翻訳/3301-3400 page/3388

Last-modified: 2009-01-08 (木) 20:17:01

KEY: [%person#1] has commented to the media that [%person#1-he] believes [%person#2] has already shown that [%person#2-he] can face up to adversity and still come out fighting.
STR-285937: [%person#1] はメディアに対し [%person#2] は逆境に立ち向かい戦えることを すでに実証している とコメントしました

KEY: The [%team#1-short] manager added that [%person#1-he] believed [%team#2-short] could achieve great things with [%person#2-surname] and should stick by [%person#2-him] through thick and thin.
STR-285938: [%team#1-short] の監督は [%team#2-short] が [%person#2-surname] とすばらしい成果を 上げられると考えており 終始変わらずに 彼を支援するべきだと つけ加えました

KEY: [%person#1] comments to the press that [%person#1-he] believes [%team#2-short] should stick by [%person#2]
STR-285939: [%person#1]、 [%team#2-short] は [%person#2] を支援すべき とメディアにコメント

KEY: Comment that [%person#1-you] believe [%team#2-short] can be very proud of their manager [%person#2]
STR-285940: [%team#2-short] は 監督の [%person#2] をとても誇りに思うべきだ とコメントする

KEY: Say [%person#1-you] have very serious doubts about [%person#2]{s} ability to win trophies
STR-285941: [%person#2] がチームを優勝に導けるとは到底思えないとコメントする

KEY: [%team#1]{s} [%person#1] today hinted in an interview with [%string#1 COMMENT: media_source] that [%person#1-he] isn't so confident of the managerial prowess of [%team#2]{s} manager [%person#2].
STR-285942: [%team#1] の [%person#1] は今日の [%string#1 COMMENT: media_source] との会見で [%team#2] 監督 [%person#2] の采配手腕を あまり信じていない とほのめかしました

KEY: Looking at [%person#2-surname]{s} time at the club so far, [%person#1-surname] said [%person#1-he] hasn't seen enough to suggest [%person#2-he] is a good manager.
STR-285943: [%person#1-surname] は [%person#2-surname] のこれまでの経歴は 有能な監督だ と示唆するほどではない と述べました

KEY: [%person#1] took the hint constructively and found a positive response for [%person#1-his] colleague.
STR-285944: [%person#1] は示唆を建設的にとらえ 同僚のために 前向きな返答を 見つけました

KEY: [%person#1] was understandably displeased that [%person#2] called into question [%person#1-his] managerial prowess.
STR-285945: [%person#1] は [%person#2] が彼の采配手腕に疑問を呈したことに対し 明らかな不快感を示しました

KEY: [%person#1] hints that [%person#1-he] is not confident of [%person#2]{s} managerial prowess
STR-285946: [%person#1] が [%person#2] の采配手腕を 信じていないと ほのめかす

KEY: Suggest [%person#1-you] are not confident of [%person#2]{s} managerial prowess
STR-285947: [%person#2] の采配手腕を 信じていない と示唆する

KEY: Joking candidly with journalists outside [%person#1-his] club's training ground, [%team#1] boss [%person#1] remarked that the sooner [%team#2]{s} [%person#2] leaves football management and gets a job as a pundit the better.
STR-285948: [%team#1] 監督 [%person#1] はクラブの練習場の外で記者たちに [%team#2] の [%person#2] さっさと監督を辞めて 評論家にでもなるべきだ と冗談を飛ばしました