翻訳/3101-3200 page/3151

Last-modified: 2009-03-15 (日) 16:18:20

KEY: <%person#1-He> doesn't feel <%person#1-he> could accept the length of contract offered.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282951: 提示された契約期間は受け入れがたい[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]

KEY: <%person#1-He> isn't happy with the duration of the contract.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282952: 契約期間に不満を抱いている[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]

KEY: <%male#1-He> wants to be suitably rewarded for <%male#1-his> first-team appearances.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282953: トップチーム昇格に見合う報酬を 望んでいる[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]

KEY: <%male#1-He> thinks a player of <%male#1-his> calibre should benefit from a substantial appearance fee.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282955: 自分ほど価値の高い選手であれば 継続的な試合出場から 利益を得るべきだと考えている

KEY: <%male#1-He> hopes <%male#1-he> can earn significant bonus payments as long as <%male#1-he> merits a place in the first team.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282956: トップチームで活躍している間のボーナス給与を期待している

KEY: <%male#1-He> would prefer a substantial bonus for <%male#1-his> appearances in the first team.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282957: トップチーム昇格に対するボーナスを 望む

KEY: <%male#1-He> feels <%male#1-he> should be well rewarded for every goal <%male#1-he> scores.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282962: 自分が決めたゴール全てに対し 報酬があるべきだと感じている

KEY: <%male#1-He> wants <%male#1-his> wages topped up with a win bonus<COMMENT: player_reason_for_rejecting_contract_offer; same format as 'wants to be considered a more important part of the team' string>.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282963: 賃金に勝利ボーナスを上乗せしてほしいと希望している<COMMENT: player_reason_for_rejecting_contract_offer; same format as 'wants to be considered a more important part of the team' string>.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]

KEY: <%male#1-He> believes the basic salary being offered needs topping up with a bonus for not conceding goals.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282964: 提示された基本給に 無失点ボーナスの上乗せが必要だと考えている

KEY: <%male#1-He> would like to see <%male#1-his> salary boosted by a reward based on keeping out goals.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282965: 給料に加えて ゴールを許さなかったときのボーナスをつけて欲しい

KEY: <%male#1-He> hopes to repay the club with regular clean sheets and thinks this deserves a fair performance related-bonus.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-282967: スタメンで出場してチームに貢献することを望んでおり そのあかつきにはボーナスで正当に評価されることを期待している