翻訳/3101-3200 page/3142

Last-modified: 2009-02-22 (日) 01:10:58

KEY: <%person#1-surname> enjoyed a playing career with <%string#1 COMMENT: more than one team> before a spell with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]
STR-282855: <%person#1-surname> enjoyed a playing career with <%string#1 COMMENT: more than one team> before a spell with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> enjoyed a playing career with <%string#1 COMMENT: more than one team> before spells with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]
STR-282856: <%person#1-surname> enjoyed a playing career with <%string#1 COMMENT: more than one team> before spells with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> has no previous backroom experience although <%person#1-he> was a player with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]
STR-282857: <%person#1-surname> has no previous backroom experience although <%person#1-he> was a player with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> had spells as a player with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams> but has no previous backroom experience.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]
STR-282858: <%person#1-surname> had spells as a player with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams> but has no previous backroom experience.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> had previously had a spell with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]
STR-282859: <%person#1-surname> had previously had a spell with <%string#4 COMMENT: one team>.[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> had previously had spells with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams>[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual].
STR-282860: <%person#1-surname> had previously had spells with <%string#4 COMMENT: several teams>[COMMENT: non_player_bio; can be appended to news items regarding the individual].

KEY: The referee for the match will be <%person#1> from <%city#1>, who has shown one yellow card and no red cards in <%person#1-his> <%number#3-text> games so far this season.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-282861: この試合の審判を務めるのは <%city#1> 在住の <%person#1> です\n彼は今シーズン これまでの <%number#3-text> 試合で 1枚のイエローカードを出していますが レッドカードは出していません<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>

KEY: The referee for the match will be <%person#1> from <%city#1>, who has shown no yellow cards and one red card in <%person#1-his> <%number#3-text> games so far this season.<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>
STR-282862: この試合の審判を務めるのは <%city#1> 在住の <%person#1> です\n彼は今シーズン これまでの <%number#3-text> 試合で イエローカードを1枚も出していませんが レッドカードを1枚出しています<COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee>

KEY: <%person#1-surname>{s} last <%team#1> match was <%scoreline#1-long> on <%date#1-medium_no_year>.[COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee]
STR-282863: \n<%person#1-surname> が 最後に <%team#1> の試合でレフェリーを務めた試合は <%date#1-medium_no_year> に <%scoreline#1-long> の試合です[COMMENT: OFFICIAL_BIO; can be appended to a news_item to give information on the referee]