翻訳/3101-3200 page/3155

Last-modified: 2009-01-01 (木) 13:22:17

KEY: <%male#1-He> is demanding that the contract offer includes a guaranteed yearly rise in earning.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283001: 契約のオファーに年毎に俸給が上乗せされる条件が含まれることを要求しています

KEY: <%male#1-He> believes <%male#1-he> merits a contract with a yearly pay rise written in.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283002: 契約には年毎に給料が上がる条項が含まれるべきだと考えている

KEY: <%male#1-He> hopes that any contract agreed will include a pay rise each season.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283003: 合意した契約に毎年の年俸アップが含まれていることを望んでいる

KEY: <%male#1-He> would like a wage increase upon promotion to bring <%male#1-his> earnings in line with the higher division.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283004: 上位ディビジョンにに昇格した場合に 賃金が増額される事を望んでいる

KEY: <%male#1-He> would like to include a wage increase upon promotion.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283005: 昇進に伴う賃金増額を望んでいる

KEY: <%male#1-He> is not going to sign unless <%male#1-he> is guaranteed a considerable jump in salary when <%male#1-he> gets the club promoted.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283006: チームが昇格した時は給与が飛躍的にアップするという保証がない限り 契約にサインする気はない[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]

KEY: <%male#1-He> is hoping to help get the team promoted and if this happens <%male#1-he> would like to be rewarded with a decent pay rise.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283007: チームの昇格に貢献することを願っており 実現できた暁には賃金アップの見返りを期待している

KEY: <%male#1-He> thinks <%male#1-his> contract should include a performance-related pay rise linked to any future promotion.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283008: 将来昇格したときのために 契約条項に功績に応じた賃金の増額を含めて欲しいと考えている

KEY: <%male#1-He> is not happy with a contract which expects <%male#1-him> to take a pay cut if the club goes down.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283009: チームが降格した時は減俸するという条件が 契約に盛り込まれている事を不服に思っている

KEY: <%male#1-He> doesn't feel <%male#1-he> can live with a pay cut if the club is relegated.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283010: クラブが降格した場合に 減俸されたのでは やっていけないと感じている

KEY: <%male#1-He> says there is no way <%male#1-he> will accept a drop in salary if the other players aren't good enough to help <%male#1-him> keep the club from relegation.[COMMENT: news_item; reason for contract rejection]
STR-283011: 他の選手のせいで チームが降格した場合に 賃金が減額されるなど とうてい認められない