - national team picking news item>
STR-237857: \n23歳以上の選手は 3人まで登録することが可能です (現在 <%number#1> 名)

KEY: \nThe following <%number#1> players were selected.\n\n<COMMENT - national team picking news item>
STR-237861: \n以下の <%number#1>人の選手が選ばれました:\n\n<COMMENT - national team picking news item>

KEY: Goalkeepers: <COMMENT - national team picking news title>
STR-237862: ゴールキーパー:<COMMENT - national team picking news title>

KEY: Defenders: <COMMENT - national team picking news title>
STR-237863: ディフェンダー:<COMMENT - national team picking news title>

KEY: Midfielders: <COMMENT - national team picking news title>
STR-237864: ミッドフィルダー:<COMMENT - national team picking news title>

KEY: Forwards: <COMMENT - national team picking news title>
STR-237865: フォワード:<COMMENT - national team picking news title>

KEY: National Pool<COMMENT - action button on national team news item to allow manager to make changes to the squad>
STR-237870: 代表候補