翻訳/3601-3700 page/3682

Last-modified: 2009-01-18 (日) 19:08:39

KEY: <%person#1-I> reckon that is a reasonable thing to say[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288635: そう言われているのはもっともなことだと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> think it's fair to say <%person#1-I> agree with that[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288636: 私も同意見だと言っても問題ないでしょう

KEY: <%person#1-I> think that's something that <%person#1-I> would agree with[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288637: 私も同意見かなと思います

KEY: That's definitely true in my eyes[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288638: 私から見ればそれは確かに真実です

KEY: <%person#1-I> couldn't agree more[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288639: まったく同感です

KEY: <%person#1-I> definitely agree with that[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288640: まったく同意見です

KEY: It has left me devastated[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288641: がっかりしました

KEY: <%person#1-I> am deeply upset about it[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288642: ひどく困惑しています

KEY: <%person#1-I> am distraught to be honest with you[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288643: 正直な話、動揺しています

KEY: <%person#1-I> am slightly downhearted by it[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288644: 少し落ち込んでいますね

KEY: <%person#1-I> am not best pleased about it[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288645: あまり良い気分ではありませんね

KEY: <%person#1-I> can't say <%person#1-I> am that happy about it[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288646: それほど喜んでいるとは言えませんね

KEY: <%person#1-I> am contented[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288647: 私は満足しています

KEY: It has left me with a smile on my face[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288648: 笑顔にさせられましたね