翻訳/0101-0200 page/0185

Last-modified: 2008-12-08 (月) 09:50:26

KEY: Whatever the result <%team#1-short> will be justly proud of their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede just <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239905: 決勝戦がいかなる結果となっても <%team#1-short> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りに思うことでしょう <%number#2-text> ゴールを奪い わずか <%number#3-text> 失点しか許さなかった戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした

KEY: Whatever the result <%team#1-short> will be justly proud of their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239906: 決勝戦がいかなる結果となっても <%team#1-short> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りに思うことでしょう <%number#2-text> 得点 <%number#3-text> 失点という戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした

KEY: Should <%team#1-short> end their hurt by lifting the trophy, the team will undoubtedly look back at their memorable victory over <%team_description#3> <%team#3> as perhaps the defining moment in their exciting cup run.<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_CUP_FINAL_NEWS; news_item about club's comp history>
STR-239907: トロフィーを高々と掲げ <%team#1-short> の長く苦しい戦いが終わった瞬間 選手たちは きっと <%team_description#3> <%team#3> 戦での劇的な勝利を思い起こすことでしょう まさしく 今大会における快進撃のきっかけとなる試合でした

KEY: Should they lift the trophy, the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> will look back proudly on their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede just <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239908: トロフィーを高々と掲げた瞬間 <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りをもって振り返るでしょう <%number#2-text> 得点 <%number#3-text> 失点という戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした

KEY: Should they repeat history by lifting the trophy, the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> will no doubt look back proudly on their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239909: トロフィーを高々と掲げる瞬間が再び訪れたとき <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りを持って振り返るでしょう <%number#2-text> 得点 <%number#3-text> 失点という戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした

KEY: Should <%team#1-short> lift the trophy, the team will undoubtedly look back at their memorable victory over <%team_description#3> <%team#3> as perhaps the defining moment in their glorious cup run.<COMMENT: PRE_MATCH_CUP_FINAL_NEWS; news_item about club's comp history>
STR-239910: トロフィーを高々と掲げた瞬間 <%team#1-short> の選手たちは きっと <%team_description#3> <%team#3> 戦での劇的な勝利を思い起こすことでしょう まさしく 今大会における快進撃のきっかけとなる試合でした

KEY: Should they lift the trophy, the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> will no doubt look back proudly on their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede just <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239911: トロフィーを高々と掲げた瞬間 <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りを持って振り返るでしょう <%number#2-text> ゴールを奪い わずか <%number#3-text> 失点しか許さなかった戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした

KEY: Should they repeat history by lifting the trophy, the <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> will undoubtedly look back proudly on their <%number#1-text> game run to the final which saw them score <%number#2-text> goals and concede <%number#3-text>.<COMMENT: pre_cup_final_news; teams progress through to cup final string>
STR-239912: トロフィーを高々と掲げる瞬間が再び訪れたとき <%team#1-nickname_no_the_english_only> の選手たちは 決勝戦までの <%number#1-text> 試合を誇りを持って振り返るでしょう <%number#2-text> 得点 <%number#3-text> 失点という戦績は実に見事な戦いぶりでした