翻訳/3601-3700 page/3674

Last-modified: 2009-03-31 (火) 01:44:29

KEY: Given [%person#1-your] past comments about the [%team#1-short] form being linked to team spirit, do [%person#1-you] think [%person#1-your] poor run of results is down to the current atmosphere in the dressing room?
STR-288515: あなたは過去にチーム状態とチームのメンタル面には関連があると話していましたが \nここ最近のチームの不調は控え室の雰囲気から来るものでしょうか?

KEY: Is there anyone who has contributed towards the lack of harmony more than anyone else?
STR-288516: チームの一体感を損なうような選手がいるとお考えでしょうか?

KEY: [%person#1-I] don't think there's anyone at fault here
STR-288521: チームにはそのような選手はいない

KEY: [%person#1-You] have previously talked about individuals as being responsible for a lack of harmony at the club. Do [%person#1-you] still feel there is someone causing unrest?
STR-288522: あなたは以前 チームの一体感の欠如は特定の選手が原因だと話していましたが \nいまだにチームに動揺をもたらす選手がいるとお考えですか?

KEY: What effect will another big game have on [%person#1-your] players so soon after the match against [%team#2-short]?
STR-288523: [%team#2-short] との試合から間もなく迎えることになるこの大一番は 選手たちにどんな影響を及ぼすとお考えですか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] looking for big game reactions
STR-288524: [%person#1-surname] 、ビックゲームの反動を期待

KEY: [%person#1-surname] finds positives in tough run
STR-288525: [%person#1-surname] 、厳しい展開に活路を見出す

KEY: [%person#1-surname] fears effect of tough run of games
STR-288526: [%person#1-surname] 、厳しい試合の影響を恐れる

KEY: [%person#1-surname] depressed at run of games
STR-288527: [%person#1-surname] 、試合展開に意気消沈

KEY: [%person#1-You] have discussed difficult back-to-back fixtures in the past and another big match to follow the [%team#2-short] game must surely not be ideal for your players?
STR-288528: あなたは過去に過密日程の難しさを議論していましたが、\n次の [%team#2-short] との大一番について あなたのチームはやはりベストの状態にはないのでしょうか?

KEY: Do you think a lack of match practice could affect [%person#1-your] team after [%number#1-text] days without a fixture?
STR-288529: [%number#1-text]日間も公式戦が無かったことで、実戦不足がチームに影響するとお考えでしょうか?

KEY: [%person#1-surname] pleased with rest period
STR-288530: [%person#1-surname] 、休養を歓迎

KEY: [%person#1-surname] upbeat about break
STR-288531: [%person#1-surname] 、休養を楽天的に捉える

KEY: [%person#1-surname] concerned about lack of activity
STR-288532: [%person#1-surname] 、活気不足を憂う