翻訳/2901-3000 page/2957

Last-modified: 2009-01-04 (日) 15:41:56

KEY: [%person#1-surname] believes [%person#1-his] side have already hammered home [%person#1-his] message by claiming three points against [%team#2-nickname] at [%stadium#1] last [%date#1-day].
STR-280011: [%person#1-surname] は [%date#1-day] の [%stadium#1] での対 [%team#2-nickname] 戦で3点を獲得することで すでに彼の公言を証明したと力説しています

KEY: [%person#1] tells [%person#2] that [%person#1-he] wants [%team#1] to replace [%team#2] as a force to be reckoned with
STR-280012: [%person#1] [%team#1] が [%team#2] から最強チームの座を奪うと [%person#2] に宣言

KEY: Tell [%person#2] that [%person#1-you] intend [%person#1-your] [%team#1-short] team to replace [%team#2-short] as the dominant force in the [%comp#1-short]
STR-280013: [%person#2] に [%comp#1-short] での優勝候補の座を [%team#1-short] が [%team#2-short] から奪うつもりだと伝える

KEY: [%person#1] has told [%team#2-short] manager [%person#2] that even though [%person#1-his] boys only drew with [%team#2-short], morale in the [%team#1-short] dressing room is extremely high and that [%person#1-his] side fear no-one.
STR-280014: [%person#1] は [%team#2-short] の [%person#2] 監督に対し [%team#2-short] とは引き分けてしまったものの [%team#1-short] の選手たちの士気は高く チームは誰も恐れていないとコメントしました

KEY: Tell [%person#2] that confidence is high at [%stadium#1] after [%person#1-your] draw and that [%person#1-your] side fear no-one.
STR-280015: [%stadium#1] で引き分けとなった試合後 自信が高まり もはや何者も 恐れてはいない と [%person#2] に伝える

KEY: In the build-up to the crucial [%comp#1-short] title clash between [%person#1-his] [%team#1-short] side and [%team#2], [%person#1] admitted that if [%person#2-surname]{s} team managed to pick up the win then in all probability the title would be theirs.
STR-280016: 重要な [%comp#1-short] タイトルを賭けた [%team#1-short] と [%team#2] の激突が迫る中 [%person#1] は もし [%person#2] サイドが勝てば ほぼ確実にタイトルが彼らになることを認めました

KEY: [%person#1-surname] admits [%person#1-his] team face a tough test
STR-280017: [%person#1-surname]、 今がチームの正念場と認識

KEY: Speaking to a local newspaper, [%team#1] player [%male#1] has made a public apology to [%male#1-his] manager [%person#2].
STR-280018: [%team#1] の [%male#1] 選手は地元紙を通じ [%person#2] 監督に対して公式に謝罪しました

KEY: {upper}[%string#1] revealed today that [%team#1] manager [%person#1] has told [%person#1-his] unhappy [%position#1-lowercase] that, although there are a lot of players that can play in [%male#2-his] position, if [%male#2-he] puts in the effort in training [%male#2-he] will retain [%male#2-his] place in the first-team.
STR-280019: 今日付けの {upper}[%string#1] によれば 自分と同じポジションでプレイできる選手が多いことに不満を抱いていたこの [%position#1-lowercase] に対し [%team#1] の [%person#1] 監督は 真面目にトレーニングに励んでいればトップチームに留まり続けることができると伝えたようです

KEY: [%person#1-surname] added that competition for places was a good thing and would keep [%male#2-surname] on [%male#2-his] toes.
STR-280020: [%person#1-surname] は ポジション争いが起きることはかえって良い事だとし [%male#2-surname] は一層トレーニングに励むようになるだろうとも述べました