翻訳/3601-3700 page/3680

Last-modified: 2009-01-23 (金) 21:57:01

KEY: Boring[COMMENT: description of journalist character]
STR-288610: 無気力

KEY: Enthusiastic[COMMENT: description of journalist character]
STR-288611: 熱心

KEY: Awestruck[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288612: 畏敬

KEY: Great Respect[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288613: 強い敬意

KEY: Respectful[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288614: 敬意

KEY: Friendly[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288615: 友好的

KEY: Indifferent[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288616: 普通

KEY: Unfriendly[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288617: 非友好的

KEY: Dislike[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288618: 嫌悪

KEY: Fierce Dislike[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288619: 強い嫌悪

KEY: Hatred[COMMENT: press_conference; string to describe the relationship a journalist has with the human manager]
STR-288620: 憎悪

KEY: <%person#1> from {upper}<%media_source#1>[COMMENT: used to create a list of journalists and media sources]
STR-288621: {upper}<%media_source#1> の <%person#1>