KEY: Date[COMMENT: next match date]
STR-247871: 日付
KEY: Venue[COMMENT: next match venue]
STR-247872: 開催地
KEY: Previous Meeting[COMMENT: next match home-team previous meeting with opponent team]
STR-247873: 前の試合
KEY: Assignments[COMMENT - title of panel showing coach's assigned training categories]
STR-247875: 割り当て
KEY: Training Category[COMMENT - training coaches section; heading for category table]
STR-247876: トレーニングカテゴリ
KEY: Rating[COMMENT - training coaches section; rating that this coach gets for this training category]
STR-247877: 評価
KEY: This coach's rating in this category. The more categories he is assigned to, the lower the rating will be[COMMENT - training coaches section; hint text for 'Coach Rating' label]
STR-247878: カテゴリごとのこのコーチの評価です 割り当てカテゴリ数が多くなるほど 評価は低くなります
KEY: All[COMMENT - training assignments panel; assigned to all training categories]
STR-247879: すべて
KEY: Show Coaches[COMMENT - training coaches panel, filter title]
STR-247880: コーチを表示
KEY: All[COMMENT - training coaches category filter panel]
STR-247881: すべて
KEY: Auto Assign All[COMMENT - training coaches screen; button for automatically assigning coaches to training categories]
STR-247882: すべて自動で割り当て
KEY: Clear Assignments[COMMENT - training coaches screen; button for clearing all coach assignments]
STR-247883: 割り当てをクリア
KEY: Position Training
STR-247884: ポジショントレーニング
KEY: Assign All[COMMENT - training schedule panel; popup button text; assign all players to a schedule]
STR-247885: すべて割り当て
KEY: Assign all of the players shown to one training schedule[COMMENT - training schedule panel; popup button hint; assign all players to a schedule]
STR-247886: 表示されているすべての選手をトレーニングスケジュールに割り当てます
KEY: Workload[COMMENT - overall training workload]
STR-247887: トレーニングの負荷
KEY: New[COMMENT - training schedules screen, new schedule menu option]
STR-247888: 新規