翻訳/3301-3400 page/3360

Last-modified: 2009-04-04 (土) 18:50:33

KEY: We need to take a more cautious approach as we have committed too many fouls today.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback, statistical analysis]
STR-285629: 今日はファウルが多すぎるので もっと慎重なアプローチをする必要があります

KEY: <%male#1> is dominating the match and we must try to close him down better.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285630: <%male#1>が 試合を支配しており 彼にプレスを もっとかけていかなくてはなりません

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> are dominating the match and we should try to close them down better.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285631: <%male#1>と<%male#2>が 試合を支配しており 彼らにプレスを もっとかけていくべきです

KEY: <%male#1> is pulling all the strings out there and needs to be shut down.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285632: <%male#1>が すべての起点となっており 彼を抑える必要があります

KEY: <%male#1> is controlling the game today and needs to be the focus of our attentions.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285633: <%male#1>が 今日のゲームをコントロールしており 我々は 彼を警戒する必要があります

KEY: <%male#1> is making things happen today and we should pay more attention to him.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285634: <%male#1>が 今日の危険な存在となっており 彼にもっと注意を払うべきでしょう

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> are really controlling the game and we must pay attention to them.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285635: <%male#1>と<%male#2>が 完全に ゲームをコントロールしており 我々は 彼らに注意しなくてはなりません

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> are pulling the strings and need to be stopped sooner rather than later.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285636: <%male#1>と<%male#2>が 起点となっており できるだけ早く 彼を止める必要があります

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> are making things happen today and we should pay more attention to them.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285637: <%male#1>と<%male#2>が 今日の危険な存在となっており 我々は 彼らにもっと注意を払うべきでしょう

KEY: <%male#1> isn't having the best game of his career.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285638: <%male#1>にとっては あまり良いプレーができていません

KEY: <%male#1> is struggling and isn't playing well.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285639: <%male#1>は苦戦しており 上手くプレーできていません

KEY: <%male#1> is not playing especially well today.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285640: 今日の<%male#1>は 特別に良い出来というわけではありません

KEY: <%male#1> and <%male#2> aren't having the best games they've ever had.[COMMENT - match analysis; assistant feedback]
STR-285641: <%male#1>と<%male#2>にとっては あまり良いプレーができていません