翻訳/3601-3700 page/3618

Last-modified: 2009-08-29 (土) 05:13:37

KEY: [%person#1-You] made it all the way to another final and suffered defeat again. What did [%person#1-you] think of the result?
STR-287690: あなたはこの大会でも 決勝まで進みながら、 再び敗れてしまいました。\nこの結果をどのようにお考えですか?

KEY: [%person#1-You] have guided your team all the way to the final and tasted success. What did [%person#1-you] think of the final?
STR-287691: あなたは決勝までチームを導き、 そして勝利を手にしました。\nこの決勝戦はいかがでしたか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] delighted after final victory
STR-287692: [%person#1-surname] は優勝に歓喜

KEY: [%person#1-surname] pleased with final win
STR-287693: [%person#1-surname] は優勝を喜ぶ

KEY: [%person#1-surname] strives for more despite final win
STR-287694: [%person#1-surname] は優勝にも渋い顔

KEY: [%person#1-surname] displeased with final performance
STR-287695: [%person#1-surname] は決勝でのパフォーマンスに満足せず

KEY: [%person#1-You] have won yet another major final to the delight of [%team#1] fans. What did [%person#1-you] think of the match?
STR-287696: あなたは 別の大きな大会でも [%team#1] を決勝で勝たせ、 ファンを喜ばせました。\nこの試合はいかがでしたか?

KEY: Today's match against [%team#2-short] wrapped up the [%comp#1] for [%person#1-you]. How did [%person#1-you] feel the season went on the whole for [%team#1-short]?
STR-287697: 今日の [%team#2-short] との試合は、 [%comp#1] の締めくくりとなるものでした。\n[%team#1-short] にとって、 今シーズンを振り返っていかがだったでしょうか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] delighted with [%team#1-short] season
STR-287698: [%person#1-surname] は今季の [%team#1-short] に歓喜

KEY: [%team#1-short] season pleases [%person#1-surname]
STR-287699: 今季の [%team#1-short] に [%person#1-surname] 喜ぶ

KEY: [%person#1-surname] disappointed with [%team#1-short] season
STR-287700: [%person#1-surname] は今季の [%team#1-short] に失望

KEY: [%person#1-surname] devastated by season
STR-287701: [%person#1-surname] は今季にがっかり

KEY: How pleased are [%person#1-you] with this season's performance?
STR-287702: 今シーズンのパフォーマンスについては、 どのように評価していますか?

KEY: The season has drawn to a close with the last match of the [%comp#1-short] having been played. How did [%person#1-you] rate [%person#1-your] match against [%team#2-short] as a closing match?
STR-287703: [%comp#1-short] の最終戦が行われ、 今シーズンも閉幕となりました。\n最終戦としての [%team#2-short] との試合について、 どのようにお考えですか?

KEY: Final [%team#1-short] match delights [%person#1-surname]
STR-287704: [%team#1-short] の最終戦に [%person#1-surname] は歓喜